Oracle® Virtual Networking for Windows Hosts Installation and Boot Guide

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Updated: July 2016

Installing the Host Drivers for Windows

These topics describe the procedure for installing host drivers for your version of Windows.

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Installing Host Drivers for Windows Overview

This topic describes how to install host drivers for the following versions of Windows:

  • Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows Server 2003

The OS and version present on the Windows host server is autodetected, which enables you to install only the compatible version of host driver.

Note -  Check your HCA firmware version and Option ROM version before installing the host drivers for your version of Windows.

You install the host drivers by using the setup.exe, which unpacks and installs the host drivers and IB stack components. When you run setup.exe, the installer runs a wizard that guides you through the installation of the host drivers. When the wizard completes, you must reboot the Windows host.

Note -  For Windows 2003, set the driver search option to never search for a Windows update for the host driver, either before or during the installation procedure.

Note -  You can perform an unattended driver installation for Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 R2 using the ISS file bundles with the host driver.