The UrlENEQuery type exposes the following members.


Public methodUrlENEQuery()()()()
No argument constructor.
Public methodUrlENEQuery(String) Obsolete.
Obsolete. Use the constructor that takes an encoding instead.
Public methodUrlENEQuery(String, String)
Constructor where the queryString gets parsed into the individual query fields.


Public methodAddSelection
Adds the field named fieldName to the set of fields that should be returned for each record in the result set.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodContainsAggrERecQuery
Returns if this query includes a aggregated record query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodContainsDimSearchQuery
Returns if this query includes a dimension search query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodContainsERecQuery
Returns if this query includes a record query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodContainsERecsQuery
Returns if this query includes a query for records.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodContainsNavQuery
Returns whether the query includes a navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodContainsQuery
Returns whether the query is querying for any of a navigation, record, dimension search, or a value set search.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNavActiveSortKeys
Get the list of sort keys with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodGetNavSortKey Obsolete.
Gets the sort key with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodGetNavSortOrder Obsolete.
Gets the sort order with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetA
Sets the aggregated record for the query. AggrERec.
Public methodSetAf
Sets the aggregated record navigation range filters. AggrERecNavRangeFilters.
Public methodSetAn
Sets the aggregated record navigation values for the query. AggrERecNavDescriptors.
Public methodSetAr
Sets the aggregated record navigation record filter. AggrERecNavRecordFilter.
Public methodSetArs
Sets the aggregated record structure expression. AggrERecStructureExpr.
Public methodSetAs
Sets the sort key for the record list of the aggregated record query.
Public methodSetAu
Sets the aggregated record rollup key with which the aggregated record is derived. AggrERecRollupKey.
Public methodSetD
Sets the string dimension search query terms. DimSearchTerms.
Public methodSetDf
Sets the dimension search navigation range filters. DimSearchNavRangeFilters.
Public methodSetDi
Sets the dimension(s) with which to dimension search in. DimSearchDimensions.
Public methodSetDk
Sets the dimension search behavior to order results. DimSearchRankResults.
Public methodSetDn
Sets the navigation restriction for the dimension search. DimSearchNavDescriptors
Public methodSetDo
Sets the dimension search results offset. DimSearchResultsOffset.
Public methodSetDp Obsolete.
Sets the number of results to return per dimension. DimSearchNumDimValues
Public methodSetDr
Sets the dimension search navigation record filter. DimSearchNavRangeFilters.
Public methodSetDrc
Sets the list of refinement configs for the dimension search query. refinement configs are delimited by '|'.
Public methodSetDrs
Sets the dimension search navigation structure expression. DimSearchNavRecordStructureExpr.
Public methodSetDu
Sets the rollup key for the dimension search query. DimSearchRollupKey.
Public methodSetDx
Sets the dimension search options. DimSearchOpts.
Public methodSetN
Sets the navigation field of the query. NavDescriptors
Public methodSetNa
Sets an analytics query. AnalyticsQuery
Public methodSetNao
Sets the navigation aggregated record list offset. NavAggrERecsOffset
Public methodSetNavActiveSortKeys
Set the list of sort keys with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodSetNavSortKey Obsolete.
Sets the sort key with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodSetNavSortOrder Obsolete.
Sets the sort order with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public methodSetNdr
Sets the Disabled Refinements config for the navigation query.
Public methodSetNe
Sets the exposed navigation refinements. NavExposedRefinements
Public methodSetNf
Sets the range filters for the navigation query. NavRangeFilters.
Public methodSetNk
Sets the key properties request for the navigation query. NavKeyProperties
Public methodSetNmpt
Public methodSetNmrf
Public methodSetNo
Sets the navigation record list offset. NavERecsOffset
Public methodSetNp
Sets the number of records per aggregated record. NavERecsPerAggrERec
Public methodSetNr
Sets the record filter for the navigation query. NavRecordFilter.
Public methodSetNrc
Sets the list of dynamic refinement configs for the navigation query. Dynamic refinement configs are delimited by '|'.
Public methodSetNrcs
Sets the list of stratified dim vals used by this navigation query. Stratified dim vals are delimited by ';' and are in the form [strata],[dimvalid].
Public methodSetNrk
Sets the key of the record search of the navigation query using a specified relevance ranking strategy.
Public methodSetNrm
Sets the relevance ranking match mode for the record search of the navigation query.
Public methodSetNrr
Sets the relevance ranking strategy for the record search of the navigation query.
Public methodSetNrs
Sets the structure expression for the navigation query. NavRecordStructureExpr.
Public methodSetNrt
Sets the terms of the record search of the navigation query using a specified relevance ranking strategy.
Public methodSetNs
Sets the sort key for the record list of the navigation.
Public methodSetNso
Sets the sort order for the record list of the navigation.
Public methodSetNtk
Sets the keys of the record search of the navigation query.
Public methodSetNtpc
Sets whether the compute-autophrase record search functionality is on in the query. NavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings
Public methodSetNtpr
Sets whether the rewrite-autophrase record search functionality is on in the query. NavERecSearchRewriteQueryWithAnAlternativePhrasing
Public methodSetNtt
Sets the terms of the record search of the navigation query.
Public methodSetNtx
Sets the options for the record search of the navigation query.
Public methodSetNty
Sets whether the did you mean record search functionality is on in the query. NavERecSearchDidYouMean
Public methodSetNu
Sets the rollup key for the navigation query. NavRollupKey
Public methodSetNx
Sets the navigation query options. NavOpts.
Public methodSetR
Sets the records for query. ERecs.
Public methodStatic memberToQueryString
Takes a ENEQuery and serializes the object into URL query string format.
Public methodToString()()()()
Returns a string representation of this query.
Public methodToString(String)
Returns a string representation of this query, using the given character encoding.


Parameter name for aggregated record descriptors.
Parameter name for aggregated record navigation range filters.
Parameter name for aggregated record navigation record filter.
Public fieldStatic memberAGGR_EREC_PARAM
Parameter name for aggregated records.
Public fieldStatic memberAGGR_EREC_ROLLUP_KEY_PARAM
Parameter name for aggregated record rollup keys.
Public fieldStatic memberAGGR_EREC_SORT_KEY_PARAM
Parameter name for aggregated record sort keys.
Parameter name for aggregated record structure expression.
Public fieldStatic memberANALYTICS_PARAM
Parameter name for Analytics query
Public fieldStatic memberDIM_SEARCH_DIMENSIONS_PARAM
Parameter name for dimension search dimension.
Parameter name for dimension search navigation descriptors.
Parameter name for dimension search navigation range filters.
Parameter name for dimension search navigation record filter.
Parameter name for dimension search navigation structure expression.
Public fieldStatic memberDIM_SEARCH_NUM_DIM_VALUES_PARAM
Parameter name for number of dimension values to return.
Public fieldStatic memberDIM_SEARCH_OPTS_PARAM
Parameter name for dimension search options.
Public fieldStatic memberDIM_SEARCH_RANK_RESULTS_PARAM
Parameter name for ranking dimension search results.
Parameter name for dimension search refinement configs.
Parameter name for dimension search results offset.
Public fieldStatic memberDIM_SEARCH_ROLLUP_KEY_PARAM
Parameter name for dimension search rollup key.
Public fieldStatic memberDIM_SEARCH_TERMS_PARAM
Parameter name for dimension search terms.
Public fieldStatic memberERECS_PARAM
Parameter name for records.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_AGGR_ERECS_OFFSET_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation aggregated record list offset.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_DESCRIPTORS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation values.
Parameter name for disabled refinements config.
Parameter name for navigation record search compute-autophrase.
Parameter name for navigation record search did you mean.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_EREC_SEARCH_KEYS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation record search keys.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_EREC_SEARCH_OPTS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation record search option sets.
Parameter name for navigation record search rewrite-autophrase.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_EREC_SEARCH_TERMS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation record search term sets.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_ERECS_OFFSET_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation record list offset.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_ERECS_PER_AGGR_EREC_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation number of records per aggregated record.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_KEY_PROPERTIES_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation key properties.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_MERCH_PREVIEW_TIME_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation preview time.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_MERCH_RULE_FILTER_PARAM
ParameterName for Merch rule filter
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_OPTS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation query options (other than options for record search, which are handled by Ntx).
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_RANGE_FILTERS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation range filters.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_RECORD_FILTER_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation record filters.
Parameter name for navigation structure expressions.
Parameter name for navigation refinement configs.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_RELRANK_EREC_RANK_KEY_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking record search key.
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking match mode
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking record search strategy
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking record search terms.
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking record search key.
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking record search strategy
Parameter name for navigation relevance ranking record search terms.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_ROLLUP_KEY_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation rollup key.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_SORT_KEY_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation sort key.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_SORT_ORDER_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation sort order.
Parameter name for navigation exposed refinements.
Public fieldStatic memberNAV_STRATIFIED_DIM_VALS_PARAM
Parameter name for navigation stratified dim vals.
Public fieldStatic memberQUERY_ID_PARAM
Parameter name for Request Id
Public fieldStatic memberSESSION_ID_PARAM
Parameter name for Session Id


Public propertyAggrERec Obsolete.
Gets or sets the Id of the aggregated record to be queried for.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecActiveSortKeys
Get the list of sort keys with which the aggregated records representative records will be sorted.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecNavDescriptors
Gets or sets the navigation values which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecNavRangeFilters
Gets or sets the navigation range filters which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecNavRecordFilter
Gets or sets the record filter which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecRollupKey
Gets or sets the rollup key the aggregated record is composed by.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecSpec
Gets or sets the specification of the aggregated record to be queried for.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAggrERecStructureExpr
Gets or sets the structure expression used to filter members of the aggregated record.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyAnalyticsQuery
Gets and sets the AnalyticsQuery instance that represents the Analytics query that will be sent to the MDEX Engine. On set, if the query is malformed, it will not be set on the HttpENEConnection and a SyntaxException is thrown. An AnalyticsQuery instance can be built programmatically or by calling the parseQuery(String) method.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchCompound
Gets and sets whether dimension search will include compound results.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchDimension
Gets and sets the dimension which which the dimension search can search from.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchDimensions
Gets and sets the dimensions which which the dimension search can search from.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchNavDescriptors
Gets and sets the navigation values that describe a navigation state that restrict the number of values that can be searched from.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchNavRangeFilters
Gets and sets the navigation range filters that restrict the dimension search.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchNavRecordFilter
Gets and sets the record filter that will restrict the dimension search results.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchNavRecordStructureExpr
Gets and sets the structure expression that will restrict the dimension search results.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchNumDimValues Obsolete.
Gets and sets the number of values returned from each dimension for value search.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchOpts
Gets and sets the option set that dimension search will use.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchRankResults
Gets and sets how the dimension search will order its results.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchRefinementConfigs
Gets and sets the list of refinement configs to be used by the MDEX Engine for dimension search
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchResultsOffset
Gets and sets the offset with which the dimension search will begin returning results per dimension.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchRollupKey
Gets and sets the rollup key which the records of the dimension search query should use to create aggregated counts. By setting a rollupKey with this method, aggregated counts are returned as the value for the
key of the
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyDimSearchTerms
Gets and sets the search terms the dimension search will use.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyERec
Sets the Id of the record to be queried for.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyERecs
Gets or sets the Ids of the records to be queried for.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyLanguageId
Gets and sets the ISO639 language code to be used for this query. The language id is sent to the MDEX Engine when the query is executed, and specifies the language of any text portion of the query. For example: search terms.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavAggrERecsOffset
Gets and sets the offset into the navigation aggregated record list for navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavAllRefinements
Gets and sets the query such that the navigation query will return with all the refinements possible for all dimensions.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavDescriptors
Gets and sets the navigation descriptor IDs describing the navigation object to be queried for.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavDisabledRefinementsConfig
Gets and sets the disabled refinements config.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings
Gets and sets if the fulltext search should turn on the compute-autophrase feature.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavERecSearchDidYouMean
Gets and sets if the fulltext search should turn on the did you mean feature.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavERecSearches
Gets and sets the navigation record searches to perform on the records of the navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavERecSearchRewriteQueryWithAnAlternativePhrasing
Gets and sets if the fulltext search should turn on the rewrite-autophrase feature.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavERecsOffset
Gets and sets the offset into the navigation record list for navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavERecsPerAggrERec
Gets and sets the max number of records to be returned in each aggregated record.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavExposedRefinements
Gets and sets the set of refinements that should be exposed / returned with the navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavKeyProperties
Get and sets the number of key properties to be returned.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavMerchPreviewTime
Gets and sets the merch preview time on this navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavMerchRuleFilter
Gets and sets the merch rule filter on this navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavNumAggrERecs
Gets and sets the max number of aggregated records returned for the navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavNumBulkAggrERecs
Gets and sets the max number of aggregated records returned in bulk format for the navigation query. If MAX_BULK_ERECS_AVAILABLE is passed to this method, then all aggregated records for the navigation query will be returned.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavNumBulkERecs
Gets and sets the max number of records returned in bulk format for the navigation query. If MAX_BULK_ERECS_AVAILABLE is passed to this method, then all records for the navigation query will be returned.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavNumERecs
Get and sets the max number of records returned for the navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavOpts
Gets and sets the option set that navigation queries will use.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRangeFilters
Gets and sets the navigation range filters on this navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRecordFilter
Gets and sets the record filters on this navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRecordStructureExpr
Gets and sets the structure expression on this navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRefinementConfigs
Gets and sets the list of dynamic refinement configs to be used by the MDEX Engine.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRelRankERecRank
Gets and sets the navigation relevance ranking record search to perform on the records of the navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRelRankERecSearch Obsolete.
Gets and sets the navigation relevance ranking record search to perform on the records of the navigation query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavRollupKey
Gets and sets the rollup key with which the records of the navigation query should be rolled up with to create aggregated records.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyNavStratifiedDimVals
Gets and sets the list stratified dim vals for use during refinement ranking by the MDEX engine.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyProfiles
Gets and sets the set of profiles that describe the application end user.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertyQueryInfo
Gets and sets the ENEQueryInfo object.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)
Public propertySelection
Gets and sets the select list for the query.
(Inherited from ENEQuery.)

See Also