Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation and Configuration Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39666-01

Creating a Protection Group That Does Not Require Data Replication

Some protection groups do not require data replication. If you are using the Geographic Edition software to manage only resource groups, you can create protection groups that do not replicate data. The geoadm status command displays that these protection groups are in the Degraded state. This section describes how to configure your protection group not to use data replication.

Note -  You cannot add device groups to a protection group that does not use data replication.

To create a protection group that uses data replication, see the appropriate Geographic Edition manual for your data replication product:

How to Create a Protection Group That Is Configured Not to Use Data Replication

Note -  You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager GUI. Click Partnerships, then click the partnership name. In the Protection Groups section, click Create. For more information about Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager, see Chapter 13, Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster GUI, in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

Before you create a protection group without data replication, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The local cluster is a member of a partnership.

  • The protection group that you are creating does not already exist.

Note -  Protection group names are unique in the global Geographic Edition namespace. You cannot use the same protection group name in more than one partnership on the same system.
  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Securing Geographic Edition Software.

  2. Create a new protection group by using the geopg create command.

    This command creates a protection group on the local cluster.

    # geopg create -s partnership -o local-role \
    [-p property [-p…]] protection-group
    –s partnership

    Specifies the name of the partnership.

    –o local-role

    Specifies the role of this protection group on the local cluster as either Primary or Secondary.

    –p property-setting

    Specifies the properties of the protection group.

    You can specify the following properties:


    Describes the protection group.


    Specifies whether to allow any dependencies between resource groups and resources that belong to this protection group and resource groups and resources that do not belong to this protection group.


    Specifies a string that follows system-defined arguments at the end of the command line when the role-change callback command runs.


    Specifies the path to an executable command. This path should be valid on all nodes of all partner clusters that can host the protection group. The script is invoked during a switchover or takeover on the new primary cluster when the protection group is started on the new primary cluster. The script is invoked on the new primary cluster after the data replication role changes from secondary to primary and before the application resource groups are brought online. If the data replication role change does not succeed, then the script is not called.


    Specifies the timeout period for the protection group in seconds. You can change the timeout period from the default value depending on the complexity of your data replication configuration.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Geographic Edition Properties, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide .


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide .

    For more information about the geopg command, refer to the geopg (1M) man page.

Example 2-5  Creating and Configuring a Protection Group That Is Configured to Not Use Data Replication

This example creates a protection group that is configured to not use data replication.

# geopg create -s paris-newyork-ps -o primary example-pg

See also

To delete a protection group, see Deleting a Protection Group and Its Components in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide .