Configuring a Shell Dashboard

Shell-instance dashboards allow users to view information specific to the shell for which the dashboard was created. This differs from My Dashboard in that anyone with access to a shell can see the dashboard. In contrast, My Dashboard is a personalized view for a specific user that contains only the information the user wants to see. Administrators can create multiple shell instance dashboards per shell instance. Users can select this type of dashboard to view from the View Dashboard drop-down menu on each shell. These dashboards are maintained at the shell level and are available to any user to view (but not edit) provided the user has permissions.

By default, all shells have a dashboard that you can configure if you have configure permissions. You can control the look and content and make it specific to the shells that you are working with. Administrators can push a dashboard to a group of users, but you (as an end user) cannot create a dashboard that is viewed by other users.

You can configure custom shell dashboards that use SWF files to control the dashboard data presentation, or you can use the configurable shell dashboards that come with Primavera Unifier.

Note: In most cases, the Company Administrator will configure the shell dashboard for you.

Each shell dashboard has at least one tab, with the default name of Summary, which you can change. A dashboard can have up to five tabs. You can choose from a list of predefined layouts for these tabs.

The shell dashboard is separated into these default blocks:

Shell image block: Contains the image uploaded by your company administrator for the shell.
Items Requiring Your Attention: Contains items that are generally listed on the Primavera Unifier Home page, such as tasks and messages.
Details: Lists shell details, including shell number, shell name, administrator, and other details.
Links: List of links configured for the shell by your company administrator.

You can add blocks of these types:



Configure a shell dashboard (My Dashboard)

Add a drill-down block to your dashboard

Add filtering to the drilldown block

Optimizing Shell Dashboard Performance

View dashboards




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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