Scope management and multiple calendars

In Scope Management a business process record can be created from an activity based on the setup. As part of setup, you can define how the system should calculate the workflow duration of the business process record that gets created.

These are the following options:

Enforce Activity Duration: System will take the planned duration of the activity and will pass it to business process record to calculate workflow due date and the workflow duration.With multiple calendars, it is possible that the activity has a different calendar than the calendar used on business process (which was the project/shell calendar). In this scenario, the system will take the duration from the activity and calculate the record/workflow due date based on business process calendar.

Enforce Activity Finish Date: System will set planned finish date as the workflow due date. With multiple calendars, it is possible that the activity has a different calendar than the calendar used on business process (project/shell calendar). In this scenario system will take planned finish date of activity and force it to due date of business process record.

In both cases when progress comes back from business process record to the activity, the system will take the actual end date and updates activity actual finish date. In this scenario, the system will not consider activity calendar.





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