8 Editing the Billing Care Configuration File

This chapter explains how to customize the Oracle Communications Billing Care interface by creating a custom version of the Configurations.xml file.

About the Billing Care Configuration File

The Configurations.xml file controls the following elements of Billing Care:

  • Mappings that determine what values are displayed for module keys. See Table 8-1.

  • Flags for showing or hiding module elements. See Table 8-2.

  • Threshold values for connection timeouts and pagination. See Table 8-3.

  • Registry values that determine how Billing Care renders modules. See Table 8-4.

  • Keyval categories displayed in the newsfeed. See Table 8-5.

Creating a Custom Configuration File

To change default behavior, create a CustomConfigurations.xml file, and package it in the customizations shared library that you deploy to the Billing Care domain.

To create a CustomConfigurations.xml file:

  1. Copy the SDK_home/BillingCare_SDK/references/Configurations.xml file to the myproject/web/custom/configurations directory.


    • SDK_home is the directory in which you installed the Billing Care SDK.

    • myproject is your NetBeans IDE Billing Care customizations project.

  2. Open CustomConfigurations.xml in an editor, and edit the entries you want to change.

    For a list of the default configuration file entries, see "Default Configuration File Entries".

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Include the CustomConfigurations.xml file when you package your customizations shared library for deployment to your Billing Care domain.

    For more information on packaging and deploying your customizations, see "Packaging and Deploying Customizations".

Default Configuration File Entries

The following tables show the default values in the Configurations.xml file.

Table 8-1 lists the configurable mappings and their default values.

Table 8-1 Mapping Values in Configuration File

Configuration Key and Description Default Values Types


Phone types displayed in the Account Profile overlay.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the phone types.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Contact types displayed in the Account Profile overlay.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the contact types.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Customer types displayed in the Account Profile overlay.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the customer types.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Because browser and BRM language codes are different, this configuration acts like a mapping.


id: String that represents the browser language.

key: String that represents the BRM language (BRM locale value).


Status types displayed in the Account Status overlay and the account banner.

Permits rearranging and renaming the status types.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Tax exemption types displayed in the Tax Setup overlay.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the tax exemptions.

Note: Make sure BRM supports the tax exemption when you add a new type.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Accounting types in the Bill Unit overlay.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the accounting types.

Note: By default, BRM supports only balance forward and open item accounting. Before adding an accounting type, do the necessary customizations in BRM.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Billing frequency in the Bill Unit overlay.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the billing frequency.

Example: An SDK developer can add "6 months" as an option in the drop-down.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Corrective invoice types supported for bill units.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Direct debit accounting types displayed in the Payment Setup, Make Payment, and Bill Unit overlays.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the direct debit types.

Note: Adding an accounting type to Billing Care also requires customizations in BRM.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Invoice delivery preferences in the Payment Setup and Bill Unit overlays.

Permits adding, rearranging, and renaming the delivery preferences.

Note: BRM supports the key FAX with the ID 2 as a preference type. You can add this mapping to the CustomConfigurations.xml file.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Reasons for product or discount activation delays.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Service icons to display in the asset cards.

An icon exists for account products and for GSM services.

If no icon is provided for a service, the default icon is used.

The image can be placed in any folder but must be in the WAR file.

Optimum image dimension is 116 x 116 pixels.


id: String.

key: Icon associated with the specified service.

Table 8-2 lists the configurable flags and their default values:

Table 8-2 Flags in Configuration File

Configuration Key and Description Default Values Types


Flag that determines whether the ISO currency code (such as USD) is displayed in the account banner.


key: String.

value: Boolean.

If the value is true, the code is displayed.

Default value is false.


Flag that determines whether the salutation field is displayed in the account profile, the account banner, and all dialog titles.


key: String.

value: Boolean.

If the value is true, the field is displayed.

Default value is false.


Flag that determines whether batch payment files uploaded in the UI are automatically processed.


key: String.

value: Boolean.

If the value is true, the files are automatically processed.

Default value is false.


Flag that determines whether invoices viewed in Billing Care are display in a dialog box.


key: String.

value: Boolean.

If the value is true, invoices are display in a dialog box.

Default value is false.


Flag that determines whether notes indicators are displayed on top of graphs.

When accounts have lots of activity or lots of notes, too many indicators may be shown. Setting this value to false enables you to remove the indicators, reducing visual clutter.


key: String.

value: Boolean.

If the value is false, the indicators are not displayed.

Default value is true.

Table 8-3 lists the configurable thresholds and their default values:

Table 8-3 Thresholds in Configuration File

Configuration Key and Description Default Values Types


Number of account search results shown by default. The number of search results shown can be increased or decreased by editing the value field.

Note: The limit set for the account search results must be a non-zero positive integer.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of service types shown by default in Assets section. Additional service types can be shown by clicking a Show More link.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of services shown by default in Balances section. Additional services can be shown by clicking a Show More link.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum percentage of payments in a batch that can be suspended. If this value is exceeded, batch processing stops.


key: String.

value: Number.


Number of days before credit card expiration that an alert is shown in the card tile in Make Payment and Payment Setup overlays.


key: String.

value: Number.


Number of days before expiration a package can be purchased during account creation or add-on package purchase.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of records initially displayed in a table on a page.

For example, if 150 records exist, only the first 50 are initially displayed. When you click Show More, the next 50 are retrieved and appended to the initial results. Clicking Show More one more time retrieves the final 50. All 150 records are now displayed.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of records initially displayed in a table on a page in the payment suspense search results.

For example, if 50 records exist, only the first 25 are initially retrieved and displayed. To see all the records, you must click Show More.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of milliseconds in which an opcode must return results before the connection times out.

If you change this value, you must restart the server to reinitialize the connection pool.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of recently opened accounts displayed in the Search overlay.


key: String.

value: Number.


Advance warning time for session time out in seconds.


key: String.

value: Number.


Maximum number of roles that can be retrieved in a batch when a search operation is performed to find roles; for example, roles with permissions to manage suspended payments.

Note: There will be no visible changes to the UI for any change made for role batch size retrieval.


key: String.

value: Number.

Table 8-4 lists the configurable registry keys and their default values:

Table 8-4 Registry Entries in Configuration File

Configuration Key and Description Default Values Types


Sections displayed in the account banner.

Permits rearranging (by modifying the order of the registry keys), deleting, and adding sections.

See "Customizing the Billing Care Account Banner".


key: String.

value: Comma-separated strings.


Name of the package list containing the packages displayed during account creation. Default is CSR.

To enable Billing Care to display a different package list, replace the default package list name with one of the following package list names:

  • default, which displays packages from the default-new package list

  • Any custom package list name

If no package list name is specified, packages from the default-new package list are displayed.


key String.

value: String.


Account creation framework configuration used to render train stops and labels for the footer.

The key is also used as a registry entry to fetch views or view models for the corresponding train stops.

        [{"key": "generalInfo", "value":{
        {"key": "accountCreationSelect", "value":{ 
        {"key": "accountCreationConfigure", "value": { 
            "label" : "CONFIGURE", 
            "msg" : "COMPLETE_CONFIGURATION_THEN", 
            "title": "CONFIGURE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION"
        {"key": "accountCreationPay", "value": {
            "label" : "PAY",
            "title": "PAY_SHORT_DESCRIPTION"

key: String.

value: String.


Mapping for tagging a package.

    <value>[{"key": ".*GSM.*|.*[Mm]obile.*", "value":"Mobile"},
        {"key": ".*[Cc]able.*", "value":"Cable,TV"},
        {"key": ".*[Ff]iber.*|.*[Ww]eb.*|.*GPRS.*", "value": "Internet"},
        {"key": ".*[Cc]orporate.*", "value": "Corporate"},
        {"key": ".*[Tt]ax.*", "value": "Tax"},
        {"key": "*", "value": "Uncategorized"}]

key: String.

value: Regular expression.

The key is a regular expression to match the package name or Uncategorized, and the value is the tag name. If a package name matches the regular expression, it is tagged with the corresponding tags. Packages that do not match mapping rules are categorized under the "*" pattern value.


Custom authorization resource types.

The resource types should be defined in OES.


key String.

value: Comma-separated string.

Note: The key should not be changed here.


Format of batch payment date.

The default format supports the following date formats:



To abbreviate the month, change MMMM to MMM, which supports the following date formats:



To use four digits instead of two for the date, change y to yyyy.


key: String.

value: String.


Batch payment parent directory name.


key: String.

value: String.


List of tabs displayed in the batch payments page.

    <value>[{"id": "active", "label": "ACTIVE"},{"id": "history", "label": "HISTORY"}]</value>

id: String.

key: String.


Supported batch payment types.

By default, the following payment types are supported:

  • Cash

  • Check

  • Failed

  • Interbank transfer

  • Postal order

  • Wire transfer

    <value>[{"type": "Cash Payment Batch","code": "10011","templateName":"cash_payment_template.pit"},{"type": "Check Payment Batch","code": "10012","templateName":"check_payment_template.pit"},{"type": "Wire-Transfer Payment Batch","code": "10013","templateName":"wire-transfer_payment_template.pit"},{"type": "Inter Bank Payment order Payment Batch","code": "10014","templateName":"interbankpayorder_payment_template.pit"},{"type": "Postal order Payment Batch","code": "10015","templateName":"postalorder_payment_template.pit"},{"type": "Failed Payment Batch","code": "10017","templateName":"failed_payment_template.pit"}]</value>

key: String.

value: String (includes payment type, payment ID, and the name of a template file (.pit) for batch processing).


The BRM server time zone configuration to display all the dates in Billing Care according to the BRM server time zone.

If the value is empty, then the client time zone is considered. For example: +0430


key: String.

value: String.


All available CSS files.

"activeTheme" : true represents the active theme.

    <value>{"availablethemes": [{"name" :"css/theme_.css" ,"activeTheme" : true}, {"name" :"css/theme_default.css", "activeTheme" : false}]}</value>

key: String.

value: Boolean.


Used to configure the page navigator.

Order of each entry is the order in which the tabs are shown.

    <value>[{"key": "paymentMethods", "editable": false, "subcontent":[{"key":"newPaymentMethod", "editable": true}, {"key":"editPaymentMethod", "editable": true}]} ,{"key":"billUnits","editable": false,"subcontent":[{"key":"newBillUnit", "editable": true},{"key": "editBillUnit", "editable": true}]},{"key": "taxSetup", "editable": true}]</value>

key: String.

value: Boolean.

"editable": true shows the Apply or Cancel link with a save message after saving.

"editable": false shows the Close button.


Organization hierarchy types include the name, ID, and icon.

        {"key": "site", "value":{"name":"SITE","value": 1,"icon":"resources/images/site.png"}},
         {"key": "legalEntity", "value":{"name":"LEGAL_ENTITY","value": 2,"icon":"resources/images/legal-entity.png"}},
        {"key": "billingAccount", "value": {"name" : "BILLING_ACCOUNT","value": 3,"icon" : "resources/images/billing-account.png"}},
        {"key": "serviceAccount", "value": {"name" : "SERVICE_ACCOUNT","value": 4,"icon" : "resources/images/service-accounts.png"}}

key: String.

value: Complex array containing type, ID, and an icon.


Comma-separated list of payment types excluded from the payment suspense flow.

By default, credit card and direct debit payment types (that is, 10003, 10005) are excluded because they are BRM-initiated.


key: String.

value: String.


Mapping for two-tier suspense reason filtering.

The key is a regular expression to match the detailed reason description, and the value is the higher-level reason.

If a reason description matches the regular expression, the reason is grouped with corresponding higher-level reasons. Otherwise, it is grouped under Uncategorized.

If an icon property is available in a resource path, corresponding grouped payments are shown with it. Otherwise, uncategorized icons are shown by default.

Note: The "*" key should be the last entry in the value because it is the broadest group.

        {"key": ".*[Tt]echnical.*", "value":"Technical", "icon": "resources/images/unable-to-process-icon.png"}
        {"key": ".*[Bb]usiness.*", "value":"Business", "icon": "resources/images/business-rule-match-icon.png"}
        {"key": ".*[Mm]ultiple.*", "value": "Unable to Process", "icon": "resources/images/unable-to-process-icon.png"}
        {"key": "*", "value": "Unclassified", "icon": "resources/images/unable-to-process-icon.png"}

key: Regular expression.

value: String.


Registry keys for rendering payment type views in the Bill Unit screen, Payment Methods screen, and Make Payment dialog box.

This is also used for retrieving localized values from XLF files.

Though paymentTypes has an entry for invoice, when this is used in the Make Payment dialog box, invoice payments are ignored while the payment method view is rendered.

Note: Do not change these values unless you are removing a payment type not used in your environment.


id: Number.

key: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).


Mapping for tagging the bundle.

    <value>[{"key": ".*GSM.*|.*[Mm]obile.*", "value":"Mobile"},
        {"key": ".*[Cc]able.*", "value":"Cable,TV"},
        {"key": ".*[Ff]iber.*|.*[Ww]eb.*|.*GPRS.*", "value": "Internet"},
        {"key": ".*[Cc]orporate.*", "value": "Corporate"},
        {"key": ".*[Tt]ax.*", "value": "Tax"},
        {"key": ".*[Dd]iscount*.", "value": "Discounts"},
        {"key": ".*[Ii]nternet*.", "value": "Internet"},
        {"key": "*", "value": "Uncategorized"}]

key: Regular expression.

value: String.

The key is a regular expression to match the bundle name or Uncategorized, and the value is the tag name.

If a bundle name matches the regular expression, the bundle is tagged with the corresponding tags.

Bundles that do not match mapping rules are categorized under the "*" pattern value.


Name of the package list containing the packages displayed during purchase of an add-on package. Default is default.

To enable Billing Care to display a different package list, replace the default package list name with one of the following package list names:

  • CSR, which displays packages from the default-new package list

  • Any custom package list name

If no package list name is specified, packages from the default-new package list are displayed.


key: String.

value: String.

Default value is default.

Other possible value is CSR.

If the package list name is not specified, packages from the default-new list are displayed.


Product catalog framework configuration used to render the train stops and labels for the footer.

The keys are also used as registry entries to fetch views or view models for the corresponding train stops.

        {"key": "purchaseSelection", "value":{
        {"key": "purchaseConfiguration", "value": {    
            "label" : "CONFIGURE",
            "msg" : "COMPLETE_CONFIGURATION_THEN",
            "title": "CONFIGURE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION",
            "disabled": true

key: String.

value: Complex string containing a label, message, and title.


    <value>[{"searchTemplateKey": "accountSearch", "searchTemplateName":"SEARCH_OPTION_ACCOUNTS", "defaultSearch": true}]</value>

key: String.

value: String.

searchTemplateKey acts as the value of the search drop-down option.

The value of searchTemplateKey (that is, accountSearch) acts as the search template name

The searchTemplateName value corresponds to the text of the search drop-down option.

The value of searchTemplateName (that is, SEARCH_OPTION_ACCOUNTS) corresponds to a key in the resource bundle.

Table 8-5 lists the configurable keyval categories and their default values:

Table 8-5 Keyvals in Configuration File

Configuration Key and Description Default Value Type



key: String.

value: String (must match appropriate key in the Billing Care resource bundle).

See "Customizing Billing Care Templates".