Booking summary sheet

You can only see the Booking Summary sheet in active or on-hold projects or shells in which the Resource Manager is active. In the sheet you can view, add, or update hardbooked resources. In Primavera Unifier, resources are of two types: hardbooked or non-hardbooked.

Hardbooked resources are labor resources that are firmly committed to a project and not available for other work.
Non-hardbooked resources, which can include labor, leverage roles and are added to a project through the Resource Assignment form in the schedule sheet activity attribute form.

See the Resources tab discussion in Add an Activity.

Resource booking rows can be added to the sheet using the Resource Booking business process, or you can manually add them directly to the sheet. You can also modify data manually on the sheet. Data is rolled up from the project/shell Resource Booking Summary sheet. You can also view rates for each resource booking.

Note: Resource Booking business processes are not supported in generic shells. To compensate, however, you can manually add bookings to the Booking Summary sheet in shells.

To view the booking summary sheet

1 In the company-level or project/shell-level Resource Sheets log, select Booking Summary Sheet and click Open.
2 You can view this sheet by hours or cost:
To view by hours, click the View menu and choose Mode > Hours. The sheet displays the hours charged against each resource, as rolled up from the resource allocation sheets.
To view data by cost, click the View menu and choose Mode > Currency Amount. The sheet displays the cost charged against each resource, as rolled up from the resource allocation sheets.
3 You can group by role or resource:
To group by role, click the View menu and choose Group By > Role. This is the default.
To group by resource, click the View menu and choose Group By > Resource. This groups the information by resource only. The role column is not applicable.


Company-level resources booking summary sheet




Role Name

Allocations are shown for each role. The role is always unique. The Role Name column is sorted alphabetically. The role name is hyperlinked. Clicking on the role name will open the Role properties window in view-only mode.

Resource Name

Bookings are shown for each resource against a role allocation. Resources are sorted alphabetically within a role. The resource name is hyperlinked. Clicking on the resource name will open the Resource properties window in view-only mode.

Project Name

Displays the project name for the booking row. The project name is hyperlinked and will open the project-level booking sheet. This column is displayed in the company-level sheet only.

Non-Project Time

This column only appears on the company-level Booking Summary. Displays a resource’s time that has been charged against non-project hours, such as PTO or vacation.

Date From

Earliest date that a non-zero booking exists for the resource.

Date To

Latest date that a non-zero booking exists for the resource.

Total Hours

Total hours (shown in the hours view only).

Total Cost

Total cost in base currency (shown in the cost view only).

Average Rate

Average resource rate per hour in company currency (shown in the cost view only).

To view cell details

1 Click on hyperlinked values (in View mode). With Modify permission, you can edit cell values (in Edit Mode). You can view information by hours or cost. You can also group information by roles or by resources. The cell details are read-only.


These are the fields in the Cell Details window:




Resource Code

The resource code assigned to the resource.

Resource Name

The resource name.

Role Name

The role name assigned to the resource.

Project Name

The name of the project associated with the resource.

Booked Week

The current time based on the timescale represented in the Booking Summary Sheet.

Total Booked Hrs.

The total hours booked through the Resource Booking business process transactions combined with manual booking transactions. All transactions are listed under Booking Transactions on the lower part of the Cell Details window.

Booking Transactions

The total hours booked through the Resource Booking business process.

Manual Booking Hrs.

The total hours booked through manual booking changes.

Average Rate (per Hour)

This can be the Role rate, or the rate specified when the booking was added.


The total of the rate multiplied by the hours.


The Company or project currency.

Booking Transactions

The various transactions that affect the booking hours. These transactions can occur through manual changes to the booking, or through the Resource Booking business process. Booking transactions that occur through the manual changes are specified as Manual Entry; transactions that occur through the Resource Booking business process are designated with the title of the business process.

2 Click Close Window when you are done viewing cell details.

To update a hard-booked resource to the Booking Summary Sheet

In Edit mode, and with Modify permission, you can manually update the values on the Booking Summary Sheet. You can update values for resource bookings that were added to the sheet through the Resource Booking business process, or values for resources that were added to the Booking Summary Sheet manually. Manually entered transactions costs are calculated based on the current day’s rate.

Note: The Resource Booking business process is used only to add bookings, not to modify existing bookings.

1 In the company-level or project-level Resource Sheets log, select Booking Summary Sheet and click Open.
2 Click Edit to enter Edit Mode.

Note: If you are in these modes: Mode > Currency Amount, Group By > Role, or Group By > Resource, you must choose the Mode > Hours to be able to access Edit Mode.

3 Increase or decrease the booking hours on the sheet as needed. You can select a row and click Clear to clear any row of values, and then enter new values.

All cells that contain hours values on the Booking Summary Sheet are editable. Hyperlinks to the Cell Details are not displayed in Edit Mode. You can edit hours in any display mode (Day, Week, Month). You can increase or decrease hours to any value greater than or equal to zero (0). Hours cannot exceed 24 hours for any day.

4 Click Save, or click View to return to View Mode without saving the changes. The cost or hours values are then displayed as hyperlinks. You can click these hyperlinks to view the Cell Details for the values.

All values that you change directly in the Booking Summary Sheet are reflected in the Cell Details for the resource booking. Each change to the resource bookings is listed in the Booking Transactions list, whether the change was made through the Resource Booking business process, or was made directly on the Booking Summary Sheet.

Note: Utilization Summary Sheet values are recalculated when the resource bookings are modified in the Booking Summary Sheet.

To manually add a hard-booked resource on the Booking Summary Sheet

You can add resource bookings using the Resource Booking business process, or by adding the resources directly into the Booking Summary sheet. Manually entered transactions costs are calculated based on the current day’s rate.

Note: The resource bookings that you add directly into the sheet have not been through the approval process inherent in the Resource Booking business process. Keep this in mind when you are using this method to add bookings to the sheet.

You must have Modify permission to be able add a resource booking to the Booking Summary Sheet.

1 In the company-level or project-level Resource Sheets log, select Booking Summary Sheet and click Open.
2 Click Add to enter Edit Mode.

Note: If you are in these modes: Mode > Currency Amount, Group By > Role, or Group By > Resource, you must choose the Mode > Hours to be able to access Edit Mode.

The Resource Booking window opens.


Resource Booking window, Company level


In this field

Do this

Booking Type

Select Project/Shell if you are booking the resource against a project or shell. Select Non-Project Time if you are booking the resource against non-project work. If you select this option, you will not need to specify a role name or a project/shell against which to book this time. You can select Non-Project Time only on company-level Booking Summary sheets.

Role Name

Select a role.

Resource Name

Select a resource name.


Select a project or shell against which to book this time. At the Company level, this list includes active projects that have Resource Manager configured.

Non-Project Time

If the Booking Type is Non-Project Time, select the type of non-project work you are booking this resource against.

3 Click OK.

A new row is created in the Booking Summary Sheet. Enter values in the new row as needed. If the booking type is non-project time, Primavera Unifier will create a new row and populate the Non-Project time column with the type of time, such as “PTO” or “vacation,” or “administration.” All values for the row will be zero, which you can change manually where necessary.

4 Click Save, or click View to return to View Mode without saving the changes. The hours values are then displayed as hyperlinks. You can click these hyperlinks to view the Cell Detail values.

Note: Utilization Summary Sheet values are recalculated when resource bookings are added to the Booking Summary Sheet.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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