4 Troubleshooting Oracle Secure File Transport (SFT)

This chapter describes how to troubleshoot Oracle SFT errors such as file transfer failure.

With SFT, you can:

  • Configure file transfer failure settings, including:

    • E-mail notification of file transfer failure

    • Number of failure retries

    • Interval between retries

  • View information about errors in the SFT log files.

  • View the SFT man pages.

You can configure SFT to send e-mail notifications in the event of file transfer failure. SFT also provides the ability to configure the total number of retries in the event of transfer failure, and the wait time between these retries.

The following troubleshooting topics are provide:

4.1 Configure E-mail Notification of File Transfer Failure

Follow the instructions in the /var/opt/asrmanager/sftransport/config/logging.properties file.

4.2 Configure Failure Retry Settings

Edit the following attributes in the /var/opt/asrmanager/sftransport/config/sftransport.xml file:

  • transferTries attribute - This attribute defines the total number of attempts made to resend a file in the event of file transfer failure, including the original attempt.

    If the transfer fails before completion, such as when the network connection is lost, the first retry resumes from the point at which the transfer failed.

    If this attribute is set to 1, no retries are attempted.

  • secondsBetweenTries attribute - This attribute defines the wait time, in seconds, before a transfer is retried after failure.

    The recommended value is 60 seconds, which allows time to clear up the original attempt. The value must be greater than 1 to enable the attribute.

4.3 View SFT Log Files

The SFT log files contain all information about file transfer attempts and any errors that occurred. Log files, which are in XML format, can be viewed with any text viewer.

To use an internet browser-based log viewer, see the /opt/asrmanager/sftransport/logviewer/readme.txt file. This file describes how to use the SFT listener process, which is included with SFT, to view the logs.

4.4 Resolving "Unauthorized" Problems

If you encounter an "Unauthorized" error messages in the SFT log file, there may be problems with the Oracle transport service. For example:

<transfer success="0" attemptNumber="19" date="2013-11-10T11:38:58-0800"><file>/var/opt/SUNWsftransport/transfer/explorer.84004920.myhostname-2013.</file>
<result status="1">Transfer failed after 0 seconds java.net.ProtocolException: HTTP Error: 401 Unauthorized

If these problems continue to occur, open a Service Request using My Oracle Support:


4.5 View the Oracle SFT Configuration

run> /opt/asrmanager/bin/sftransport show_config
The /var/opt/asrmanager/sftransport/configuration/sftransport.xml 
configuration file is deployed when sftransport is enabled.

     This file can be edited directly to change Secure File Tran-
     sport  configuration.  The daemon must be restarted for con-
     figuration changes to take effect.  This file  is  used  for
     main  daemon parameter configuration as well as all transfer
     slot definitions.  Below is an example sftransport.xml file:
    | <sftransport>                                                              |
    |   <config version="2.1">                                                   |
    |     <sleepSeconds>60</sleepSeconds>                                        |
    |     <transferTries>2</transferTries>                                       |
    |     <secondsBetweenTries>15</secondsBetweenTries>                          |
    |     <transferPath>/var/opt/SUNWsftransport/transfer</transferPath>         |
    |     <failedPath>/var/opt/SUNWsftransport/failed</failedPath>               |
    |     <diskThreshold>90</diskThreshold>                                      |
    |     <geo>AMER</geo>                                                        |
    |   </config>                                                                |
    |   <slots>                                                                  |
    |     <slot type="explorer" threads="2" archivePath="/archive/explorer-data">|
    |       <url>/v1/queue/explorer</url>                                        |
    |     </slot>                                                                |
    |     <slot type="explorer" threads="0" archivePath="">                      |
    |       <url>/v1/queue/inactive-example</url>                                |
    |     </slot>                                                                |
    |     <slot type="casedata" threads="1" archivePath="">                      |
    |       <url>/v1/queue/case-data</url>                                       |
    |     </slot>                                                                |
    |     <slot type="srdata" threads="1" archivePath="">                        |
    |       <url>/v1/queue/case-data</url>                                       |
    |     </slot>                                                                |
    |   </slots>                                                                 |
    | </sftransport>                                                             |
     The following configuration elements are used by the  Secure
     File Transport software:
          defines the number of seconds  between  the  times  the
          daemon  checks the main "transferPath" location for any
          new data that it may send.  This  attribute  cannot  be
          empty  or  less  than 10.  Secure File Transport recom-
          mends a minimum of 60 seconds for this attribute.
          defines the maximum total number of tries (attempts) to
          transfer  any data file/package.  This attribute cannot
          be empty or less than 1.
          defines the number of seconds to wait  between  succes-
          sive transfer attempts for any data file/package.  This
          attribute cannot be empty or less than 0.
          defines the location where all data to be sent to  Ora-
          cle  will  be  placed.  All transfer slots get assigned
          data to  transfer  from  this  location.   There  is  a
          "priority"  sub-directory under the "transferPath", and
          data placed under this sub-directory is  given  prefer-
          ence  over  the  data  under  the main directory.  This
          attribute cannot be empty  and  must  be  a  valid  and
          accessible path.
          defines  the  location  where  SFT  places   all   data
          files/packages  that  were not able to be sent success-
          fully.  This attribute cannot be empty and  must  be  a
          valid and accessible path.
          defines the threshold in percentage of  full  disk  for
          "transferPath"  and  "failedPath"  locations.   Warning
          messages will start to be logged if diskspace usage  in
          these  locations  goes over the threshold.  This attri-
          bute may be zero to disable this check, or greater than
          0 and less than 100 to perform the check.
          defines the geography of  the  SFT  installation  (e.g.
          AMER, EMEA or APAC).
          is a member of the  <slots>  parent  element.   A  slot
          basically defines data types that are supported by SFT.
          There must be at least 1 active slot in order  for  SFT
          daemon to start successfully.
          "type" - defines a supported data type.  This attribute
          cannot  be  empty.  Oracle SFT supports three data
          types: "explorer", "casedata" and "srdata".  Only files
          matching the proper filename pattern for each slot type
          will be transferred.  See the sftransport(1m) man  page
          for filename details.
          NOTE: an SFT installation cannot  have  more  than  one
          active   slot   of   the  same  type.   In  the  sample
          sftransport.xml above, one explorer type slot is active
          (with  2  transfer threads) and the other explorer type
          slot is inactive (with 0 transfer  threads).   Both  of
          these  slots  cannot  be made active or the daemon will
          report a configuration error at startup.
          "threads" - defines the maximum  number  of  concurrent
          transfer  threads that should handle the data transfer.
          If this attribute is set to 0, then the  slot  is  con-
          sidered  "inactive".   The  number of threads should be
          chosen carefully on  a  case  by  case  basis,  and  it
          depends  on  the  volume  of  data  that  needs  to  be
          transferred  as  well  as  the  amount   of   available
          bandwidth.   The  maximum  value  allowed  by SFT is 32
          transfer threads.
          "archivePath" - is an optional attribute  that  can  be
          included for <slot>.  The value of the attribute is the
          path to a directory where files  will  be  moved  after
          successful transfer. If the attribute is omitted or has
          an  empty  value  then  files  are  deleted  from   the
          transferPath after successful transfer.  To temporarily
          disable archiving but still remember the previous  path
          used,  set  the  value  to  empty and note the previous
          value using "<!-- comment -->" syntax.
          "url" - url defines the destination path on  the  Tran-
          sport server. SFT only supports the following destinat-
          /v1/queue/explorer for "explorer" data type,
          /v1/queue/case-data for "casedata" data type.
          /v1/queue/case-data for "srdata" data type.
          This attribute can  only  contain  either  one  of  the
          values  listed here.  The protocol and hostname portion
          of the destination URLs are defined in  the  configura-
          tion  file  for  Oracle Automated Service Manager. That
          base URL is shared among all bundles using  data  tran-
          All regions: https://transport.oracle.com