3 Using Oracle SFT to Send Files to Oracle

This chapter describes how to send Explorer files to Oracle using Secure File Transport (SFT).

Oracle SFT has the ability to recognize two use cases for Explorer files, each of which is processed differently:

  • Proactive files - proactive Explorer files are routed to the Risk Analysis Engine.

  • Reactive/on-demand files - by default, SFT gives priority to the reactive/on-demand files

Reactive Explorer files are routed to Support Services personnel for analysis. When working with Support Services, you might be asked to send an Explorer file for extended diagnostics and troubleshooting. Once SFT is installed and configured, it can be used to send high-priority Explorer files.

Refer to the Services Tools Bundle documentation library for information about Explorer:


The following topics are presented:

3.1 Prioritize an Explorer File

To send an Explorer file for customer support (that is, reactive) purposes, enter the following command:

explorer -sr {SR number} -options

where {SR number} is the iSupport service request (SR) number.

This causes SFT to prioritize the delivery of this Explorer file ahead of other files that might be queued, and it will deliver the file to an Oracle location where it can be readily accessed by Support Services.

3.2 Send Files from Explorer to the HTTP Listener

If a system has Explorer installed, use this command to send core files and other case-data files to the SFT transfer directory using the HTTP Listener:

/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/curl.{sparc or i386} -T {file} "{Listener-URL}/?file={filename}"


  • {file} includes a path to the file location on the local system

  • {filename} in the target URL is the filename only, using the correct filename format that includes service request (SR) number. This file name does not have to match the filename on the local system.

For example:

/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/curl.sparc -T /var/core.gz "http://my-sft-server:8080/?file=1-2345678.gz"


Oracle recommends that you compress files to reduce the size of the data transfer, as shown by core.gz.

3.3 Send Files from Explorer to the SFT Transfer Directory

Explorer files placed in the SFT transfer directory will be sent to Oracle. The default location for the SFT transfer directory is:


When running Explorer on the same server as SFT, you can run the explorer -g command and specify the SFT transfer directory. For example:

# explorer -g
Absolute path of the Explorer output top location?
# [/opt/SUNWexplo/output]: /var/opt/asrmanager/sftransport/transfer

For sending Explorer files on servers other than the SFT server, you have several choices:

  • Use the HTTP Listener (see Send Files from Explorer to the HTTP Listener).

  • Use NFS to share the SFT transfer directory to other servers on your network and configure Explorer to send output to the NFS-mounted SFT transfer directory.

  • Use a file transfer method such as ftp, sftp, scp, etc., to send the Explorer file to the SFT transfer directory on the SFT server.

3.4 Send a File with Priority

When you select transferPath during the pkgadd, a subdirectory called priority is created in the transferPath directory. Files placed in this priority subdirectory are given preference over other files being transferred in the transferPath directory. However, since validation and file transfers occur in parallel, some non-priority items might finish transferring before a priority file. Explorer files that are generated for a specific support case (using the explorer -C option to provide a case number) are treated as priority files whether placed in the priority subdirectory or the main transfer directory.