Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for MySQL

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Updated: July 2014, E41326-01

Recovery Strategy After a Takeover of a MySQL Protection Group

When an old primary cluster is restarting for the first time after a successful takeover, the MySQL database does not detect that the cluster should no longer act as a master and the Geographic Edition software still keeps the primary role, but leaves it deactivated. The goal for the recovery is to configure the old master to run as a slave and to update the Geographic Edition software configuration to reflect this role change.

You can check for the status with the following command:

# geoadm status

The recovery strategy after a takeover involves the following actions:

  1. Configuring the old master to run as a slave

  2. Manually starting the slave threads on the old master

  3. Resynchronizing the protection group to switch the role