Enter progress and earned progress information

In Primavera Unifier, there are several areas that enable you to enter (based on settings), view progress and earned progress information, or control the accumulation of progress information:

1 Budget and Progress Setup window: First, set up how you want your progress data calculated. See "Setting Up the Budget and Progress Method" for details.
2 Enter data on the attribute forms. The fields that allow you to enter data are determined by the settings on the Budget and Progress Setup window:
Resource Assignment Attribute form (Resource tab of Activity Properties)
Schedule Attribute form (General tab of Activity Properties)

See "Entering Progress Data on the General and Resource Tabs of Activity Properties" for details.

3 Activity Progress window: View activity and resource progress; depending on settings on the Budget and Progress Setup window, you can enter progress data in this window. This window is available only if you have imported the Resource Assignment Attribute form. See "Entering Progress in the Activity Progress Window" for details.
4 Check activity and resource progress in the logs: View and enter progress data as needed:
Activity Progress log
Resource Progress log

See "Using the Activity Progress and Resource Progress Logs" for details.

5 Options tab of the Schedule Sheet Properties: The options on this tab allow you to control the automatic update of activity status based on Actual Start and Actual Finish dates, and to specify that activity progress requires an Actual Start Date.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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