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Oracle® Argus Insight Minimum Security Configuration Guide
Release 7.0.2

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Oracle® Argus Insight

Minimum Security Configuration Guide

Release 7.0.2


February 2013

This document describes how to configure security settings for the Argus Insight application. You configure these settings after you install Argus Insight. For details about installing the application, see the Oracle Argus Insight Installation Guide.


Configuring PwReports.exe Permissions

You need to grant permissions to the PwReports.exe file, which is the executable for the Argus Insight application.

In addition, you need to create a domain user who will have access to the web servers and all network services that will be configured in Argus Insight. The instructions in this document use an example user, named safety_user. You need to substitute safety_user with the name of the domain user that you create.


You need to complete the instructions in this section for each web server and report server in your installation.

To configure the permissions for the Argus Insight application:

  1. Go to the web server or the report server.

  2. Click Start and select Control Panel.

  3. Double-click Administrative Tools.

  4. Double-click Component Services.

  5. Navigate to Console Root, Component Services, Computers, My Computer, and select DCOM Config.

    Surrounding text describes com_services.gif.
  6. Right-click PwReports (that is, Argus Insight application) and select Properties from the menu.

  7. Click the Security tab.

  8. Modify the Launch and Activation Permissions as follows:

    1. Select the Customize option.

    2. Click Edit. The Launch and Activation Permission dialog box opens.

      Surrounding text describes launch_activate.gif.
    3. Click Add to add the domain user who will have launch and activation permissions.

    4. Select the Allow check box for the Local Launch option and the Local Activation option.

    5. Select the Deny check box for the Remote Launch option and the Remote Activation option.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Click Yes in response to the message about Deny permissions.

      Surrounding text describes msg_win_sec.gif.
  9. Modify the Access Permissions as follows:

    1. Select the Customize option.

    2. Click Edit. The Access Permission dialog box opens.

      Surrounding text describes access_perm.gif.
    3. Click Add to add the domain user who will have access permissions.

    4. Select the Allow check box for the Local Access option.

    5. Select the Deny check box for the Remote Access option.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Click Yes in response to the message about Deny permissions.

  10. Modify the Configuration Permissions as follows:

    1. Select the Customize option.

    2. Click Edit. The Change Configuration Permission dialog box opens.

      Surrounding text describes change_conf_perm.gif.
    3. Click Add to add the domain user who will have configuration permissions.

    4. Select the Allow check box for the Full Control option and the Read option.

    5. Click OK.

  11. Click OK to save your changes and close the PwReports Properties dialog box.

Configuring Permissions in the Windows Registry

To configure permissions in the Windows system registry:

  1. Open the Windows Registry Editor:

    1. Click Start and select Run.

    2. Enter regedit.

    3. Click OK.

  2. Navigate to the following folder:


  3. Right-click the S-1-5-20 folder and select Permissions. The Permissions for S-1-5-20 dialog box opens.

    Surrounding text describes reg_edit_hkey.gif.
  4. Click Add to add the domain user.

  5. Select the Allow check box for the Full Control option.

  6. Click OK.

Granting Permission to IIS Metabase

To grant permission to IIS metabase:

  1. Use the Run as administrator option to open and run Command Line.

    Surrounding text describes run_as_admin.gif.


    Make sure you run the following command as administrator.
  2. Grant the safety_user permission to access IIS metabase:

    C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727>aspnet_regiis.exe -ga "safety_user"

    Surrounding text describes cmd_line.gif.

Configuring Folder Access to the Web User Account

This section, which describes how to configure folder access to the web user account, includes the following topics:

The instructions in this section assume your installation has a domain server and all servers are configured in that domain.

Configuring Anonymous Access

On every web server, configure Anonymous access as follows:

  1. Navigate to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Double-click Authentication.

    Surrounding text describes iis_manager.gif.
  3. Select Anonymous Authentication and click Edit. The Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog box opens.

    Surrounding text describes iis_manager3.gif.
  4. Click Set to define the user credentials for the Safety domain user (safety_user).

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Configuring Virtual Directories

On every web server, you must configure the following virtual directories to connect as the Safety domain user (safety_user):

  • Cancel

  • InsightNet

  • PDFReports

  • Scheduled Reports

To configure these virtual directories:

  1. Select one of the virtual directories and click Basic Settings. The Edit Application dialog box opens.

    Surrounding text describes cancel_home.gif.
  2. Click Connect as. The Connect As dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Specific user option and click Set. The Set Credentials dialog box opens.

  4. Enter the user name and password for the Safety domain user (safety_user).

  5. Click OK until you close all the open dialog boxes.

  6. Repeat the process for the other virtual directories.

Configuring Application Pools

You must configure the following application pools to run under the safety_user identity:

To configure these pools:

  1. Select Application Pools to open the Application Pools page.

  2. Select one of the application pools that you must configure.

  3. Click Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings dialog box opens.

    Surrounding text describes app_pools.gif.
  4. Expand Process Model.

  5. Edit the Identity.

  6. Select the Custom account option and click Set. The Set Credentials dialog box opens.

  7. Enter the user name and password for the Safety domain user (safety_user).

  8. Click OK until you close all the open dialog boxes.

  9. Repeat the process for the other application pools.

Configuring Permissions for Log/Application Files and Folders

You must assign the Safety domain user (safety_user) the proper read, modify, and execute permissions for the following folders and files:

To configure the permissions:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate file or folder.

  2. Open the Permissions dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes perm_temp.gif.
  3. Select the Allow check box for the following permissions:

    • Modify

    • Read & execute

    • Read


    Do not provide Full control for any of these folders or files.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

  5. Repeat the process for the other files and folders.

Configuring HTTPS

To configure HTTPS:

  1. Log in to the web server.

  2. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  3. Select the server node, select the Server Certificates icon in the IIS section, and click Open Feature.

    Surrounding text describes iis_manager4.gif.
  4. Create or import your SSL certificate.

    Surrounding text describes iis_manager5.gif.
  5. Wait until the certificate is created.

  6. Navigate to Sites, select Argus Insight, and click Bindings.

    Surrounding text describes iis_manager6.gif.
  7. Click Add. The Add Site Binding dialog box opens.

    Surrounding text describes site_bindings_add.gif.
    1. In the Type field, select https from the list.

    2. In the Port field, enter the SSL port to bind.

    3. In the SSL certificate field, select Argus Insight from the list.

    4. Click OK to save your changes.

    HTTPS is now enabled for Argus Insight.

To ensure the SSL connection is required:

  1. Navigate to Sites and select Argus Insight.

  2. Select the SSL Settings icon in the IIS section.

    Surrounding text describes iis_manager7.gif.
  3. Click Require SSL.

  4. Click Apply.

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Oracle Argus Insight Minimum Security Configuration Guide, Release 7.0.2


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