Oracle® Virtual Networking QDR and EDR Host Drivers for Oracle Solaris 11.3 Release Notes

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Updated: September 2016

Upgrade the Host Drivers to Support Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS

When you upgrade your host from Oracle Solaris 11.2 to Oracle Solaris 11.3, you must uninstall the existing host drivers and then reinstall them.

  1. Review the information in Preinstallation Requirements.
  2. Halt all network and storage traffic.

    For example, set the interfaces to down state, and wait for network and storage traffic to quiesce.

  3. Unset the publisher by using the pkg unset-publisher command and specifying the directory where the host driver file exists.
    root@netra:~# pkg unset-publisher /usr/ORCLovn

    where usr is the user-defined location.

  4. Remove the currently installed host drivers by using the pkg uninstall command and specifying the host driver file name.
    root@netra:~# pkg uninstall ORCLovn-drv
  5. Reboot the Oracle Solaris server to clear the host drivers from memory.
  6. Set the Oracle Solaris publisher to point to the new Oracle Solaris OS image packaging system (IPS) repository for updating.
    root@netra:~# pkg set-publisher -g
  7. Update the system to the new version of the Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS.
    root@netra:~# pkg update --accept
  8. Reboot the Oracle Solaris host.
  9. Install the host drivers.

    See Installing the Host Drivers.