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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 3/13
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Resource Management

2.  Developing a Data Service

3.  Resource Management API Reference

4.  Modifying a Resource Type

5.  Sample Data Service

6.  Data Service Development Library

7.  Designing Resource Types

8.  Sample DSDL Resource Type Implementation

9.  Oracle Solaris Cluster Agent Builder

10.  Generic Data Service

11.  DSDL API Functions

12.  Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol

13.  Security for Data Services

A.  Sample Data Service Code Listings

B.  DSDL Sample Resource Type Code Listings

C.  Requirements for Non-Cluster Aware Applications

D.  Document Type Definitions for the CRNP

E. Application


Numbers and Symbols

























sample data service
common functionality, index iconProviding Common Functionality to All Methods
controlling the data service, index iconControlling the Data Service
defining a fault monitor, index iconDefining a Fault Monitor
extension properties in RTR file, index iconExtension Properties in the RTR File
generating error messages, index iconGenerating Error Messages
handling property updates, index iconHandling Property Updates
Monitor_check method, index iconHow the Monitor_check Method Works
Monitor_start method, index iconHow the Monitor_start Method Works
Monitor_stop method, index iconHow the Monitor_stop Method Works
obtaining property information, index iconObtaining Property Information
probe program, index iconHow the Probe Program Works
RTR file, index iconResource Type Properties in the Sample RTR File
sample properties in RTR file, index iconResource Properties in the Sample RTR File
Start method, index iconHow the Start Method Works
Stop method, index iconHow the Stop Method Works
Update method, index iconHow the Update Method Works
Validate method, index iconHow the Validate Method Works
sample DSDL code
determining the fault monitor action, index iconDetermining the Fault Monitor Action
ORCL.xfnts fault monitor, index iconORCL.xfnts Fault Monitor
ORCL.xfnts RTR file, index iconORCL.xfnts RTR File
returning from svc_start(), index iconReturning From svc_start()
scds_initialize() function, index iconscds_initialize() Function
starting the service, index iconStarting the Service With svc_start()
svc_probe() function, index iconsvc_probe() Function
TCP port number, index iconTCP Port Number
validating the service, index iconValidating the Service Before Starting the X Font Server
X font server, index iconX Font Server
X font server configuration file, index iconX Font Server Configuration File
xfnts_monitor_check method, index iconxfnts_monitor_check Method
xfnts_monitor_start method, index iconxfnts_monitor_start Method
xfnts_monitor_stop method, index iconxfnts_monitor_stop Method
xfnts_probe main loop, index iconxfonts_probe Main Loop
xfnts_start method, index iconxfnts_start Method
xfnts_stop method, index iconxfnts_stop Method
xfnts_update method, index iconxfnts_update Method
xfnts_validate method, index iconxfnts_validate Method
SC_CALLBACK_REG, contents, index iconContents of an SC_CALLBACK_REG Message
SC_EVENT, contents, index iconContents of an SC_EVENT Message
SC_REPLY, contents, index iconContents of an SC_REPLY Message
scalable resource, implementing, index iconImplementing a Scalable Resource
scalable services, validating, index iconValidation Checks for Scalable Services
scds_initialize() function, index iconscds_initialize() Function
Configure, index iconUsing the Configure Screen
Create, index iconUsing the Create Screen
Agent Builder, index iconUtility Scripts and Man Pages That Agent Builder Creates
configuring, index iconHow to Configure the Scripts
creating, index iconHow to Start Agent Builder and Create the Scripts
CRNP, index iconHow a Client Registers With the Server
X font
configuration file, index iconX Font Server Configuration File
definition, index iconX Font Server
port number, index iconTCP Port Number
shell commands, RMAPI, index iconRMAPI Shell Commands
Solaris Cluster, using with GDS, index iconAdvantages and Disadvantages of Using the GDS
source code, editing generated Agent Builder, index iconReusing Code That You Create With Agent Builder
source files, Agent Builder, index iconSource and Binary Files
Start method, using
index iconDeciding Which Start and Stop Methods to Use
index iconControl and Initialization Callback Methods
starting a data service with DSDL, index iconStarting and Stopping a Data Service
Stop method
compatibility, index iconSpecifying the #$upgrade and #$upgrade_from Directives
index iconDeciding Which Start and Stop Methods to Use
index iconControl and Initialization Callback Methods
stopping a data service with DSDL, index iconStarting and Stopping a Data Service
SUNWscdev package, installing, index iconHow to Set Up the Development Environment
SUNWscgds package, installing, index iconHow to Set Up the Development Environment
support files, Agent Builder, index iconSupport Files That Agent Builder Creates
svc_probe() function, index iconsvc_probe() Function
description values, index iconRGM Values
enumeration literal names, index iconRules for Names Except Resource Type Names
property names, index iconRules for Names Except Resource Type Names
property values, index iconRGM Values
resource group names, index iconRules for Names Except Resource Type Names
resource names, index iconRules for Names Except Resource Type Names
resource type names, index iconFormat of Resource Type Names