Oracle Solaris Cluster Generic Data Service (GDS) Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E48652-01

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the GDS

    Using the GDS has the following advantages over using either the Agent Builder source code (see the scdscreate (1HA) man page) or Oracle Solaris Cluster administration commands:

  • The GDS is easy to use.

  • The GDS and its methods are precompiled and therefore cannot be modified.

  • You can use Agent Builder to generate scripts for your application. These scripts are put in an Oracle Solaris package that can be reused across multiple clusters.

    While using the GDS has many advantages, the GDS is not the mechanism to use in these instances:

  • When more control is required than is available with the precompiled resource type, such as when you need to add extension properties or change default values

  • When the source code needs to be modified to add special functions