C H A P T E R  14

Feedback SNMPv3

SNMP is the most widely-used network management protocol on TCP/IP-based networks. SNMPv3 is designed mainly to overcome the security shortcomings of SNMPv1 and v2. USM and VACM are the main features added as part of the SNMPv3 specification. USM provides for both encryption and authentication of the SNMP PDUs, while VACM specifies a mechanism for defining access policies for different users with different MIB trees. Also, SNMPv3 specifies a generic management framework, which is expandable for adding new management engines, security models, access control models, and so on. With SNMPv3, the SNMP communication is completely safe and secure.

SNMPv3 is a multi-lingual agent supporting all three versions of SNMP (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3) while conforming to the latest specifications.

Because SEFOS is started as an agentX-subagent of the Oracle ILOM automatically, some of the commands listed and described specific for SNMP agent in this chapter are not applicable.

Those unsupported commands are noted in this chapter. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of those unsupported commands. Note that only the USM is supported by ILOM.

14.1 SNMPv3 Commands

The list of CLI commands for the configuration of SNMPv3 is as follows:

14.1.1 enable snmpsubagent

Enables either snmp agent or agentx-subagent capabilities.

enable snmpsubagent {master {ip4 ipv4_address} [port number]}

Syntax Description

snmpsubagent - Enables SNMP subagent

master - The master agent address. It can be either ip4 or ip6.

port - Port number on which master agent listens subagent.


Global Configuration


port - 705


SEFOS(config)# enable snmpsubagent master ip4 port 897


Commands to enable and disable the snmp subagent are used by the SEFOS automatic scripts. Do not use the enable snmpsubagent or disable snmpsubagent commands from the CLI command interface.

Related Commands

14.1.2 disable snmpsubagent

This command disables agentx-subagent.

disable snmpsubagent


Global Configuration


SEFOS(config)# disable snmpsubagent


Commands to enable and disable the snmp subagent are used by the SEFOS automatic scripts. Do not use the enable snmpsubagent or disable snmpsubagent commands from the CLI command interface.

Related Commands

14.1.3 show snmp agentx information

Displays global information of SNMP Agentx communications.

show snmp agentx information


Priveleged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp agentx information


Agentx Subagent is enabled

TransportDomain :TCP

Master IP Address :

Master PortNo :705

14.1.4 show snmp agentx statistics

Displays all the information regarding SNMP Agentx statistics.

show snmp agentx statistics


Global Configuration


SEFOS(config)# show snmp agentx statistics


Tx Statistics

Transmitted Packets :860

Open PDU :1

Index Allocate PDU :0

Index DeAllocate PDU :0

Register PDU :2

Add Agent Capabilities PDU :0

Notify PDU :0

Ping PDU :20

Remove Agent Capabilities PDU :0

UnRegister PDU :0

Close PDU :0

Response PDU :837


Rx Statistics

Rx Packets :859

Get PDU :1

GetNext PDU :836

GetBulk PDU :0

TestSet PDU :0

Commit PDU :0

Cleanup PDU :0

Undo PDU :0

Dropped Packets :0

Parse Drop Errors :1

Open Fail Errors :0

Close PDU :0

Response PDU :21

14.1.5 enable snmpagent

Enables SNMP agent.

enable snmpagent


Global Configuration


SNMP agent is enabled.


SEFOS(config)# enable snmpagent

Related Commands

14.1.6 disable snmpagent

Disables SNMP agent.

disable snmpagent


Global Configuration


SEFOS(config)# disable snmpagent

Related Commands

14.1.7 snmp community index

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP community details. The no form of the command removes the SNMP community details.

snmp community index CommunityIndex name CommunityName security SecurityName [context ContextName] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [transporttag TransportTagIdentifier | none] [contextengineid ContextEngineID]

no snmp community index CommunityIndex

Syntax Description

CommunityIndex - Community index identifier.

CommunityName - Community name.

SecurityName - User name.

ContextName - Context name through which the management information is accessed when using the community string specified by the corresponding instance of SNMP community name.

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type.

TransportTagIdentifier - Transport tag identifier.

ContextEngineIdentifier - Context engine identifier.


Global Configuration


Community index - NETMAN/PUBLIC

Community name - NETMAN/PUBLIC

Security name - None

Context name - Null

Transport tag - Null

Storage type - Volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp community index myv3com name myv3com security xyz context myinst nonvolatile transporttag myv3tag


The community index identifier must be unique for every community name entry.

Related Commands

14.1.8 snmp group

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures SNMP group details. The no form of the command removes the SNMP group details.

snmp group GroupName user UserName security-model {v1 | v2c | v3} [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp group GroupName user UserName security-model {v1 | v2c | v3}

Syntax Description

GroupName - Name of the SNMP group

UserName - User name

security-model - Security model

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type


Global Configuration


Group name - iso/initial


SEFOS(config)# snmp group myv3group user myv3user security-model v1 volatile

Related Commands

14.1.9 snmp access

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP group access details. The no form of the command removes the SNMP group access details.

snmp access GroupName {v1 | v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}} [read ReadView | none] [write WriteView | none] [notify NotifyView | none] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [context ContextName]

no snmp access GroupName {v1 | v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}} [context ContextName]

Syntax Description

GroupName - Name of the group.

v1 | v2c | v3 - Version of the SNMP.

auth - Enables authentication: MD5 or SHA packet authentication.

noauth - Disables authentication.

priv - Specifies both authentication and privacy.

read - A read view identifier.

write - A write view identifier.

notify - A notification view identifier.

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type.

ContextName - Name of the SNMP context.


Global Configuration


Group name - iso

Read/write/notify view - iso

Storage type - volatile

Group name - initial

Read/write/notify view - restricted

Storage type - non-volatile

Group name - initial

Read/write/notify view - iso

Storage type - non-volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp access myv2group v2 read v2readview write v2writeview notify v2notifyview nonvolatile


  • To configure an SNMP access along with the group, a group must have already been created using the snmp group command.
  • Version 3 is the most secure model as it allows packet encryption with the priv key word.

Related Commands

14.1.10 snmp engineid

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the engine identifier. The no form of the command removes the configured engine identifier.

snmp engineid EngineIdentifier

no snmp engine-id

Syntax Description

EngineIdentifier - Engine identifier.


Global Configuration



SEFOS(config)# snmp engineid


  • The Engine ID must be given as octets in hexadecimal separated by dots and the allowed length is 5 to 32 octets.
  • SNMP engine ID is an administratively unique identifier.
  • Changing the value of the SNMP engine ID has significant effects.
  • All the user information will be updated automatically to reflect the change

Related Commands

14.1.11 snmp proxy name

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the proxy. The no form of the command removes the proxy.

snmp proxy name ProxyName ProxyType {Read | Write | inform | Trap} ContextEngineID EngineId TargetParamsIn TargetParam TargetOut TargetOut [ContextName ProxyContextName] [StorageType {volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp proxy name ProxyName

Syntax Description

ProxyName - The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated with the tProxyEntry. This will be the index used for the proxy table.

ProxyType - Type of message that are forwarded using the translation parameters. Options are:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Inform
  • Trap

ContextEngineID - Context engine identifier contained in messages that are forwarded using the translation parameters.

TargetParamsIn - This object selects an entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable. The selected entry is used to determine which row of the snmpProxyTable is to be used for forwarding the received messages.

TargetOut - This object selects a management target defined in the snmpTargetAddrTable (in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB). The selected target is defined by an entry in the snmpTargetAddrTable whose index value (snmpTargetAddrName) is equal to this object. This object is only used when selection of a single target is required. That is, when forwarding an incoming read or write request.

ContextName - Context name contained in messages that are forwarded using the translation parameters.

StorageType - Storage type. Options are:

  • volatile
  • nonvolatile


Global Configuration


Storage Type - nonvolatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp proxy name proxy1 ProxyType write ContextEngineID TargetParamsIn param2 TargetOut target2 ContextName pxyctxtname StorageType nonvolatile

14.1.12 snmp view

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP view. The no form of the command removes the SNMP view.

snmp view ViewName OIDTree [mask OIDMask] {included | excluded} [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp view ViewName OIDTree

Syntax Description

ViewName - View name

OIDTree - Object identifier

OIDMask | none - Defines views’ subtrees

included | excluded - Type of view

volatile | nonvolatile - Type of storage


Global Configuration


View Name - iso/restricted

OIDTree - 1

OIDMask - None

View type - included

Storage type - non-volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp view v2readview mask included nonvolatile


To configure an SNMP view (read/write/notify), a group must have already been created using the snmp group command and SNMP group access must be configured using the snmp access command.

Related Commands

14.1.13 snmp targetaddr

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP target address. The no form of the command removes the configured SNMP target address.

snmp targetaddr TargetAddressName param ParamName {IPAddress | IP6Address} [timeout Seconds(1-1500)] [retries RetryCount(1-3)] [taglist TagIdentifier | none] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] 

no snmp targetaddr TargetAddressName

Syntax Description

TargetAddressName - Name of the target address (host).

param - SNMP parameter name.

IPAddress | IP6Address - IP/IP6 Address of the host.

timeout - The time the SNMP agent waits for a response from the SNMP manager before retransmitting the inform request message.

retries - The maximum number of times the agent can retransmit the inform request message.

taglist - Tag identifier.

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type.


Global Configuration


ParamName - Internet

IPAddress -

taglist - snmp

Storage type - volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp targetaddr sefosmgr param sefosd taglist mytag nonvolatile


Target param must have been configured.

Related Commands

14.1.14 snmp targetparams

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP target parameters. The no form of the command removes the SNMP target parameters.

snmp targetparams ParamName user UserName security-model {v1 | v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}} message-processing {v1 | v2c | v3} [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp targetparams ParamName

Syntax Description

ParamName - SNMP parameter name.

user - User name.

security-model - Security model.

auth - Enables authentication: MD5 or SHA packet authentication.

noauth - Disables authentication.

priv - Specifies both authentication and privacy.

message-processing - Message processing model.

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type.


Global Configuration


ParamName - Internet

User/Security Name - None

Security Model - v2c

Security Level - NoauthNoPriv

Message Processing Model - v2c

Storage Type - Non-volatile

ParamName - test1

User/Security Name - None

Security Model - v1

Security Level - NoauthNoPriv

Message Processing Model - v1

Storage Type - Non-volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp targetparams param1 user user1 security-model v3 noauth message-processing v3


User information must have been configured prior to the configuration of SNMP target parameters.

Related Commands

14.1.15 snmp user

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP user details. The no form of the command removes the SNMP user details.

snmp user UserName [auth {md5 | sha} passwd [priv DES passwd]] [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp user UserName

Syntax Description

UserName - Name of the user.

auth - Authentication algorithm. Can be MD5 or SHA.

passwd - Password associated with the authentication type.

priv DES - Private encryption password

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type. Cann be either volatile or non-volatile.


Global Configuration


UserName - Initial

Authentication Protocol - None

Privacy Protocol - None

Storage type - Non-volatile

Storage type - Non-volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp user user1


SNMP passwords are localized using the local SNMP engine ID.

Related Commands

14.1.16 snmp notify

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the SNMP notification details. The no form of this command removes the SNMP notification details.

snmp notify NotifyName tag TagName type {Trap | Inform} [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp notify NotifyName

Syntax Description

NotifyName - Notification Name

tag - Tag Name

type - Type of Notification

volatile | nonvolatile - Storage type of the notification details


Global Configuration


Notify Name - sefos/sefos1

Notify Tag - sefos/sefos1

Storage type - volatile


SEFOS(config)# snmp notify note1 tag tag1 type Inform

Related Commands

14.1.17 snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command enables generation of authentication traps for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. The no form of the command disables generation of authentication traps for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.

snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication

no snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication


Global Configuration


Generation of authentication traps is disabled by default.


SEFOS(config)# snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication

14.1.18 snmp-server trap udp-port

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the udp port over which agent sends the trap. The no form of the command configures the snmp agent to sent trap on default udp port.

snmp-server trap udp-port port

no snmp-server trap udp-port

Syntax Description

port - Port number.


Global Configuration


SEFOS(config)# snmp-server trap udp-port 1234

Related Commands

14.1.19 snmp-server trap proxy-udp-port

Configures the udp port over which agent sends the trap. The no form of the command configures the snmp agent to sent trap on default udp port.

snmp-server trap proxy-udp-port port

no snmp-server trap proxy-udp-port

Syntax Description

port - Port number.


Global Configuration




SEFOS(config)# snmp-server trap proxy-udp-port 162

Related Commands

14.1.20 snmp tcp enable

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command enables sending snmp messages over tcp. The no form of the command disables sending snmp messages over tcp.

snmp tcp enable

no snmp tcp enable


Global Configuration




SEFOS(config)# snmp tcp enable

Related Commands

14.1.21 snmp trap tcp enable

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command enables sending snmp trap messages over tcp. The no form of the command disables sending snmp trap messages over tcp.

snmp trap tcp enable

no snmp trap tcp enable


Global Configuration




SEFOS(config)# snmp trap tcp enable

Related Commands

14.1.22 snmp-server tcp-port

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the tcp port over which agent sends the snmp message. The no form of the command configures the snmp agent to sent snmp message on default tcp port.

snmp-server tcp-port port

no snmp-server tcp-port

Syntax Description

port - Port number.


Global Configuration




SEFOS(config)# snmp-server tcp-port 161

Related Commands

14.1.23 snmp-server trap tcp-port

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command configures the tcp port over which agent sends the trap. The no form of the command configures the snmp agent to sent trap on default tcp port.

snmp-server trap tcp-port port

no snmp-server trap tcp-port

Syntax Description

port - Port number.


Global Configuration




SEFOS(config)# snmp-server trap tcp-port 162

Related Commands

14.1.24 snmp-server enable traps

Enables generation of a particular trap. The no form of the command disables generation of a particular trap.

snmp-server enable traps {[firewall-limit] [linkup] [linkdown] [coldstart]}

no snmp-server enable traps {[firewall-limit] [linkup] [linkdown]  [coldstart]}

Syntax Description

firewall-limit - Firewall attack summary trap.

linkup - Linkup trap.

linkdown - Linkdown trap.

coldstart - Coldstart trap.


Global Configuration


Do not use this command for trapping the link status. Link up (linkup) and link down (linkdown) are specific to a particular interface, so you must be in that interface mode to enable and disable the link status.

Instead, use the following commands:

snmp trap link-status to enable the link up and down events.

no snmp trap link-status to disable the link up and down events.

For example:

SEFOS(config)# int ex 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# snmp trap link-status

Related Commands

14.1.25 show snmp

Displays the status information of SNMP communications.

show snmp


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp


0 SNMP Packets Input

0 Bad SNMP Version errors

0 Unknown community name

0 Get request PDUs

0 Get Next PDUs

0 Set request PDUs


0 SNMP Packets Output

0 Too big errors

0 No such name errors

0 Bad value errors

0 General errors

0 Trap PDUs



0 SNMP Rollback failures


SNMP Manager-role output packets

0 Drops


SNMP Informs:

0 Inform Requests generated

0 Inform Responses received

0 Inform messages Dropped

0 Inform Requests awaiting Acknowledgement


SNMP Trap Listen Port is 162

14.1.26 show snmp community

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP community details.

show snmp community


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp community


Community Index: NETMAN

Community Name: NETMAN

Security Name: none

Context Name:

Transport Tag:

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Community Index: PUBLIC

Community Name: PUBLIC

Security Name: none

Context Name:

Transport Tag:

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active

Related Commands

14.1.27 show snmp group

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP groups.

show snmp group


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp group


Security Model: v1

Security Name: none

Group Name: iso

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Security Model: v2c

Security Name: none

Group Name: iso

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Security Model: v3

Security Name: initial

Group Name: initial

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Security Model: v3

Security Name: templateMD5

Group Name: initial

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Security Model: v3

Security Name: templateSHA

Group Name: initial

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active



Related Commands

14.1.28 show snmp group access

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP group access details.

show snmp group access


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp group access


Group Name: iso

Read View: iso

Write View: iso

Notify View: iso

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Group Name: iso

Read View: iso

Write View: iso

Notify View: iso

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Group Name: initial

Read View: restricted

Write View: restricted

Notify View: restricted

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Group Name: initial

Read View: iso

Write View: iso

Notify View: iso

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active

Related Commands

14.1.29 show snmp engineID

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the engine identifier.

show snmp engineID


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp engineID



Related Commands

14.1.30 show snmp viewtree

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP tree views.

show snmp viewtree


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp viewtree


View Name: iso

Subtree OID: 1

Subtree Mask:

View Type: included

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


View Name: restricted

Subtree OID: 1

Subtree Mask:

View Type: included

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Related Commands

14.1.31 show snmp targetaddr

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP target addresses.

show snmp targetaddr


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp targetaddr


Target Address Name: sefosmanager

IP Address:

Tag List: snmp

Parameters: internet

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Related Commands

14.1.32 show snmp targetparam

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP target address parameters.

show snmp targetparam


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp targetparam


Target Parameter Name: internet

Message Processing Model: v2c

Security Model: v2c

Security Name: none

Security Level: noAuthNoPriv

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Target Parameter Name: test1

Message Processing Model: v1

Security Model: v1

Security Name: none

Security Level: noAuthNoPriv

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active

Related Commands

14.1.33 show snmp user

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP users.

show snmp user


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp user


Engine ID:

User: initial

Authentication Protocol: none

Privacy Protocol: none

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Engine ID:

User: templateMD5

Authentication Protocol: MD5

Privacy Protocol: none

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Engine ID:

User: templateSHA

Authentication Protocol: SHA

Privacy Protocol: DES_CBC

Storage Type: nonVolatile

Row Status: active


Related Commands

14.1.34 show snmp notif

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configured SNMP notification types.

show snmp notif


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp notif


Notify Name: sefos

Notify Tag: sefos

Notify Type: trap

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active


Notify Name: sefos1

Notify Tag: sefos1

Notify Type: trap

Storage Type: volatile

Row Status: active

Related Commands

14.1.35 show snmp inform statistics

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the inform message statistics.

show snmp inform statistics


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp inform statistics


Target Address Name : sefosmanager

IP Address :

Inform messages sent : 20

Acknowledgement awaited for : 2 Inform messages

Inform messages dropped : 0

Acknowledgement failed for : 0 Inform messages

Informs retransmitted: 0

Inform responses received: 18

14.1.36 show snmp-server traps

This command displays the set of traps that are currently enabled.

show snmp-server traps


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp-server traps


Currently enabled traps:



Related Commands

14.1.37 show snmp-server proxy-udp-port

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the proxy udp port.

show snmp-server proxy-udp-port


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp-server proxy-udp-port


snmp-server proxy-udp-port : 162

Related Commands

14.1.38 show snmp tcp

Note - This command is not currently supported. Refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide for the ILOM equivalent of this command.

This command displays the configuration for snmp over tcp.

show snmp tcp


Privileged EXEC


SEFOS# show snmp tcp


snmp over tcp disabled


snmp trap over tcp disabled


snmp listen tcp port 161


Snmp listen tcp trap port 162

Related Commands

