View dashboards


Users with Configure User Dashboard permissions can configure and maintain a shell dashboard. This user-configured dashboard is listed as My Dashboard in the View Dashboard drop-down menu. This menu can also list shell dashboards that were configured by the Administrator.

For example, the Administrator can create separate shell instance dashboards to serve various business groups that are using shells in a single instance. For example, the Administrator can create these types of shell instance dashboards for a shell instance called Building 100:


This dashboard

To serve this business group

Operations Dashboard
Operations and Management groups
Technical Services Dashboard
Technical Support and Services group
Lease Management Dashboard
Vice President of Leasing Services and his reports

With permissions, you can view the dashboards provided by the Administrator, but you cannot modify them.

To view dashboards

1 Navigate to a shell.
2 Select a dashboard from the View Dashboard drop-down menu. Any dashboard that you have configured for yourself is called My Dashboard.
3 You can select dashboard in the View Dashboard drop-down menu to which you have View permission. The last dashboard that you view will display the next time you log into Primavera Unifier.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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