Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Reference Manual

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014, E39677-01

geosite (1M)


geosite - create, configure, and manage cluster sites


/usr/cluster/bin/geosite [subcommand] -?
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite -V
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite accept cluster site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite add-member {-c cluster | -m cluster} 
     [-c cluster[,…]] [-m cluster[,…]] site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite create {-c cluster | -m cluster} [-c cluster[,…]]
     [-m cluster[,…]] [-p name=value] [-p …] site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite join cluster site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite leave [-f] site 
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite list [site […]]
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite remove-member cluster[,…] site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite set-prop -p name=value [-p …] site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite set-role {-c cluster | -m cluster} site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite show [-v] site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite status site […]
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite update cluster site
/usr/cluster/bin/geosite validate site


The geosite command enables you to create, configure, and manage a group of clusters, called a site. Clusters in a site can consist of physical or virtual machines, called global clusters, zone clusters, or a combination. You can perform start, stop, switchover, or takeover operations on a specified group of protection groups, called a multigroup, in all clusters of a specified site at one time. For more information about multigroups, see the geomg(1M) man page.

Under normal circumstances, a change of site membership or a change to a site property is automatically propagated to all clusters in the site. You can use the validate subcommand if a change is not correctly propagated after such an operation.

To create a site, you must be superuser or be assigned the proper role-based access control (RBAC) rights profile. To manage a site, you must also issue the command from a cluster that has the controller role for the specified site.

If you have root access, you have permissions to perform any operation. If you do not have root access, the following RBAC rights apply:

  • Basic Solaris User. You can read information about Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition entities by running commands such as geosite list.

  • Geo Management. You can perform all the read operations that someone with Basic Solaris User access can perform. You can also perform administrative and configuration tasks such as geosite create, geosite set-role, geosite set-prop, and geosite update.

For more information, see the rbac (5) man page and Planning Security in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide .

The general form of this command is as follows:

geosite [subcommand] [options] [operands]

You can omit subcommand only if options specifies the option –? or –V.

Each option of this command has a long form and a short form. Both forms of each option are given with the description of the option in the OPTIONS section of this man page.

Sub Commands

The following subcommands are supported:


Accept the specified cluster as a new controller of the specified site when no existing controller cluster is available in the site.

This subcommand is used if the set-role subcommand was issued to propose a site member as a site controller at a time when all existing site controller clusters were unreachable.In this situation, each site member cluster must issue this subcommand to accept the proposal of the cluster to be made a site controller.

The candidate cluster becomes a site controller for each site member cluster that issues the accept subcommand and specifies the candidate cluster. If a site member cluster does not accept the candidate cluster as a site controller, any multigroup command that is issued by the candidate cluster is not performed on the nonaccepting cluster.


Invite a specified cluster to become a member or controller of the specified site. You must issue this subcommand from an existing site controller.

The invited cluster cannot be in the same partnership as the issuing cluster.

The invited cluster must issue the join subcommand to accept the invitation and be added to the site. See the description of the join subcommand for more information.


Create a site of one or more clusters.

This command must be run from one cluster of a partnership. The issuing cluster is automatically configured as the site's first controller. To avoid a possible single point of failure, specify at least one additional cluster to be configured as a site controller.

After the site is created, the clusters that were specified to add to the site must each run the join command, to accept the invitation to join the site. All nodes of the cluster that issues the invitation must be online for the new member or controller to be successfully added to the site.


Accept an invitation to join the specified site.

A site controller must first issue the create or add-member subcommand to invite the new cluster.

The join subcommand must be issued from the invited cluster and specify the name of a site controller cluster of the site to join. At the time that the join subcommand is issued from the invited cluster, the following requirements must be met:

  • All nodes of the site cluster that issues the invitation must be online.

  • All nodes of the cluster that is attempting to join the site must be online.

  • The common agent container must be enabled on all nodes of both the new site cluster and the site cluster that issued the invitation.

If any of these requirements are not met, the join operation does not succeed.


Detach the issuing cluster from the specified site. When the last cluster in a site is removed, the site is automatically deleted as well.

This subcommand can be run by a site controller or a site member.

The following actions are required when the issuing cluster is the last cluster in the site. If these actions are not performed, the operation fails with an error.

  • If the last cluster to leave is a site controller, the leave subcommand must include the –f option.

  • If the last cluster to leave is a site member, first use the set-role subcommand to change the cluster to a site controller. Then issue the leave subcommand with the –f option.

If a cluster becomes permanently unavailable so that the geosite leave command cannot be run from that cluster, use the remove-member subcommand from a site controller to detach the unresponsive cluster.


Display a list of the sites to which the issuing cluster belongs. Use a space-separated list to specify multiple sites.

This subcommand can be run from a site controller or a site member.


Remove one or more specified clusters from the specified site.

This subcommand must be run from a site controller.

This subcommand is used when a cluster is unavailable and cannot remove itself by issuing the leave subcommand.

To specify multiple sites, use a comma-separated list.


Modifies a property of a site. See EXTENDED DESCRIPTION for the list of site properties.


Set the site role of a cluster to either controller or member.

This subcommand must be run from a site controller.

If no site controller is reachable, a site member can issue this subcommand to submit itself or another member of the site as a candidate site controller. In this situation, all other site clusters must issue the accept subcommand before the candidate cluster is confirmed as a site controller.


Display site configuration information for one or more specified sites to which the issuing cluster belongs.

This subcommand can be run from a site controller or a site member.

If used with the –v option, the protection-group list of each specified multigroup is also displayed.


Display status information for one or more specified sites to which the issuing cluster belongs. Use a space-separated list to specify multiple sites.

This subcommand can be run from a site controller or a site member.


Resynchronize the site configuration information in the local cluster with information from the specified remote cluster of the same site.

This subcommand can be issued by a site controller or a site member.


Manually verify and synchronize the configuration of the specified site.

This subcommand can be run from a site controller or a site member. The differences in outcome for each site role are as follows:

  • If the subcommand is issued by a site controller, the subcommand contacts all clusters in the site to verify the consistency of the configuration information.

  • If the subcommand is issued by a site member, the subcommand contacts a site controller and requests an updated copy of the site configuration.


The following options are supported:


Displays help information.

  • If you specify this option without a subcommand, the list of subcommands for this command is displayed.

  • If you specify this option with a subcommand, the usage options for the subcommand are displayed.

The question mark might be interpreted as a special character by some shells. Use quotes (–"?") or an escape character to avoid pattern matching.

–c cluster
–-controller-cluster cluster

Specifies the name of one or more clusters to configure as a site controller. This option is valid with the add-member, create, and set-role subcommands.

Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple clusters.


Forces the command to perform the operation. This option is valid with the leave subcommand.

–m cluster
–-member-cluster cluster

Specifies the name of one or more clusters to configure as a site member. This option is valid with the add-member, create, and set-role subcommands.

Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple clusters.

–p name=value
–-property name=value

Sets site property values. This option is valid with the create and set-prop subcommands.

Multiple instances of the –p option are allowed. See Site Properties for the site properties that you can specify with this option.


Displays the version of the command.

Do not specify this option with subcommands, operands, or other options, as they are ignored. The –V option only displays the version of the command. No other operations are performed.


Displays verbose output of the command. This option is valid with the show subcommand.


The following operands are supported:


Specifies the name of a cluster.


Specifies the name of a site.

Extended Description

The following section lists the site properties. These properties are set at creation and tunable at runtime.

Site Properties


Describes the site. The system sets this property on the local cluster, then propagates the value to the other clusters in the site.






Assigned at creation and tunable at runtime


Specifies, in seconds, the longest time that the JMX client, the site, waits for the invocation of an MBean-server method to return. If a method does not return by the end of the timeout period, the client moves to its next set of instructions and reports the operation as timed out. By default, a client waits indefinitely for a method to return. If the MBean server is unable to complete an invocation, the JMX client will hang indefinitely. The timeout period is site-wide and applies to operations on a per-cluster basis.

The joinTimeout property is used when the join operation requires more time to complete than the default setting allows before the geosite join command times out.






20 seconds


3600 seconds


30 seconds


Assigned at creation and tunable at runtime


Specifies, in seconds, the frequency between heartbeat status requests used by the site clusters. The plug-in enters emergency mode if three Query_interval periods pass without response. The plug-in times out and enters error mode if a further Query_interval period passes with no response.






20 seconds


300 seconds


120 seconds


Assigned at creation and tunable at runtime


Specifies, in seconds, the longest time that the JMX client, the site, waits for the invocation of an MBean-server method to return. If a method does not return by the end of the timeout period, the client moves to its next set of instructions and reports the operation as timed out. By default, a client waits indefinitely for a method to return. If the MBean server is unable to complete an invocation, the JMX client will hang indefinitely. The timeout period is site-wide and applies to operations on a per-cluster basis.






30 seconds


3600 seconds


30 seconds


Assigned at creation and tunable at runtime

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:


The command completed successfully.


An error has occurred.


Example 1 Adding Site Members

The following geosite command adds the cluster-chelsea cluster as a member of the site-london site. The command is issued from a node of the cluster-soho cluster, which is a site controller of the site-london site.

cluster-soho# geosite add-member -m cluster-chelsea site-london
Example 2 Creating and Joining a Site

The following geosite command creates the site-london site. The cluster-soho cluster is added as a controller and the cluster-kew cluster is added as a member. The invited clusters accept the invitation from the cluster-chelsea cluster to join the site-london site.

phys-cluster-chelsea1# geosite create -c cluster-soho -m cluster-kew site-london

phys-cluster-soho1# geosite join cluster-chelsea site-london
phys-cluster-kew1# geosite join cluster-chelsea site-london
Example 3 Deleting a Site

The following geosite commands remove the site clusters cluster-chelsea and cluster-kew from the site-london site, and then removes the final cluster, cluster-soho, from the site using the –f option. The site is automatically deleted when it contains no more clusters. The commands are run from a node of the site controller cluster-soho.

phys-soho1# geosite remove-member cluster-chelsea,cluster-kew site-london
phys-soho1# geosite leave -f site-london
Example 4 Joining a Site

The following geosite command accepts the invitation from controller cluster-soho for cluster-kew to join the site-london site.

phys-kew1# geosite join cluster-soho site-london
Example 5 Synchronizing Site Configuration Information

The following geosite command resynchronizes the local cluster, cluster-soho with site configuration information from the remote cluster cluster-kew.

phys-soho1# geosite update cluster-kew site-london
Example 6 Leaving a Site

The following geosite command removes the cluster cluster-kew from the site-london site.

phys-kew1# geosite leave site-london
Example 7 Setting the Site Role of a Cluster

The following geosite command sets the role of cluster-soho to be a member of the site-london site and cluster-kew to be a controller of the site. The command is issued from a node of the site controller cluster-soho.

phys-soho1# geosite set-role -m cluster-soho -c cluster-kew  site-london


See attributes (5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Interface Stability

See also

geoadm(1M), geohb(1M), geomg(1M), geopg(1M), geops(1M), rbac (5)