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Managing File Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Resolving UFS File System Inconsistencies

The fsck command is run non-interactively to preen the file systems after an abrupt system halt, where the latest file system changes are not written to disk. Preening automatically fixes any basic file system inconsistencies and does not repair serious errors. While preening a file system, the fsck command fixes the inconsistencies it expects from such an abrupt halt. For serious conditions, the command reports the error and terminates.

When you run the fsck command interactively, it reports each inconsistency found and fixes non-fatal errors. However, the command reports the inconsistency and prompts you to choose a response for serious errors. When you run the fsck command using the –y or –n option, your response is predefined as yes or no to the default response suggested by the fsck command for each error condition.

A few corrective actions might result in some loss of data. You can determine the amount and severity of data loss from the fsck diagnostic output.

The fsck command is a multipass file system check program. Each pass invokes a different phase of the fsck command with different set of messages. After initialization, the fsck command performs successive passes over each file system, checking blocks and sizes, path names, connectivity, reference counts, and the map of free blocks (possibly rebuilding it). It also performs cleanup.

The passes (phases) performed by the UFS version of the fsck command are as follows:

  • Initialization

  • Phase 1 – Check blocks and sizes

  • Phase 2a – Check duplicated names

  • Phase 2b – Check pathnames

  • Phase 3 – Check connectivity

  • Phase 3b – Verify shadows and access control lists (ACLs)

  • Phase 4 – Check reference counts

  • Phase 5 – Check cylinder groups

The following sections describe the error conditions that might be detected in each phase, the messages and prompts that result, and the possible responses you can provide.

Messages that might appear in more than one phase are described in General fsck Error Messages. Other messages are organized alphabetically by the phases in which they occur.

The abbreviations that appear in the fsck command error messages are listed as follows:


Block number


Duplicate block number


Directory name


Cylinder group


Time when the file was last modified



General fsck Error Messages

The error messages in this section might be displayed in any phase after initialization. Although they offer the option to continue, it is a best practice to consider them as fatal. They reflect a serious system failure and must be handled immediately. When confronted with such messages, terminate the program by entering n (no). If you are unable to determine the cause for the problem, contact your local service provider.


Cause:  A request to move to the specified block number, in the file system failed. This message indicates a serious hardware failure. If you want to continue the file system check, fsck retries to move the specified block number and displays a list of sector numbers that cannot be moved. If the block is a part of the virtual memory buffer cache, fsck terminates with a fatal I/O error message.

Solution:  If the disk is experiencing hardware problems, the problem will persist. Run the fsck command again to recheck the file system. If the recheck fails, contact your local service provider.


Cause:  A request to read a specified block number in the file system failed. The message indicates a serious problem such as hardware failure. If you want to continue the file system check, fsck retries to read the specified block number and displays a list of sector numbers that cannot be read. If the block is a part of the virtual memory buffer cache, fsck terminates with a fatal I/O error message. If fsck tries to write back one of the blocks on which the read failed, it displays the following message:


Solution:  If the disk is experiencing hardware problems, the problem will persist. Run fsck again to check the file system. If the check fails, contact your local service provider.


Cause:  A request to write a specified block number in the file system failed. If you continue the file system check, fsck retries to write the specified block number and displays a list of sector numbers that cannot be written. If the block is a part of the virtual memory buffer cache, fsck terminates with a fatal I/O error message.

Solution:  The disk might be write-protected. Check the write-protect lock on the drive. If the disk has hardware problems, the problem will persist. Run fsck again to check the file system. If write-protect is not the problem or if the check fails, contact your local service provider.

Initialization Phase fsck Messages

In the initialization phase, command-line syntax is checked. Before the file system check can be performed, the fsck command sets up tables and opens files.

The messages in this section relate to error conditions resulting from command-line options, memory requests, opening of files, status of files, file system size checks, and the creation of the scratch file. All such initialization errors terminate fsck when it is preening the file system.

Can't roll the log for device-name.


Cause:  The fsck command was unable to flush the transaction log of a logging UFS file system prior to checking the file system for errors.

Solution:  If you answer yes and continue, the file system operations that are in the log, but have not been applied to the file system, are lost. In this case, fsck runs the same checks it always runs and asks the following question in phase 5:

Answering yes reclaims the blocks that were used for the log. The next time the file system is mounted with logging enabled, the log is recreated. Answering no preserves the log and exits, but the file system is not mountable.

bad inode number inode-number to ginode

Cause:  An internal error occurred because of a nonexistent inode. This error exits fsck.

Solution:  Contact your local service provider.

cannot alloc size-of-block map bytes for blockmap
cannot alloc size-of-free map bytes for freemap
cannot alloc size-of-state map bytes for statemap
cannot alloc size-of-lncntp bytes for lncntp

Cause:  Request for memory for its internal tables failed. This failure terminates fsck. The error message indicates a serious system failure that must be handled immediately. This condition might occur if other processes are using a large amount of system resources.

Solution:  Killing other processes might solve the problem. If not, contact your local service provider.

Can't open checklist file: filename

Cause:  The file system checklist file, (/etc/vfstab) cannot be opened to read. This failure terminates fsck.

Solution:  Check if the file exists and if the access modes of the file permits read access.

Can't open filename

Cause:  The fsck command cannot open the file system, filename. When fsck is running in an interactive mode, it ignores this file system and continues to check the next file system.

Solution:  Check to see if read and write access to the raw device file for the file system is permitted.

Can't stat root

Cause:  The fsck command request for statistics about the root directory failed. This failure terminates fsck.

Solution:  This message indicates a serious system failure. Contact your local service provider.

Can't stat filename
Can't make sense out of name filename

Cause:  The fsck command request for statistics about the file system, filename failed. When fsck is running in an interactive mode, it ignores this file system and continues to check the next given file system.

Solution:  Check if the file system exists and check its access modes.

filename: (NO WRITE)

Cause:  Either the –n option is specified or fsck cannot open the file system, filename to write. When fsck is running in no-write mode, all diagnostic messages are displayed, but fsck does not attempt to fix any errors.

Solution:  If the –n option is not specified, check the type of the file specified. It might be the name of a regular file.


Cause:  The superblock minimum space percentage is greater than 99 percent or less than 0 percent.

Solution:  To set the minfree parameter to the default 10 percent, type y at the default prompt. To ignore the error condition, type n at the default prompt.

filename: BAD SUPER BLOCK: message
e.g., fsck[-f ufs] -o b=# [special ...]
where # is the alternate superblock.  See fsck_ufs(1M)

Cause:  The superblock is corrupted.

Solution:  One of the following messages might be displayed:












Try to rerun fsck with an alternate superblock. Specifying block 32 is a good choice. You can locate an alternate copy of the superblock by running the newfs –N command on the slice. If you do not specify the –N option, the newfs command overwrites the existing file system.


Cause:  The superblock optimization parameter (OPT_TIME or OPT_SPACE) is not defined.

Solution:  To minimize performance time of operations on the file system, type y at the SET TO DEFAULT prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.

Phase 1 – Check Blocks and Sizes Messages

This phase checks the inode list. It reports error in the following conditions:

  • Checking inode types

  • Setting up the zero-link-count table

  • Examining inode block numbers for bad or duplicate blocks

  • Checking inode size

  • Checking inode format

All errors in this phase except INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT, PARTIALLY TRUNCATED INODE, PARTIALLY ALLOCATED INODE, and UNKNOWN FILE TYPE terminate fsck when it is preening a file system.

The following messages might occur in phase 1 of fsck check.

block-number BAD I=inode-number

Cause:  The inode, inode-number contains a block number, block-number, with a number lower than the number of the first data block in the file system or greater than the number of the last block in the file system. This error condition might generate the EXCESSIVE BAD BLKS error message in phase 1, if inode has too many block numbers outside the file system range. This generates BAD/DUP error message in phases 2 and 4.


Cause:  The status of a given inode is set to 1s, indicating file system damage. This message does not indicate physical disk damage, unless it is displayed repeatedly after running the fsck –y command.

Solution:  Type y to reinitialize the inode to a reasonable value.

BAD STATE state-number TO BLKERR

Cause:  An internal error has scrambled the fsck state map so that it shows the impossible value of state-number. This error exits fsck immediately.

Solution:  Contact your local service provider.

fragment-number DUP I=inode-number

Cause:  The inode inode-number, contains a block number, fragment-number, which is already claimed by the same inode or another inode. If inode has too many block numbers claimed by the same inode or another inode, this error condition might generate EXCESSIVE DUP BLKS error message in phase 1. This error condition invokes phase 1B and generates the BAD/DUP error messages in phases 2 and 4.


Cause:  The fsck command is unable to allocate memory to track duplicate fragments. If the –o p option is specified, the program terminates.

Solution:  To continue the program, type y at the CONTINUE prompt. When this error occurs, a complete check of the file system is not possible. If another duplicate fragment is found, this error condition repeats. Increase the amount of virtual memory available by killing some processes or increase swap space to run fsck again to check the file system. To terminate the program, type n.


Cause:  Too many (more than 10) fragments indicate an invalid disk address. If the –o p option is specified, the program terminates.

Solution:  To continue the program, type y at the CONTINUE prompt. When this error occurs, a complete check of the file system is not possible. Run fsck again to check the file system. To terminate the program, type n.


Cause:  Too many (more than 10) fragments are claimed by the same inode, or another inode, or by a free-list. If the –o p option is specified, the program terminates.

Solution:  To continue the program, type y at the CONTINUE prompt. When this error occurs, a complete check of the file system is not possible. Run fsck again to check the file system. To terminate the program, type n.

INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=inode-number (number-of-BAD-DUP-or-missing-blocks
should be number-of-blocks-in-filesystem) (CORRECT)

Cause:  The disk block count for inode, inode-number is incorrect. When preening, fsck corrects the count.

Solution:  To correct the disk block count of inode, inode-number by number of blocks in the file system, type y at the CORRECT prompt. Typing y at the CORRECT prompt replaces the block count of inode inode-number by number of blocks in the file system. To terminate the program, type n.


Cause:  There is no more room in the internal table for fsck containing allocated inodes with a link count of zero. If the –o p option is specified, the program exits and fsck must be completed manually.

Solution:  To continue the program, type y at the CONTINUE prompt. If another allocated inode with a zero-link count is found, this error condition repeats. When this error occurs, a complete check of the file system is not possible. Run fsck again to recheck the file system. Increase the virtual memory available by killing some processes or increasing swap space, and then run fsck again. To terminate the program, type n.


Cause:  The inode, inode-number is not allocated or unallocated. If the –o p option is specified, the inode is cleared.

Solution:  To deallocate the inode, inode-number by zeroing out its contents, type y. Typing y generates the UNALLOCATED error condition in phase 2 for each directory entry pointing to this inode. To ignore the error condition, type n. A no response is appropriate only if you intend to take other measures to fix the problem.


Cause:  The fsck command has found inode, inode-number whose size is shorter than the number of fragments allocated to it. This condition occurs only if the system crashes while truncating a file. When preening the file system, fsck completes the truncation to the specified size.

Solution:  To complete the truncation to the size specified in the inode, type y at the SALVAGE prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.


Cause:  The mode word of the inode, inode-number shows that the inode is not a pipe, character device, block device, regular file, symbolic link, FIFO file, or a directory inode. If the –o p option is specified, the inode is cleared.

Solution:  To deallocate the inode, inode-number by zeroing its contents, results in the UNALLOCATED error condition in phase 2 for each directory entry pointing to this inode, type y at the CLEAR prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.

Phase 1B – Rescan for More DUPS Messages

When a duplicate block is found in a file system, the following message is displayed.

block-number DUP I=inode-number

Cause:  The inode, inode-number contains a block number, block-number that is already claimed by the same inode or another inode. This error condition generates the BAD/DUP error message in phase 2. Inodes that have overlapping blocks might be determined by examining this error condition and the DUP error condition in phase 1.

Solution:  When a duplicate block is found, the file system is rescanned to find the inode that previously claimed that block.

Phase 2 – Check Path Names Messages

The phase 2 of the fsck check removes directory entries pointing to bad inodes found in phases 1 and 1B. It reports an error in the following conditions:

  • Incorrect root inode mode and status

  • Directory inode pointers out of range

  • Directory entries pointing to bad inodes

  • Directory integrity checks

When the file system is being preened using the –o p option, all errors in this phase terminate fsck, except those related to directories not being a multiple of the block size, duplicate and bad blocks, inodes out of range, and extraneous hard links.

The following messages might occur in phase 2 of fsck check.


Cause:  An fsck internal error has passed an invalid state, state-number to the routine that descends the file system directory structure. This error exits fsck.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

BAD INODE NUMBER FOR '.' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode 
SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  A directory inode-number has been found whose inode number for the first entry in a directory (.) does not match inode-number.

Solution:  To change the inode number for . and match the inode-number, type y at the FIX prompt. If you do not want to change the inode number for ., type n.

BAD INODE NUMBER FOR '..' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode 
SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  A directory inode-number has been found whose inode number for the second entry in a directory (..) does not match the parent of inode-number.

Solution:  To set the inode number for .. to match the parent directory of inode-number, type y at the FIX prompt. The .. in the root inode points to itself. If you do not want to change the inode number for .., type n.


Cause:  An fsck internal error has returned an impossible state, state-number from the routine that descends the file system directory structure. This error exits fsck.

Solution:  If this message is displayed, contact your local service provider.


Cause:  An internal error has assigned an impossible state, state-number to the root inode. This error exits fsck.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

BAD STATE state-number FOR INODE=inode-number

Cause:  An internal error has assigned an impossible state, state-number to inode, inode-number. This error exits fsck.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

DIRECTORY TOO SHORT I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode 
SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  A directory filename has been found whose size, file-size is less than the minimum directory size. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, modify time modification-time, directory name, and filename are displayed.

Solution:  To increase the size of the directory to the minimum directory size, type y at the FIX prompt. To ignore this directory, type n.

DIRECTORY filename: LENGTH file-size NOT MULTIPLE OF disk-block-size (ADJUST)

Cause:  A directory filename has been found with size, file-size that is not a multiple of the directory block size, disk-block-size.

Solution:  To round up the length to the appropriate disk block size, type y. When preening the file system using the –o p option, fsck only displays a warning and adjusts the directory. To ignore this condition, type n.

SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (SALVAGE)

Cause:  A directory with an inconsistent internal state has been found.

Solution:  To throw away all entries up to the next directory boundary (usually a 512-byte boundary), type y at the SALVAGE prompt. This drastic action can throw away up to 42 entries. You must perform this action only after other recovery efforts have failed. To skip to the next directory boundary and resume reading, but not modify the directory, type n.

DUP/BAD I=inode-number OWNER=O MODE=M SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time TYPE=filename (REMOVE)

Cause:  Phase 1 or phase 1B has found duplicate fragments or bad fragments associated with directory or file entry filename, inode inode-number. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, modification time modification-time, and directory or file name filename are displayed. If the –o p option is specified, the duplicate or bad fragments are removed.

Solution:  To remove the directory or file entry filename, type y at the REMOVE prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.


Cause:  Phase 1 or phase 1B has found duplicate fragments or bad fragments in the root inode (usually inode-number 2 of the file system).

Solution:  To clear the existing contents of the root inode and reallocate it, type y at the REALLOCATE prompt. The files and directories usually found in the root inode are recovered in phase 3 and moved to the lost+found directory. If the attempt to allocate the root fails, fsck exits with an error message, CANNOT ALLOCATE ROOT INODE. Type n to get the CONTINUE prompt. Type y to respond to the CONTINUE prompt, and ignore the DUPS or BAD error condition in the root inode and to continue the file system check. If the root inode is not correct, this might generate many other error messages. Type n to terminate the program.

EXTRA '.' ENTRY I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode 
SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  More than one entry for . in a inode-number directory has been found.

Solution:  To remove the extra entry for ., type y at the FIX prompt. To leave the directory unchanged, type n.

EXTRA '..' ENTRY I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode 
SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  A directory inode-number has been found that has more than one entry for .. in the parent directory.

Solution:  To remove the extra entry for .. in the parent directory, type y at the FIX prompt. To leave the directory unchanged, type n.


Cause:  The fsck command has found an extraneous hard link, hard-link-number to a directory file-name. When preening using the –o p option, fsck ignores the extraneous hard links.

Solution:  To delete the extraneous entry hard-link-number, type y at the REMOVE prompt. To ignore the error condition, type n.

inode-number OUT OF RANGE I=inode-number NAME=filename (REMOVE)

Cause:  A directory entry filename has an inode number, inode-number that is greater than the end of the inode list. If the –p option of preen is specified, the inode is removed automatically.

Solution:  To delete the directory entry filename, type y at the REMOVE prompt. To ignore the error condition, type n.

MISSING '.' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-sizee 
MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  A directory, inode-number has been found whose first entry (.) is unallocated.

Solution:  To build an entry for . with inode number equal to inode-number, type y at the FIX prompt. To leave the directory unchanged, type n.

MISSING '.' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename CANNOT FIX, FIRST ENTRY IN 

Cause:  A directory, inode-number has been found whose first entry is filename. The fsck command cannot resolve this problem.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

MISSING '.' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename CANNOT FIX, INSUFFICIENT 

Cause:  A directory inode-number has been found whose first entry is not pointing to the same directory (.). The fsck command cannot resolve the problem.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

MISSING '..' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (FIX)

Cause:  A directory, inode-number has been found whose second entry (..) is unallocated.

Solution:  To build an entry for .. with inode number equal to the parent of inode-number, type y at the FIX prompt. The .. in the root inode points to itself. To leave the directory unchanged, type n.

MISSING '..' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename CANNOT FIX, SECOND ENTRY IN 

Cause:  A directory, inode-number has been found whose second entry is filename. The fsck command cannot resolve this problem.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

MISSING '..' I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename CANNOT FIX, INSUFFICIENT SPACE 
TO ADD '..'

Cause:  A directory, inode-number has been found whose second entry is not .. in the parent directory. The fsck command cannot resolve this problem.

Solution:  If this error message is displayed, contact your local service provider.

NAME TOO LONG filename

Cause:  An excessively long path name has been found, which usually indicates loops in the file system name space. This error can occur if a privileged user has made circular links to directories.

Solution:  Remove the circular links using the rm command.


Cause:  The root inode (mostly inode number 2) has no allocate-mode bits.

Solution:  To allocate inode 2 as the root inode, type y at the ALLOCATE prompt. The files and directories usually found in the root inode are recovered in phase 3 and moved to the lost+found directory. If the attempt to allocate the root inode fails, fsck displays CANNOT ALLOCATE ROOT INODE message and exits. To terminate the program, type n.


Cause:  The root inode (mostly inode number 2) of the file system is not a directory inode.

Solution:  To clear the existing contents of the root inode and reallocate it, type y at the REALLOCATE prompt. The files and directories usually found in the root inode are recovered in phase 3 and moved to the lost+found directory. If the attempt to allocate the root inode fails, fsck displays the message, CANNOT ALLOCATE ROOT INODE and exits. To have fsck prompt with FIX to try to repair the inode, type n.

UNALLOCATED I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time type=filename(REMOVE)

Cause:  A directory or file entry filename points to an unallocated inode, inode-number. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, modify time modification-time, and file name filename are displayed.

Solution:  To delete the directory entry filename, type y at the REMOVE prompt. To ignore the error condition, type n.

SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time DIR=filename (REMOVE)

Cause:  A directory entry filename has a size, file-size that is zero. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, modify time modification-time, and directory name filename are displayed.

Solution:  To remove the directory entry filename, type y at the REMOVE prompt. This results in the BAD or DUP error message in phase 4. To ignore the error condition, type n.

Phase 3 – Check Connectivity Messages

This phase checks the directories examined in phase 2 and reports error conditions resulting from unreferenced directories, and missing or full lost+found directory.

The following messages might occur in phase 3 fsck check.


Cause:  An internal error has caused an impossible state, state-number to be passed to the routine that descends the file system directory structure. The error terminates fsck.

Solution:  If this occurs, contact your local service provider.

DIR I=inode-number1 CONNECTED. PARENT WAS I=inode-number2

Cause:  This is an advisory message indicating a directory inode, inode-number1 was successfully connected to the lost+found directory. The parent inode, inode-number2 of the directory inode, inode-number1 is replaced by the inode number of the lost+found directory.

DIRECTORY filename LENGTH file-size NOT MULTIPLE OF disk-block-size (ADJUST)

Cause:  A directory filename has been found with size, file-size that is not a multiple of the disk-block-size. This condition can recur in phase 3 if it is not corrected in phase 2.

Solution:  To round up the length to the appropriate disk block size, type y at the ADJUST prompt. When preening, fsck displays a warning and adjusts the directory. To ignore this error condition, type n.


Cause:  The entry for lost+found is not a directory.

Solution:  To allocate a directory inode and change the lost+found directory to reference it, type y at the REALLOCATE prompt. The previous inode reference by the lost+found directory is not cleared and it reclaims as an unreferenced inode or has its link count adjusted later in this phase. Inability to create a lost+found directory displays the message, SORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the attempt to link the lost inode, which generates the UNREF error message in phase 4. To abort the attempt to link the lost inode, which generates the UNREF error message in phase 4, type n.


Cause:  There is no lost+found directory in the root directory of the file system. When preening, fsck tries to create a lost+found directory.

Solution:  To create a lost+found directory in the root of the file system, type y at the CREATE prompt. This might lead to the message NO SPACE LEFT IN / (EXPAND). If the lost+found directory cannot be created, fsck displays the message, SORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the attempt to link the lost inode. This in turn generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, type n at the CREATE prompt.


Cause:  Another entry cannot be added to the lost+found directory in the root directory of the file system because there is no available space. When preening, fsck expands the lost+found directory.

Solution:  To expand the lost+found directory and to make room for the new entry, type y at the EXPAND prompt. If the attempted expansion fails, fsck displays a message, SORRY. NO SPACE IN lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the request to link a file to the lost+found directory. This error generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. Delete any unnecessary entries in the lost+found directory. This error terminates fsck when preening is in effect. To abort the attempt to link the lost inode, type n at the EXPAND prompt.

UNREF DIR I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time (RECONNECT)

Cause:  The directory inode, inode-number was not connected to a directory entry when the file system was traversed. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, and modification time modification-time of directory inode inode-number are displayed. When preening, fsck reconnects the non-empty directory inode if the directory size is non-zero. Otherwise, fsck clears the directory inode.

Solution:  To reconnect the directory inode, inode-number into the lost+found directory, type y at the RECONNECT prompt. If the directory is successfully reconnected, a CONNECTED message is displayed. Otherwise, one of the lost+found error messages is displayed. To ignore this error condition, type n at the RECONNECT prompt. This error causes the UNREF error condition in phase 4.

Phase 4 – Check Reference Counts Messages

This phase checks the link count information obtained in phases 2 and 3. It reports error conditions resulting from:

  • Unreferenced files

  • A missing or full lost+found directory

  • Incorrect link counts for files, directories, symbolic links, or special files

  • Unreferenced files, symbolic links, and directories

  • Bad or duplicate blocks in files and directories

  • Incorrect total free-inode counts

All errors in this phase (except running out of space in the lost+found directory) are correctable when the file system is being preened.

The following messages might occur in phase 4.

BAD/DUP type I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time (CLEAR)

Cause:  Phase 1 or phase 1B found duplicate blocks or bad blocks associated with file or directory inode, inode-number. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, and modification time modification-time of inode, inode-number are displayed.

Solution:  To deallocate inode, inode-number by zeroing its contents, type y at the CLEAR prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.


Cause:  The inode mentioned in the UNREF error message preceding immediately cannot be reconnected. This message is not displayed if the file system is being preened because of lack of space to reconnect to files. This terminates fsck.

Solution:  To deallocate the inode by zeroing out its contents, type y at the CLEAR prompt. To ignore the preceding error condition, type n.

LINK COUNT type I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode 
MTIME=modification-time COUNT link-count SHOULD BE 
corrected-link-count (ADJUST)

Cause:  The link count for a directory or a file inode with inode-number is link-count but must be corrected-link-count. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, and modification time modification-time of the inode, inode-number are displayed. If the –o p option is specified, the link count is adjusted unless the number of references is increasing. This condition does not occur unless there is a hardware failure. When the number of references is increasing during preening, fsck displays the LINK COUNT INCREASING message and exits.

Solution:  To replace the link count of directory or file inode inode-number with corrected-link-count, type y at the ADJUST prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.


Cause:  The entry for lost+found is not a directory.

Solution:  To allocate a directory inode and change the lost+found directory to reference it, type y at the REALLOCATE prompt. The previous inode referenced by the lost+found directory is not cleared. It is either reclaimed as an unreferenced inode or has its link count adjusted later in this phase. Inability to create a lost+found directory displays the message, SORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the attempt to link up the lost inode. This error generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, type n at the REALLOCATE prompt.


Cause:  There is no lost+found directory in the root directory of the file system. When preening, fsck tries to create a lost+found directory.

Solution:  To create a lost+found directory in the root of the file system, type y at the CREATE prompt. If the lost+found directory cannot be created, fsck displays the message, SORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the attempt to link the lost inode. This error in turn generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, type n at the CREATE prompt.

NO SPACE LEFT IN / lost+found (EXPAND)

Cause:  There is no space to add another entry to the lost+found directory in the root directory of the file system. When preening, fsck expands the lost+found directory.

Solution:  To expand the lost+found directory in order to make room for the new entry, type y at the EXPAND prompt. If the attempted expansion fails, fsck displays the message, SORRY. NO SPACE IN lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the request to link a file to the lost+found directory. This error generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. Delete any unnecessary entries in the lost+found directory. This error terminates fsck when preening using –o p option is in effect. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, type n at the EXPAND prompt.

UNREF FILE I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time (RECONNECT)

Cause:  File inode inode-number was not connected to a directory entry when the file system was traversed. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, and modification time, modification-time of inode, inode-number are displayed. When fsck is preening, the file is cleared if either its size or its link count is zero; otherwise, it is reconnected.

Solution:  To reconnect inode, inode-number to the file system in the lost+found directory, type y. This error might generate the lost+found error message in phase 4 if there are problems connecting inode, inode-number to the lost+found directory. To ignore this error condition, type n. This error always invokes the CLEAR error condition in phase 4.

UNREF type I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time (CLEAR)

Cause:  Inode, inode-number (whose type is directory or file) was not connected to a directory entry when the file system was traversed. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, and modification time modification-time of inode inode-number are displayed. When fsck is preening, the file is cleared if either its size or its link count is zero; otherwise, it is reconnected.

Solution:  To deallocate inode, inode-number by zeroing its contents, type y at the CLEAR prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n at the CLEAR prompt.

SIZE=file-size MTIME=modification-time(CLEAR)

Cause:  A directory entry filename has a size, file-size that is zero. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, modification time modification-time, and directory name filename are displayed.

Solution:  To deallocate the directory inode, inode-number by zeroing out its contents, type y. To ignore the error condition, type n.

Phase 5 – Check Cylinder Groups Messages

This section contains phase 5 fsck messages.

This phase checks the free-fragment and used-inode maps. It reports error conditions resulting from:

  • Allocated inodes missing from used-inode maps

  • Free fragments missing from free-fragment maps

  • Free inodes in the used-inode maps

  • Incorrect total free-fragment count

  • Incorrect total used inode count

The following messages might occur in phase 5.


Cause:  A cylinder group (CG) fragment map is missing some free fragments. During preening, fsck reconstructs the maps.

Solution:  To reconstruct the free-fragment map, type y at the SALVAGE prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n.


Cause:  The magic number of CG, cg-number is wrong. This error usually indicates that the CG maps have been destroyed. When running interactively, the CG is marked as needing reconstruction. fsck terminates if the file system is being preened.

Solution:  If this occurs, contact your local service provider.


Cause:  The summary information is incorrect. When preening, fsck recomputes the summary information.

Solution:  To reconstruct the summary information, type y at the SALVAGE prompt. To ignore this error condition, type n at the SALVAGE prompt.

fsck Summary Messages

This section contains fsck summary messages in the current Oracle Solaris release. The following messages are displayed in the cleanup phase.

Once a file system has been checked, a few summary messages are displayed.

number-of files, number-of-files
used, number-of-files free (number-of frags, number-of blocks, 
percent fragmentation)

This message indicates that the file system checked contains the number of files using the number of fragment-sized blocks, and that there are number of fragment-sized blocks free in the file system. The numbers in parentheses break the free count down into number of free fragments, number of free full-sized blocks, and the percent fragmentation.


This message indicates that the file system was modified by fsck. There is no need to rerun fsck if you see this message. This message is just informational about corrective actions performed by fsck.

Cleanup Phase Messages

This section contains fsck cleanup phase messages in the Oracle Solaris 10 and later releases. In this release, similar messages can be found in the fsck summary phase.

Once a file system has been checked, a few cleanup functions are performed. The cleanup phase displays the following status messages.

number-of files, number-of-files
used, number-of-files free (number-of frags, number-of blocks, 
percent fragmentation)

This message indicates that the file system checked contains number of files using number of fragment-sized blocks, and that there are number of fragment-sized blocks free in the file system. The numbers in parentheses break the free count down into number of free fragments, number-of free full-sized blocks, and the percent fragmentation.


This message indicates that the file system was modified by fsck. If this file system is mounted or is the current root (/) file system, reboot. If the file system is mounted, you might need to unmount it and run fsck again; otherwise, the work done by fsck might be undone by the in-core copies of tables.


This message indicates that file system, filename was marked as stable. Use the fsck –m command to determine if the file system needs checking.


This message indicates that file system, filename was not marked as stable. Use the fsck –m command to determine if the file system needs checking.