Scope Management


The Scope Management defines deliverables, responsible roles, actual assignees and their schedules, and drives coordinated production of these deliverables. The Scope Management initiates actions for producing deliverables based on the completion of dependencies. It routes them to the responsible person or group, monitors their completion, and updates deliverable statuses automatically. It manages different activities across schedules for different team members simultaneously.

Team members work on BPs that are linked to activities in a schedule sheet. The Scope Management allows you to use existing schedule management functionality with added data elements to automate the management of a project’s scope and schedule with all associated activities, tasks, and deliverables. This feature provides project managers with the ability to manage each scope item’s task assignments, ownerships, and durations.

Project managers can use scope management to manage high-volume, quick turnaround projects that have standardized scope and scheduled activities. Examples of projects that would benefit from the use of scope management functionality are retail construction projects such as bank branches or chain fast food restaurants. Primavera Unifier’s scope management capabilities are also useful for large capital projects with complex scope and schedules, and that have numerous dependent activities and milestones with associated tasks and deadlines.

Scope management:

Coordinates the creation of the defined deliverables using the schedules of the various assignees
Automatically moves tasks to the next assignee.
Routes tasks related to the deliverables to the next responsible assignee (person or group), monitors the state of the tasks, and updates deliverable status automatically. Actions for the creation of deliverables are based on fixed-time durations and the completion of dependencies.
Launches business processes that are linked to activities

This functionality can be enabled on any schedule sheet, including a master schedule sheet. Scope management enables you to link BPs with schedule sheet task activities and route those BPs with an automatic update of status as they are routed and worked on. The BPs represent the work that needs to be done to complete the task. You can override automatic routing at any time and launch the BPs manually. The BP-related task is completed when specified conditions are met.


Working with Schedule Sheets with Scope Management

Launching Business Processes from Activities

Status Transitions and Activities

About Launching or Removing Business Processes from Activities

About Activity Completion

About Manual or Automatic Control of Individual Activities

Impact of Schedule Start Date

Calculation of Estimated Start and Finish Dates

Impact of Successor and Predecessor Activities on Launching and Completion of BPs




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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