Vordel SDK

Class MessageListenerAdapter

  extended by com.vordel.circuit.MessageListenerAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class MessageListenerAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements MessageListener

Convenience class to implement NOOP callback methods for MessageListener. Users of this class can override just the callback methods they are interested in receiving.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void abortedCircuitInvocation(Circuit circuit, Message message, CircuitAbortException reason)
          Called if the Circuit exits because of a fault with one of the Filters therein.
 void onMessageCompletion(Message message)
          Called when a Message has fully exited the system.
 void postCircuitInvocation(Circuit circuit, Message message, boolean result, java.lang.Object context)
          Called after a chain of Filters in the Circuit has been invoked.
 void postCircuitProcessing(Message message, int result)
          Called when all processing in the Circuit-space is completed.
 void postFilterInvocation(Circuit circuit, MessageProcessor processor, Message message, int resultType, MessageProcessor caller, java.lang.Object context)
          This method is called when a Filter's MessageProcessor has finished execution.
 void preCircuitInvocation(Circuit circuit, Message message, java.lang.Object context)
          Called before the first Filter in a given Circuit is invoked.
 void preCircuitProcessing(Circuit circuit, Message message, java.lang.Object context)
          Called when the message originator has completed initializing the Message, and we are about to start processing in the Circuit-space.
 void preFaultHandlerInvocation(Circuit circuit, MessageProcessor faultHandler, Message message, CircuitAbortException reason)
          Called before attempting to handle a previous CircuitAbortException with a specific fault-handling MessageProcessor.
 void preFilterInvocation(Circuit circuit, MessageProcessor processor, Message message, MessageProcessor caller, java.lang.Object context)
          This method is called immediately before a Filter's MessageProcessor is invoked.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessageListenerAdapter()
Method Detail


public void preCircuitProcessing(Circuit circuit,
                                 Message message,
                                 java.lang.Object context)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called when the message originator has completed initializing the Message, and we are about to start processing in the Circuit-space.

Specified by:
preCircuitProcessing in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit which is about to be invoked.
message - The Message.
context - The Message originator, or null.


public void postCircuitProcessing(Message message,
                                  int result)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called when all processing in the Circuit-space is completed.

Specified by:
postCircuitProcessing in interface MessageListener
message - The Message.
result - The result of Circuit processing. One of:


public void preCircuitInvocation(Circuit circuit,
                                 Message message,
                                 java.lang.Object context)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called before the first Filter in a given Circuit is invoked.

Specified by:
preCircuitInvocation in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit about to be called.
message - The Message.
context - The context in which this circuit was called. In the case of the circuit being run via a reference from a filter, it may be null, an ESPK, or a String property which resolves to this circuit. In the case of the circuit being run from the Transport module, it will be that module itself (as per the 'source' parameter in Message.addCreationListener(com.vordel.circuit.MessageCreationListener)), or null if no source was specified to the creation callback.


public void postCircuitInvocation(Circuit circuit,
                                  Message message,
                                  boolean result,
                                  java.lang.Object context)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called after a chain of Filters in the Circuit has been invoked.

Specified by:
postCircuitInvocation in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit.
message - The Message.
result - The status which the Circuit returned - True if the Circuit passed, False if it failed. If it aborted, the MessageListener.abortedCircuitInvocation(com.vordel.circuit.Circuit, com.vordel.circuit.Message, com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException) method is called instead.


public void preFaultHandlerInvocation(Circuit circuit,
                                      MessageProcessor faultHandler,
                                      Message message,
                                      CircuitAbortException reason)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called before attempting to handle a previous CircuitAbortException with a specific fault-handling MessageProcessor.

Specified by:
preFaultHandlerInvocation in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit in whose context the faultHander will execute.
faultHandler - The fault handler MessageProcessor we're about to invoke.
message - The Message.
reason - The CircuitAbortException which brought us here.


public void abortedCircuitInvocation(Circuit circuit,
                                     Message message,
                                     CircuitAbortException reason)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called if the Circuit exits because of a fault with one of the Filters therein.

Specified by:
abortedCircuitInvocation in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit which threw the CircuitAbortException.
message - The Message.
reason - The reason for the Circuit aborting. Usually the result of a specific Filter aborting, but may also be the result of a circuit configuration issue (e.g. no start filter).


public void preFilterInvocation(Circuit circuit,
                                MessageProcessor processor,
                                Message message,
                                MessageProcessor caller,
                                java.lang.Object context)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
This method is called immediately before a Filter's MessageProcessor is invoked.

Specified by:
preFilterInvocation in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit context in which this processor was called.
processor - The MessageProcessor about to be invoked.
message - The Message before the processor works on it.
caller - The MessageProcessor which is calling this processor. Usually this is null, as the Circuit is the implicit caller of the processor. However, some processors are compound processors, i.e. they are themselves made up of other processors. In these cases, it's the caller processor which invokes the 'mp' in the context of the caller's Circuit. When this happens, the 'caller' parameter will be non-null.


public void postFilterInvocation(Circuit circuit,
                                 MessageProcessor processor,
                                 Message message,
                                 int resultType,
                                 MessageProcessor caller,
                                 java.lang.Object context)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
This method is called when a Filter's MessageProcessor has finished execution.

Specified by:
postFilterInvocation in interface MessageListener
circuit - The Circuit context in which this processor was called.
processor - The MessageProcessor which was invoked.
message - The Message as populated after invocation.
resultType - one of
caller - The MessageProcessor which called this processor. Usually this is null. See MessageListener.preFilterInvocation(com.vordel.circuit.Circuit, com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor, com.vordel.circuit.Message, com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor, java.lang.Object).


public void onMessageCompletion(Message message)
Description copied from interface: MessageListener
Called when a Message has fully exited the system.

Specified by:
onMessageCompletion in interface MessageListener

Vordel SDK

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