Project Progress Data Accumulation and Calculation


The Schedule Manager allows you to enter activity progress, which is accumulated and used to calculate the earned progress for each activity. Earned progress represents how much has been earned on an activity. Depending on type of activity, earned progress can be tied to activity progress directly. However, it is also possible nothing is earned even if the progress is 99%, if the activity has been defined to have earned progress counted upon 100% of activity completion.

Earned progress is a quantitative measurement to indicate how much has been earned on an activity over the duration of the activity. Earned Progress can be represented by amount, quantity and a percentage value. Earned Progress is based on the progress entered by the user on an activity.

Each activity can earn progress in different ways. One way to earn is when progress is entered. Another way to earn is by % of activity when the activity is started and earn remaining % when that activity is finished. Primavera Unifier captures earned progress for an activity as well as resources that assigned to an activity. Earned progress data from the Schedule Manager is related to WBS codes and is used by the Earned Value module (in the Cost Manager) to calculate different key components that are required to perform Earned Value analysis.

The Schedule Manager also allows you to enter activity progress in the activity properties.

The calculations described in this section pertain to the progress and earned progress data accumulation and calculation discussed in "Progress and Earned Progress Calculations". If you do not need to work with progress or earned progress data to ultimately calculate Earned Value, you do not need to read this section.

Note: The calculations described in this section pertain to the progress and earned progress data accumulation and calculation. If you do not need to work with progress or earned progress data to ultimately calculate Earned Value, you do not need to read this section.



Earned Progress and Earned Value

Add a progress filter for earned value to a column

Enter progress and earned progress information

Setting Up the Budget and Progress Method

Entering Progress Data on the General and Resource Tabs of Activity Properties

Entering Progress in the Activity Progress Window

Export and Import Activity Progress data

Using the Activity Progress and Resource Progress Logs




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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