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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Engine Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2.0.1

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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager

Policy Engine Installation and Configuration Guide

Release 2.0.1


October 2013

Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager (OHIM) leverages Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles, CONNECT reference architecture, and Oracle WebLogic to provide a broad range of international-standards-based web services to HIE applications in a management and performance optimized solution.

1 Getting Started

This section describes the minimum hardware and software requirements for installing Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager (OHIM) Policy Engine.

1.1 Hardware Requirements

The following are the hardware requirements for installing OHIM Policy Engine:

  • 2 GB (2048 MB) of RAM

  • 12 GB of Disk Space

  • 16 GB of disk space for 64-bit

1.2 Software Requirements

The following are the software requirements for installing OHIM Policy Engine:

  • Java 1.6 executable in path

  • Oracle GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1.1 Patch 14

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 or higher

Configuration Requirements

  • Apache Ant 1.8.2 executable in path


1.3 Downloading Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Health Policy Engine

To download the Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Health Policy Engine, perform the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Enter your Registration information, accept the Agreement Terms by selecting the check boxes, then click Continue.

  3. From the Select a Product Pack drop-down menu, select Health Sciences.

  4. From the Platform drop-down menu, select Linux x86.

  5. Click Go.

  6. Select Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Media Pack.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. Click Download for the following and save the files to your system:

    • Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager 2.0.1 Health Policy Engine

  9. Extract the files to view the Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Health Policy Engine Installation and Configuration Guide and get the compressed tar file (*.tgz).

2 Installing the Policy Engine

Execute the following commands to install the Policy Engine:

  1. $ tar -zxvf ohim_hpe_installer.tgz

  2. $ cd ohim_hpe_installer

  3. $ java -jar ohim_hpe_installer.jar

  4. $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin


    AS_INSTALLED_DIR represents the directory where Oracle GlassFish Application server is installed.
  5. $ asadmin start-domain domain1

To follow the prompts, refer to Appendix A: Running the Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Engine Installer.

3 Configuring the Policy Engine Components

3.1 Configuring the OpenSSO

To configure the OpenSSO, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the following URL in a Web browser:



    In the URL, ensure that you enter the IP address of system in stead of host name for <POLICY_ENGINE_IP>.
  2. The Configurator starts and display the Configuration Options page. Click Create Default Configuration.

  3. On the Default Configuration Options page, enter and confirm the following passwords:

    • Default User (amAdmin): adminadmin

    • Default Policy Agent (UrlAccessAgent): password


      You must change the default password after importing the configurations. For more information, refer to Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide at
  4. Click Create Configuration to continue.

    When the configuration is complete, the Configurator displays a link to the OpenSSO Enterprise Administration Console to perform any additional configuration required for your deployment.

  5. (Optional step) If you have entered incorrect value for Policy Engine IP or Adapter host name during installation, you can use the following script to correct it. The information you enter here is updated in the import-svc-cfg.xml which is used by the script

    1. Navigate to config directory:

      $ cd <install_dir>/addons/policyengine/config

    2. Modify file to include the Oracle GlassFish installation directory path as the value for the as.install.dir property.

    3. Execute the script:

      $ sh

  6. Modify the ssoadm utility file permissions:

    $ cd <install_dir>/addons/policyengine/config/files/opensso/tools/bin

    $ chmod 740 ssoadm

  7. Import the service configuration data into OpenSSO configuration data store:

    $ cd <install_dir>/addons/policyengine/config

    Modify file to include the Oracle GlassFish installation directory path as the value for the as.install.dir property.

    $ sh

  8. Enter y for Directory Service contains existing data. Do you want to delete it? [y|N] and press the Enter key.

    You will see the following message on the console:

    Please wait while we import the service configuration...

    Upon successful completion of the service configuration import, you will see the message:

    Service Configuration is imported.

  9. Restart the application server:

    $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    $ asadmin stop-domain domain1

    $ asadmin start-domain domain1

  10. Create a test user:

    1. Open the following URL in a browser:


    2. Enter the following credentials to log in to the OpenSSO administration console:

      User Name: amAdmin

      Password: adminadmin

    3. Under the Access Control tab, click the / (Top level Realm) in which you are creating the user.

    4. Click the Subjects tab.

    5. Click New.

    6. Enter data for the following fields:


      Delete the default values of the Last Name and Full Name fields before you enter data.

      ID: user1

      First Name: One

      Last Name: User

      Full Name: User, One

      Password: password

      Password (Confirm): password

      User Status: Active

    7. Click OK.

      user1 is displayed in the list of users on the Subjects tab.

    8. Click Back to Access Control.

    9. On the Access Control page, click LOG OUT.

    10. Click OK if another dialog box is displayed regarding the need to close other associated windows.

3.2 Installing Self-signed Certificates on Policy Engine

This is an optional step. To install the self signed certificate for testing:

  1. Stop the application server:

    $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    $ asadmin stop-domain domain1

  2. Execute

    $ cd <install_dir>/addons/policyengine/config

    $ sh

  3. Copy the Adapter VM's certificate from scp hiauser@ADAPTER_HOST:<appserver_install_dir>/domains/domain1/config/<ADAPTER_HOSTNAME.cer> to <appserver_install_dir>/domains/domain1/config.

  4. Execute to import Adapter certificate:

    $ sh

  5. Start the application server:

    $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    $ asadmin start-domain domain1

3.3 Configuring CONNECT on HIG Adapter System for OpenSSO based Policy Engine

To configure CONNECT on HIG adapter system for OpenSSO based Policy Engine, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Adapter system as hiauser (password: hiapass).

  2. Copy from Policy Engine system to a local directory. For example,

    scp user@POLICY_ENGINE_HOST:<install_dir>/addons/policyengine/config/ .

  3. Ensure that the application server is not running. If it is running, stop it using the following commands:

    $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    $ asadmin stop-domain domain1

  4. Navigate to and unzip the file:

    $ cd <FILE_PATH>

    $ unzip -d ada_gw_pe_config

    $ cd ada_gw_pe_config

  5. Modify file to include the Oracle GlassFish installation directory path as the value for the as.install.dir property.

  6. Execute to configure the CONNECT Adapter which enables it to interact with openSSO-based Policy Engine:

    $ sh

  7. Start the application server:

    $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    $ asadmin start-domain domain1

3.4 Creating Consumer Preferences Document Using SoapUI

This section assumes the following have already been setup, and applications/services on the OHIG Adapter and Gateway are ready to test from the SoapUI project.

  • OpenSSO Instance has been installed and configured on Policy Engine system

  • Oracle GlassFish Application Server on Policy Engine system is up and running

  • OHIG Gateway and Adapter are configured to interact with Policy Engine system for authentication/authorization services

  • Oracle GlassFish Application Servers on OHIG Gateway system, and OHIG Adapter system are up and running

  • A test system with SoapUI application installed on it

  1. If Oracle GlassFish Application Server is not running on any of the systems, start it by using the following commands:

    1. $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    2. $ asadmin start-domain domain1

  2. Launch the SoapUI application on the test machine.

  3. Copy the SoapUI project file from Policy Engine system, to a directory on the test system. For example,

    scp user@POLICY_ENGINE_HOST:<install_dir>/addons/policyengine/config/files/opensso/soapui/AdapterPEPWS-soapui-project.xml.

  4. From the File menu, click Import Project. This will display the Select soapUI Project Files window.

  5. Enter <FILEPATH>/AdapterPEPWS-soapui-project.xml as the filename.


    FILE_PATH represents the absolute path to which the AdapterPEPWS-soapui-project.xml file has been copied.
  6. Click Open. The AdapterPEPWS-soapui-project.xml file is imported into your soapUI application.

  7. Open the test by selecting AdapterPEPWS -> Adapter PIP Binding Soap -> StorePtConsent -> StorePatientConsent1.


    While testing using the default CONNECT Adapter provided Master Patient Index (mpi.xml), use the Patient ID: D123401.

    To ensure that the patient consent is not changed during SoapUI testing, make the following changes to the endpoint URL. Perform the following for this step (StorePatientConsent1) and step 11 (StorePatientConsent2).


    If you use a database-based repository, you do not need to change the endpoint URL for either step.

    To update <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/domains/domain1/config/nhin/internalConnectionInfo.xml from the OHIG Adapter and Gateway servers, replace:

    <businessService serviceKey="uddi:testnhincnode:adapterxdsbdocrepository" businessKey="uddi:testnhieonenode:1.1">                        <name xml:lang="en">adapterxdsbdocrepository</name>                        <bindingTemplates>                           <bindingTemplate bindingKey="uddi:testnhincnode:adapterxdsbdocrepository" serviceKey="uddi:testnhincnode:adapterxdsbdocrepository">                                    <accessPoint useType="endPoint">http://<hig_adapter_IP>:8080/CONNECTAdapterDocReposSoap12/AdapterDocRepository2Soap12Service</accessPoint>                                        <categoryBag>                                                <keyedReference tModelKey="uddi:nhin:versionofservice" keyName="" keyValue="1.0"/>                                              <keyedReference tModelKey="CONNECT:adapter:apilevel" keyName="" keyValue="LEVEL_a0"/>                                    </categoryBag>                               </bindingTemplate>                   </bindingTemplates>                  <categoryBag>                                <keyedReference tModelKey="uddi:nhin:standard-servicenames" keyName="adapterxdsbdocrepository" keyValue="adapterxdsbdocrepository"/>                    </categoryBag>       </businessService>


    <businessService serviceKey="uddi:testnhincnode:adapterxdsbdocrepository" businessKey="uddi:testnhieonenode:1.1">                        <name xml:lang="en">adapterxdsbdocrepository</name>                        <bindingTemplates>                           <bindingTemplate bindingKey="uddi:testnhincnode:adapterxdsbdocrepository" serviceKey="uddi:testnhincnode:adapterxdsbdocrepository">                                    <accessPoint useType="endPoint">http://<hig_adapter_IP>:8080/CONNECTAdapter/DocumentRepository_Service</accessPoint>                                       <categoryBag>                                                <keyedReference tModelKey="uddi:nhin:versionofservice" keyName="" keyValue="1.0"/>                                              <keyedReference tModelKey="CONNECT:adapter:apilevel" keyName="" keyValue="LEVEL_a0"/>                                    </categoryBag>                               </bindingTemplate>                   </bindingTemplates>                  <categoryBag>                                <keyedReference tModelKey="uddi:nhin:standard-servicenames" keyName="adapterxdsbdocrepository" keyValue="adapterxdsbdocrepository"/>                    </categoryBag>       </businessService>

    After performing this update, restart the OHIG Adapter and Gateway Oracle GlassFish servers.

  8. In the StorePatientConsent1 window, using the edit current option, set the endpoint URL for the request by using the correct IP address of OHIG Adapter.

  9. Execute the test by clicking the Submit request to specified endpoint URL (Green arrow) near the top left corner of the StorePatientConsent1 window.

  10. Execute the test AdapterPEPWS -> AdapterPIPBindingSoap -> RetrievePtConsentByPtId -> RetrievePatientConsent to verify that the document was stored successfully.

  11. Update the patient preference by modifying the StorePatientConsent2 (AdapterPEPWS -> AdapterPIPBindingSoap -> StorePtConsent -> StorePatientConsent2) SOAP request where you use "false" for the "optIn" element, and include the policyOID element, which can be found in the response of the RetrievePatientConsent request.

    The modified request looks like:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""               xmlns:urn="urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:common:nhinccommonadapter">             <soapenv:Header/>            <soapenv:Body>               <urn:StorePtConsentRequest>          <urn:patientPreferences>             <urn:patientId>0000000000</urn:patientId>         <urn:assigningAuthority>1.1</urn:assigningAuthority>              <urn:optIn>false</urn:optIn>              <urn:fineGrainedPolicyMetadata>              <urn:policyOID></urn:policyOID>               </urn:fineGrainedPolicyMetadata>             </urn:patientPreferences>            </urn:StorePtConsentRequest>         </soapenv:Body>              </soapenv:Envelope>

    Execute the modified StorePatientConsent2 request. This will update the patient's preference.

  12. Open the test AdapterPEPWS -> AdapterPEPBindingSoap -> CheckPolicy -> DocumentQueryIn. Use "false" for the "optIn" element.


    While testing using the default CONNECT Adapter provided Master Patient Index (mpi.xml), for the resource-id attribute, use the string D123401 as the attribute value.
  13. In the DocumentQueryIn window, using the edit current option, edit the endpoint URL for the request by using the IP address of OHIG Adapter system.

  14. Execute the test by clicking the Submit request to specified endpoint URL (Green arrow) near the top left corner of the DocumentQueryIn window. You will observe "Deny" in the response.

  15. Execute the SOAP request AdapterPEPWS -> AdapterPIPBindingSoap -> StorePtConsent -> StorePatientConsent2. This time use "true" for the "optIn" element. This will again update the patient's preference.

  16. Execute the test again AdapterPEPWS -> AdapterPEPBindingSoap -> CheckPolicy -> DocumentQueryIn. This time you will observe ”Permit” in the response.

3.5 Validating CONNECT on OHIG Adapter

To validate the CONNECT software on the OHIG Gateway and Adapter machines after Adapter is configured to use openSSO Policy Engine:

  1. Ensure that Oracle GlassFish Application Server is up and running on Policy Engine, Gateway, and Adapter machines using the following commands:

    1. $ cd <AS_INSTALLED_DIR>/bin

    2. $ asadmin start-domain domain1

  2. Validate the configuration using the sample universal client distributed with the Adapter:

    1. Launch the application by navigating to the following URL:


      The authentication page is displayed asking for user account details.

    2. Enter a valid user name and password (user1/password).

    3. Click the Login button.

      - If the account details are correct, the Universal Client GUI Main page has the patient search tab enabled, while the rest of the tabs are disabled.

      - If the provided account details are incorrect, you will be prompted to enter the correct account details again.

    4. Search for a patient with the last name: ”Younger”.

    5. If the installation is correct, this returns a page with the PatientId for the patient.

    6. Click the PatientId hyperlink for additional details on the patient.

    7. The Document tab is now enabled and you can search for patient documents by date range. Search for date range 08/01/2000 to 08/01/2010.

    8. Click on the document URL to retrieve the document.

4 Appendix A: Running the Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Engine Installer

$ cd <install_dir>
$ java -jar ohim_hpe_installer.jar
Oracle HIM HPE Installer
-- Command
Choose option install_command (usage, version, install)
$ install
-- Enter the IP address of the Policy Engine system.
Enter policyengine_ip []
-- Enter the IP address of the Connect adapter host.
Enter connectadapter_host [localhost]
-- Stop glassfish
Choose option stop_glassfish ([yes], no)
$ yes

5 Documentation Accessibility

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Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Engine Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 2.0.1


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