Working with the Shell Dashboard


Your Administrator can configure custom shell dashboards that you can use to view shell data across a shell hierarchy. Custom shell dashboards are custom dashboards that are created externally (outside of Primavera Unifier) as SWF files, but can be configured for use within Primavera Unifier.

From the shell dashboard, you can:

Use drill-down functionality to access shell data
Use filters on the dashboard so that all blocks in a particular dashboard can be filtered based on the same parameter
Print the entire dashboard, or individual dashboard blocks
Minimize and maximize the entire dashboard, or a block
Use a free form dashboard layout, that gives you the ability to drag and drop dashboard blocks as an alternative to using predefined layout


Configure use of the custom shell dashboard

Minimize the shell dashboard

Expand the shell dashboard

Print the shell dashboard

Navigate through the shell block drilldown

Set filters

Use drilldown

Scroll the vertical y-axis in dashboard graph




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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