Assigning Change Management Tickets

Use this procedure to assign an implementer to a CM ticket. A CM ticket may be implemented by either a service delivery engineer or an end-user.


The CM ticket assignment sends an automated e-mail to the appropriate service delivery approver, who must review and approve the CM ticket before it can be scheduled for implementation. If the ticket has been re-assigned to a new Change Implementer, then the system notifies both the former and current Implementers.

To assign the CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Change tab.

    The Change Management page appears.

  4. On the Change Management page, find the CM ticket you want to assign, then click Update.

    The Update CM Ticket page displays.

  5. Locate the Implemented By field, and if it set to Customer or Multiple Parties, then enter the name of the individual responsible for performing the implementation tasks.The individual does not have to be a registered user in OM Platform.

  6. Once the appropriate assignment is made, click UPDATE.

    At this point, the CM ticket is ready to be approved or scheduled for implementation depending on whether this CM ticket is implemented by the Oracle service delivery engineer or by the customer.

  7. The action of assigning the CM ticket causes Oracle Advanced Support Platform to do the following:

    • Check that all mandatory fields are populated with valid data.

    • Save the CM ticket in the database.

    • Update the CM ticket Worklog with the assignment entry.

    • If the CM ticket is implemented by the Oracle service delivery engineer, Oracle Advanced Support Platform updates the CM ticket status to Pending Approval and sends an e-mail notification to the assigned implementer. If the CM ticket is implemented by the customer or multiple parties, Oracle Advanced Support Platform updates the CM ticket status to Pending Scheduling.