Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle iPlanet Web Server Guide

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Updated: July 2015

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

The information that you require to edit each instance of the SUNW.iws resource type is as follows:

  • You can perform the migration at any time.

  • If you need to monitor deployed applications, set the Monitor_Uri_List extension property to a single URI or a list of URIs to specify the locations of the applications that are to be probed.

The following example shows a command for modifying an instance of the SUNW.iws resource type.

Example 1-5  Migrating Instances of the SUNW.iws Resource Type
# clresource set \
 -p Monitor_Uri_List=http://schost-1/test.html \
-p Type_version=4 webserver-rs

This command modifies the SUNW.iws resource named webserver-rs as follows:

  • The Type_version property of this resource is set to 4.

  • The fault monitor probe will monitor the URI http://schost-1/test.html.