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Oracle® Database Appliance Oracle Database Appliance Setup HTML
Release 2.1

Part Number E27168-01
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Oracle® Database Appliance

Oracle Database Appliance Setup HTML

Release 2.1


December 2011

This document provides an HTML text description for Oracle Database Appliance Setup, part number E26568.

Alternate Text Description of Oracle Database Appliance Setup

Oracle Database Appliance Setup is a poster consisting of seven panels showing basic configuration steps for Oracle Database Appliance, and one panel providing a quick response (QR) code to link to documentation, and URL addresses for the documentation. The following is a text description of each panel.

Panel 1: Connect the Cables

The panel shows an image of the back of an Oracle Database Appliance. The back of the appliance consists of two system controllers (SC). The upper system controller is system controller 1 (SC1), and the lower system controller is system controller 0 (SC0) There are four callouts pointing to locations on the appliance. Callout 1 shows the power supply unit on each of the two system controllers, which is located on the left side of the appliance.

Callout 1 points to the power plug inlet for the power supply unit of each system controller. The text associated with the callout says "Connect power to the power supply unit (PSU)."

Callout 2 points to the Net0 and Net1 ports on each system controller. These ports are located on the right side of each system controller. They consist of two 1 gigabyte Ethernet ports, in a vertical column arrangement. The text associated with the callout says "1 GbE network to net0 and net1 (bond0)."

Callout 3 points to an Ethernet port on each system controller that is located to the right of the bond0 set of ports. The text associated with the callout says "(Optional) Ethernet to Net Mgt for Oracle ILOM."

Callout 4 points to ports that you can use to set up a direct user interface connection for system controller 0 (SC0), the lower controller. The callout points to two USB 2.0 ports on SC0. Connect a USB cable keyboard and a USB cable mouse to these ports. Callout 4 also points to an HD-15 video port. Connect a video monitor to that port.

Panel 2: Power On the Systems

Panel 2 shows a close-up picture of a system controller power button, which is located on the front panel of Oracle Database Appliance. Each system controller has a separate power button. The power button for SC1 is on the upper left corner of the Oracle Database Appliance front panel, and the power button for SC0 is on the lower left corner of the Oracle Database Appliance front panel.

After you plug in each SC, each SC requires time to power up.

Callout 1 points to a green light-emitting diode (LED) labeled SP. After connecting the power cords as shown in step 1, the green LED labeled SP blinks for a few minutes, then turns steadily on. Wait for the SP LED to stop blinking before you proceed further.

Callout 2 points to a round button that turns on the power. When the green LED is steady on, push the power button on each SC to power on the system. Only push the power buttons once.

Callout 3 points to a green LED labeled OK. After you push the power buttons, the green LED labeled OK blinks for a few minutes, then turns steadily on. Wait for the OK LED to stop blinking before proceeding further.

Panel 3: Log In to the Console and Configure the Network

Configuring the network enables you to use the scp command to copy files to Oracle Database Appliance.

a) Log in to the console as root with the default password welcome1.

b) Run the command oakcli configure firstnet, as designated in bold text, and complete the dialog, as described in the example that follows. Replace the network values in the example designated with bold font with the values configured for your network. Consult your network administrator to obtain the network address and subnet information if you do not have it already:

# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli configure firstnet
Select the interface to configure 
network on [bond0 bond1 bond2 xbond0]: bond0
Configure DHCP on bond0? [yes/no]: no
INFO: Static configuration selected
Enter the IP address to configure:
Enter the netmask address to configure:
Enter the gateway address to configure:
Plumbing the IPs now
Restarting the network

Panel 4: Download the Oracle Database Appliance End-User Bundle

On an external client:

a) From a browser, log on to My Oracle Support.

b) Access the URL and download the end-user bundle zip file:

c) Use scp to copy the Oracle Database Appliance end-user bundle to a location on SC0 (for example, to /tmp).

d) (Optional) Copy the configuration file created by the Oracle Appliance Manager configurator utility to a location on SC0 (for example, to /tmp).


Note: Refer to My Oracle Support Note 1373617.1 for step-by-step instructions to complete end-user deployment.

Panel 5: Unpack the Oracle Database Appliance End-User Bundle

a) Use the command oakcli unpack –package to move the end-user bundle from its current location to the location required for deployment. For example, if you copied the package to the directory /tmp, then enter the following command:

# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli unpack -package /tmp/

b) (Optional) If you created a configuration file previously and copied it to Oracle Database Appliance, then prepare the configuration file to be used during configuration. For example, if you copied the file myserver1.conf to /tmp, then enter the following command:

# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli copy -conf /tmp/myserver1.conf

Typical and Custom Installations

The Configuration Type window enables you to select a Typical or a Custom configuration. Among other things, selecting Custom enables you to:

  • Configure NTP servers (If you do not configure an external NTP server, then the default is Cluster Time Synchronization Service)

  • Configure and set up Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)

  • Specify additional network interfaces (2 additional bonded 1 GbE interfaces, and 1 additional 10 GbE interface)

  • Configure Automatic Service Request (ASR)

  • Resize the Cloud File System partition (/cloudfs). The default is 50 Gb.

Panel 6: Deploy the Oracle Software

a) Type the command startx to start X Window System.

b) Enter the following command:

# /opt/oracle/bin/oakcli deploy

Oracle Appliance Manager starts, and the Welcome window opens.

c) Click Next.

The Configuration Type window opens. This window shows the text Select Configuration Type, and displays two options you can select:

  • Typical (Recommended)

  • Custom

Below the two options is a button with the title Load an existing configuration. The button is labeled Browse.

On the lower left hand corner of this window is a button labeled Help, which you can click for information about each window. On the lower right hand corner of this window are buttons labeled Back, Next, and Cancel. These buttons are displayed on each Oracle Appliance Manager window.

Select either the Typical or Custom installation type.

(Optional) If you have a configuration file (for example, myserver1.conf, as shown in the step 5 example), then click Browse to locate the file and import its contents into Oracle Appliance Manager.

Panel 7: When the Configuration Information is Complete, Click Install

At the end of the Oracle Appliance Manager configuration interview, the Summary window is displayed. The Summary window displays a list of configuration values that you have entered during the configuration interview.

Below the Summary window is the a button with the title Save the generated configuration, and labeled Save. You can click this button to save the values you entered during the configuration interview in a configuration file. Below this button are the standard window buttons, and a button labeled Install.

Click Install to start configuring Oracle Database Appliance with the end-user bundle. The deployment takes about two hours to finish.

Panel 8: Begin

Start to use Oracle Database Appliance.

For more information about Oracle Database Appliance, go to Oracle Technology Network:

For more information about deployment, go to:

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Database Appliance Alernate Text Description for Oracle Database Appliance Setup, Release 2.1


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