Vordel SDK

Interface ESChangeListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
DelegatingFilterSynchronizer, ESChangeListenerAdapter, GlobalProperties

public interface ESChangeListener

Not implemented server side.
The interface which must be implemented by interested parties to listen for Entity change events on the EntityStore. Currently only implemented in client side ES proxy interface

See Also:

Method Summary
 void childAdded(Entity entity)
          A child Entity has been added to a parent Entity to which we are listening.
 void childDeleted(ESPK parentPK, ESPK childPK)
          A child Entity has been removed from a parent Entity to which we are listening.
 void childUpdated(Entity entity)
          A child Entity has been added to the parent Entity to which we are listening.
 void entityDeleted(ESPK entityPK)
          An Entity has been removed from the store.
 void entityUpdated(Entity entity)
          An Entity's contents has changed.

Method Detail


void entityUpdated(Entity entity)
An Entity's contents has changed.

entity - The entity which changed


void entityDeleted(ESPK entityPK)
An Entity has been removed from the store.

entityPK - The PK of the deleted Entity


void childAdded(Entity entity)
A child Entity has been added to a parent Entity to which we are listening. The exact parent can be identified from the child Entity itself.

entity - The child entity in question


void childUpdated(Entity entity)
A child Entity has been added to the parent Entity to which we are listening.

entity - The child entity in question


void childDeleted(ESPK parentPK,
                  ESPK childPK)
A child Entity has been removed from a parent Entity to which we are listening.

parentPK - The parent identifier
childPK - The deleted child identifier

Vordel SDK

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