Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Database Guide

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Updated: September 2014, E39654–02


listener resource type instancesindex iconInformation for Migrating Existing Instances of the SUNW.oracle_listener Resource Type
server resource type instancesindex iconInformation for Migrating Existing Instances of the SUNW.oracle_server Resource Type
ERROR keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
ERROR_TYPE keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
ignoring minorindex iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
modifying response toindex iconChanging the Response to a DBMS Error
preset actions forindex iconPreset Actions for DBMS Errors
responding toindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
in custom action fileindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
SGAindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
core-file creationindex iconObtaining Core Files for Troubleshooting DBMS Timeouts
modifying maximum allowedindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
types detected by fault monitorindex iconDefining Custom Behavior for Errors
editing the resource type
SUNW.oracle_listenerindex iconEditing an Instance of the SUNW.oracle_listener Resource Type
SUNW.oracle_serverindex iconEditing an Instance of the SUNW.oracle_server Resource Type
ignoring a minor DBMS errorindex iconIgnoring a DBMS Error
modifying maximum allowed fault monitor timeoutsindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
modifying response to DBMS errorindex iconChanging the Response to a DBMS Error to Restart
modifying response to logged alertsindex iconChanging the Response to a Logged Alert
Oracle ASM configurationsindex iconSample Configurations for Oracle ASM with HA for Oracle Database
registering HA for Oracle Database
global zoneindex iconRegistering HA for Oracle Database to Run in the Global Zone
zone clusterindex iconRegistering HA for Oracle Database to Run in a Zone Cluster
extension properties
effect on fault monitorsindex iconResource Types for HA for Oracle Database Fault Monitors
settingindex iconSetting HA for Oracle Database Extension Properties
SUNW.oracle_listener resource typeindex iconSUNW.oracle_listener Extension Properties
SUNW.oracle_server resource typeindex iconSUNW.oracle_server Extension Properties