Working with Projects

A project is a “collaboration space” that allows project users to collaborate on and coordinate the execution of a project. Related projects can be grouped together under a program. If you are a member of a project that is part of a program, you may be a member of that program.

As a Primavera Unifier user, you may be part of a sponsor company or a partner company (or possibly both). Sponsor companies can commission and administer projects and programs. Partner, or member, companies (e.g., subcontractors and vendors) work with sponsor companies in the successful completion of projects.

Note: User access and permission levels for all functions are controlled by the Company Administrator. Contact your Company Administrator if you have questions regarding access.

Within Primavera Unifier, a shell is a construct that contains sub-shells. Shells are like standard projects, but offer more functionality and flexibility in terms of how you work with them in Primavera Unifier.

Note: Your Administrator can migrate standard projects to WBS shells.

Shells allow users to manage different modules. Projects are also shells that are pre-defined in Primavera Unifier. The Shell Manager allows shell types to be defined in Primavera uDesigner. Administrators can later create one or more instances under each shell type in Primavera Unifier. Each instance can have its own business process, cost manager, reporting module, or other modules as needed.


Open a project

View project location map

What you can do in a project

About Project Statuses

Working with the Project Summary

Working with Alerts

Working with uMail

Using the Project Mailbox

Distribute the Project Mailbox Email Address to Users

Collaborating with Project Team Members

Working with Gates




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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