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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile
11g Release 2 (


Class GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper

  extended by oracle.adfmf.framework.api.GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper

public class GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper
extends java.lang.Object

GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper is a helper class to provide an easy way for application developers to convert between ADFMF internal GenericType objects and their user defined POJOs. Currently the only place GenericType objects are exposed are for SOAP Data Controls.

The following rules are used by GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper to perform the conversion to and from GenericType objects:

POJO to GenericType:

GenericType to POJO:

Example: Suppose we have a web service that passes back and forth an Employee element with the following properties:

While this type is fairly simple, it is not very convenient to work with as a GenericType. Java developers tend to like have stronger typed objects to use in their code. For sake of argument, lets also say the developer would like to reuse the Employee object throughout their business logic that might also contain an additional property password that should never be transmitted to the back-end web service. Given that, their Employee object could look something like this:

 public class Employee {
        public String   getName()                    { return name;              }
        public void     setName(String name)         { = name;         }
        public Address  getAddress()                 { return address;           }
        public void     setAddress(Address address)  { this.address = address;   }
        public long     getId()                      { return id;                }
        public void     setId(long id)               { = id;             }
        public float    getSalary()                  { return salary;            }
        public void     setSalary(float salary)      { this.salary = salary;     }
        public String   getPassword()                { return password;          }
        public void     setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
        public String[] getPhone()                   { return phone;             }
        public void     setPhone(String phone)       { = phone;       }
        protected           String   name;
        protected           Address  address;
        protected           long     id;
        protected           float    salary;
        protected           String[] phone;
        protected transient String   password;

 public class Address {
        public String  getStreet()                  { return street;            }
        public void    setStreet(String street)     { this.street = street;     }
        public String  getCity()                    { return city;              }
        public void    setCity(String city)         { = city;         }
        public String  getState()                   { return state;             }
        public void    setState(String state)       { this.state = state;       }
        public String  getZipcode()                 { return zipcode;           }
        public void    setZipcode(String state)     { this.zipcode = zipcode;   }
        protected           String  street;
        protected           String  city;
        protected           String  state;
        protected           String  zipcode;

Conversion Notes:

  1. password is defined as transient so by the conversion rules above, this property is ignored with respect to the conversion algorithm.
  2. name, address, id, and salary will all be converted to and from the GenericType since they have both getter and setter accessors.
  3. based on the type of the property, properties can be coerced between types, with well known standard type coercing rules defined in oracle.adfmf.misc.Converter#coerceToType(Object,Class)
  4. complex objects (like address) that do not have well known coercing rules will simply be recursed by the conversion algorithm to either build the child GenericType or to create and populate the POJO complex object depending on the direction of the conversion.
  5. phone is an array of strings each representing a unique phone number. Since the cardinality of this element is greater than one, the conversion algorithm will find all matches of the phone attribute in the GenericType object and make them into an array and invoke setPhone on the bean. And for the toGenericType conversion will simply take each array element and append it to the toGenericType as an individual phone attribute.

Using the following classes:

    final String EMPLOYEE_VIRTUAL_BEAN_name="EmployeeDC_Types_Employee";
    Employee     emp                        = getEmployee();
    GenericType  gt                         = null;
    gt  = GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper.toGenericType(EMPLOYEE_VIRTUAL_BEAN_NAME, emp);
    emp = GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper.fromGenericType(Employee.class, gt, null);

Best Practices

See Also:
GenericType, Converter.coerceToType(Object,Class)

Method Summary
static java.lang.Object fromGenericType(java.lang.Class beanClass, GenericType gt)
          Method used to deserialize the passed-in GenericType to Java Bean object.
static java.lang.Object fromGenericType(java.lang.Class beanClass, GenericType gt, java.lang.String attributeName)
          This method is used to deserialize the passed-in GenericType into a POJO.
static GenericType toGenericType(java.lang.String virtualBeanName, java.lang.Object bean)
          Method used to serialize the passed in Java object to a GenericType.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static GenericType toGenericType(java.lang.String virtualBeanName,
                                        java.lang.Object bean)
Method used to serialize the passed in Java object to a GenericType. Typical usage is the java developer wants to invoke a web service operation from their application business logic. In this case we need to create the input parameters to pass to the web service operation. To do this we:
  1. create a class that mimics the structure of the argument types (i.e. like Employee in the above example). This class (POJO) should declare properties for any fields in <methodName&gt_parameters.<argName&gt that you wish to populate.
  2. determine the name of the virtualBeanName by hovering over the argument name you wish to create, and take note of the value that pops up. This is typically in the format <DCName&gt.Types.<methodName&gt.<argName&gt.
  3. determine the programmatic sources for each of the properties and utilizing the POJOs setter methods populate the object
  4. convert the POJO into the GenericType using the toGenericType method.
virtualBeanName - the name of the Data Control type to convert to
bean - Object to be serialized


public static java.lang.Object fromGenericType(java.lang.Class beanClass,
                                               GenericType gt)
Method used to deserialize the passed-in GenericType to Java Bean object. This is the same as calling fromGenericType(Class beanClass, GenericType gt, String attributeName) with null for attributeName.
beanClass - Class of the Java Bean to create
gt - GenericType to deserialize
Java Object for the corresponding Class passed in.


public static java.lang.Object fromGenericType(java.lang.Class beanClass,
                                               GenericType gt,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName)
This method is used to deserialize the passed-in GenericType into a POJO.

The beanClass argument (and any other class referenced as nested properties) must have a public default constructor defined, or class creation will fail.

Typical usage is to create a class that mimics the structure of the return type attempting to be deserialized.

For example, to determine the structure of the returned value for a SOAP DC, go to the Data Controls window and find the structure <methodName&gt.Return. This is always the GenericType instance returned from web service calls.

Your bean class should declare properties for any fields in <methodName&gt.Return that you wish to populate.

If the method call returns an array, you will need to use the attributeName parameter. If <methodName>.Return.return is the array you wish to deserialize and is of type int[], then the call would be:
fromGenericType(int[].class, gt, "return");

beanClass - Class of the Java Bean to create
gt - GenericType to deserialize
attributeName - the name of the attribute on the passed in GenericType that corresponds to the class to create
Java Object for the corresponding Class passed in.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile
11g Release 2 (


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