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Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: September 2020

Viewing Unified Archive Information

This section provides more examples of displaying archive information.

Viewing Archive-Related Properties

    The following list defines the native archive properties for a selected archive that may be selected with the archiveadm info –o command. These properties correspond to the fields displayed as archive information by the archiveadm info –v command.

  • archive_uuid – displays the 128-bit unique identifier of the selected archive.

  • archive_version – displays the version of the selected archive.

  • creation_time – displays the creation timestamp (UTC) for the selected archive.

  • dehydrated_publishers – displays the publishers, if any, of a dehydrated archive.

  • isa – displays the architecture for the selected archive.

  • os_name – displays information about the OS in the selected archive.

  • recovery – displays whether the selected archive is a recovery archive.

  • source_host – displays the hostname of the system where the archive was created.

  • systems – displays a list of the deployable systems included in the selected archive.

    The following list defines the native system properties for a deployable system in an archive. These properties correspond to the fields displayed for each deployable system by the archiveadm info –v command.

  • active_be – displays the name of the active BE in the selected system.

  • ai_media – displays the name of the AI media associated with the selected system.

  • brand – displays brand of the zone of the deployable system.

  • name – displays the name of the deployable system.

  • os_branch – displays the OS branch of the osnet incorporation.

  • os_version – displays the OS version.

  • root_only – displays whether the selected system contains only root data.

  • size – displays the estimated minimum amount of disk space needed to deploy the system. Does not include dump or swap space or other system specific configurations.

  • system_uuid – displays the 128-bit unique identifier of the deployable system.

Note -  You cannot view native archive properties and native system properties with a single command.

Examples: Displaying Information With the archiveadm info Command

Example 11  Viewing Standard Information About an Archive

This example shows how to display standard archive information.

$ archiveadm info production1.uar
Archive Information
          Creation Time:  2017-07-31T15:32:43Z
            Source Host:  example
           Architecture:  i386
       Operating System:  Oracle Solaris 11.4 X86
     Deployable Systems:  global
Example 12  Viewing All Information About an Archive

Use the –v option to display full archive information.

$ archiveadm info -v production.uar
Archive Information
          Creation Time:  2017-07-31T15:32:43Z
            Source Host:  example
           Architecture:  i386
       Operating System:  Oracle Solaris 11.4 X86
  Dehydrated Publishers:
       Recovery Archive:  No
              Unique ID:  8ce62a0d-d98d-45ea-bbc8-c6c9df7dcdba
        Host OS Version:  11.4
         Host OS Branch:
        Archive Version:  1.0

Deployable Systems
             OS Version:  11.4
              OS Branch:
              Active BE:  solaris
                  Brand:  solaris
         Installed Size:  7.6GB
              Unique ID:  b0db3abd-374c-4d17-9c1a-dbc726516ef0
               AI Media:
              Root-only:  Yes 
Example 13  Viewing Storage and Dataset Configuration Information from the Original System

Use the –t option to display the storage and dataset configuration information from the system that was archived. The output can serve as a basis to create a modified AI manifest that would match a new target system. If you are deploying a zone from the archive, the information helps you to know how to prepare the zone on the target system. Suppose that the zone configuration on the original system had the following dataset configuration.

$ zonecfg -z zone2 info
    name: datapool3/mydeleg
    alias: mydelegated

That information is preserved when you create the archive. Assume that the zone is archived in production.uar. The information is displayed as follows:

$ archiveadm info -t production.uar
<target name="origin">
  <disk in_zpool="rpool" in_vdev="rpool-none" whole_disk="true">
    <disk_prop dev_size="3400mb"/>
  <disk in_zpool="mydelegated" in_vdev="mydelegated-none" whole_disk="true">
    <disk_prop dev_size="200mb"/>
  <logical noswap="false" nodump="false">
    <zpool name="rpool" action="create" is_root="true" is_boot="false" mountpoint="/rpool">
      <vdev name="rpool-none" redundancy="none"/>
    <zpool name="mydelegated" action="create" is_root="false" is_boot="false" mountpoint="/mydelegated">
      <vdev name="mydelegated-none" redundancy="none"/>

You can then modify the AI manifest that you intend to use to deploy the zone into a new system.

Example 14  Viewing Specific Target Information in Archives With Multiple Deployable Systems

If the archive contains multiple deployable systems, you must use the –s option together with the –t for the archiveadm info to display the desired target information.

Suppose that clone.uar contains the global zone, example-net, and example-dev as deployable systems:

$ archiveadm info clone.uar
Archive Information
          Creation Time:  2016-02-02T20:37:16Z
            Source Host:  example
           Architecture:  sparc
       Operating System:  Oracle Solaris 11.4 SPARC
     Deployable Systems:  global,example-net,example-dev

To display target system information, you must specify the specific system:

$ archiveadm info -t -s example-net clone.uar
<target name="origin">
  <disk in_zpool="rpool" in_vdev="rpool-none" whole_disk="true">
    <disk_prop dev_size="4400mb"/>
  <disk in_zpool="datapool1" in_vdev="datapool1-none" whole_disk="true">
    <disk_prop dev_size="1300mb"/>
  <logical noswap="false" nodump="false">
    <zpool name="rpool" action="create" is_root="true" is_boot="false" mountpoint="/rpool">
      <vdev name="rpool-none" redundancy="none"/>
    <zpool name="datapool1" action="create" is_root="false" is_boot="false" mountpoint="/datapool1">
      <vdev name="datapool1-none" redundancy="none"/>
Example 15  Displaying Specific Archive Property Information

The –o property option enables you to directly display specific properties instead of the full data that the –v option generates. For example, instead of displaying the full information to know when the archive was created, you can simply type:

$ archiveadm info -o creation_time production1.uar

Or, to check if an archive is a clone or recovery archive, you can type:

$ archiveadm info -o recovery production1.uar

For the complete list of property names that you can use with the –o option, refer to the archiveadm(8) man page.