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Building Learner Groups

This topic provides an overview of learner group setup, and discusses how to:

Pages Used to Build Learner Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Queries


select Enterprise Learning, then select Learner Groups, then select Maintain Queries, then select Maintain Queries

Associate learner group query technical names with user-friendly names.

Maintain Learner Groups


select Enterprise Learning, then select Learner Groups, then select Maintain Learner Groups, then select Maintain Learner Groups

Search for or define new learner groups.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Define learner group data by associating the learner group with a learning environment and owner.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Select the criteria or query for your learner group and build the group.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Review the categories for which this learner group is used.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Review the courses for which this learner group is used.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Review the classes for which this learner group is used.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Review the programs for which this learner group is used.



Click the Add Criteria Based Learner Group link or the Add Query Based Learner Group link on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Review the supplemental learning types for which this learner group is used.

Understanding Learner Group Setup

An overview of the procedures for defining criteria-based learner group and query-based learner groups follows, along procedures for modifying and deleting learner groups.

Defining a Criteria-Based Learner Group

To define a criteria-based learner group:

  1. Access the Maintain Learner Groups page.

  2. Click the link to Add Criteria Based Learner Group.

  3. On the Learner page, enter a learner group name and short description, and associate the learner group with a learning environment, owner, and status.

    Also indicate if you want the system to automatically maintain group membership.

  4. On the Group page, enter the types of criteria that you want to use to build your learner group.

    Criteria types are delivered; do not edit or delete the delivered criteria.

  5. Specify the value for each criteria type.

  6. Click the Populate Learner Group button to build the learner group.

    Note: To achieve optimal performance when creating learner groups that may contain 1000 or more learners, it is recommended that you use the Populate Learner Group component to run a process to build the group (rather than clicking the Populate Learner Groups button). If you choose this option, save the learner group criteria before closing the page.

    See Populating Learner Groups Through Batch Processing.

  7. Review the selected members in the Group Members group box.

Creating a Query-Based Learner Group

To create a query-based learner group:

  1. Access the Maintain Learner Groups page.

  2. Click the link to Add Query Based Learner Group.

  3. On the Learner page, enter a learner group name and short description, and associate the learner group with a learning environment, owner, and status.

    Also indicate if you want the system to automatically maintain group membership. Enter the refresh period, if applicable.

  4. On the Group page, select the query to use to find the group members.

  5. Click the Populate Learner Group button.

    If the query requires prompt values (for a particular department ID or job code, for example) the system displays a page where you can enter those values. The values are saved so that you can update the learner group through a batch process later on.

    Note: To achieve optimal performance when creating learner groups that may contain 1000 or more learners, and that do not require prompt values, it is recommended that you use the Populate Learner Group component to run a process to build the group (rather than clicking the Populate Learner Groups button). If you choose this option, save the learner group criteria before closing the page.

    See Populating Learner Groups Through Batch Processing.

  6. Review the selected members in the Group Members group box.

Modifying and Deleting Learner Groups

To modify or delete an existing learner group:

  1. Access the Maintain Learner Groups page.

  2. Enter the search criteria and click Search.

  3. To modify a group, click the group name to access the Learner Group component for that group.

  4. To delete a group, select the check box for the group and click the Delete button.

    You can only delete groups that are not in use.

Maintain Queries Page

Use the Maintain Queries page (LM_LG_QUERY) to associate learner group query technical names with user-friendly names.

Image: Maintain Queries page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Queries page.

Maintain Queries page

Enterprise Learning Management delivers many predefined queries, each beginning with the prefix LM_. To use any of these queries, be sure they appear on the Maintain Learner Group Queries page. You can also add your own user-defined queries here.

You can associate the technical query name with a friendlier description. The description appears in the list of queries from which users can select on the Group page when defining a learner group.

Maintain Learner Groups Page

Use the Maintain Learner Groups page (LM_LG_SEARCH) to search for or define new learner groups.

Image: Maintain Learner Groups page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Learner Groups page.

Maintain Learner Groups page

Search for Learner Groups

Specify search criteria to find learner groups.

Learner Page

Use the Learner page (LM_LRNR_GROUPS) to define learner group data by associating the learner group with a learning environment and owner.

Image: Learner page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Learner page.

Learner page

Group Page

Use the Group page (LM_LRNR_CRIT) to select the criteria or query for your learner group and build the group.

Image: Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Group page.

Group page

Note: Fields that appear on the Group page vary depending on whether you are defining a criteria-based learner group or a query-based learner group.

Learner Group Criteria

This group box appears for criteria-based learner groups only.

Select Query

This group box appears for query-based learner groups only.

Group Members

Learners who meet the selection criteria are listed here. You can use the Search for Learners field to search for a selected group member.

Click a name to view the Learner Information page for that user. If Automatically Maintain Membership is not selected on the Learner page, you can manually add and delete group members.

Click the Process to Mass Enrollment link to begin the enrollment process for the learner group.

Category Page

Use the Category page (LM_CATG_LG_USAGE) to review the categories for which this learner group is used.

Image: Category page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Category page.

Category page

Displays the categories for which the learner group is used for security.

Course Page

Use the Course page (LM_CI_LG_USAGE) to review the courses for which this learner group is used.

Image: Course page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Course page.

Course page

Displays the courses for which the learner group is used for security.

Class Page

Use the Class page (LM_ACT_LG_USAGE) to review the classes for which this learner group is used.

Image: Class page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Class page.

Class page

Displays the classes for which the learner group is used for security.

Program Page

Use the Program page (LM_PROG_LG_USAGE) to review the programs for which this learner group is used.

Image: Program page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Program page.

Program page

Displays the programs for which the learner group is used for security.

Supplemental Page

Use the Supplemental page (LM_ADHC_LG_USAGE) to review the supplemental learning types for which this learner group is used.

Image: Supplemental page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplemental page.

Supplemental page

Displays the supplemental learning for which the learner group is used for security.