Submitting Change Management Tickets

The CM ticket is in Draft status, which means that the CM ticket has been created and saved, but not submitted. You can submit a CM ticket by selecting the CM ticket you want to submit and clicking Update. You must have the appropriate privileges to create and submit a CM ticket. In addition, you can submit a CM ticket only if you've entered valid information in all mandatory fields.


For Emergency CM tickets, you are required to enter the Related Incident Ticket ID on the CM ticket page before you can successfully submit the CM ticket.

To submit a CM ticket:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Change tab.

    The Change Management page appears.

  4. Locate the CM ticket you want to submit (look for tickets with the status set to Draft); then click Update.

    The Update CM Ticket page appears.

  5. Ensure that information required to process the CM ticket is entered for the CM ticket. For information about the mandatory fields and valid data required to submit the CM ticket, see Creating Change Management Tickets.

  6. Click SUBMIT.

    The Change Management application initiates the Submit work flow. After you submit the CM ticket, correct any errors that are displayed by the submit workflow. If necessary, resubmit the CM ticket.

    The action of submitting a CM ticket causes the system to:

    • Check that all mandatory fields are populated with valid data.

    • Save the CM ticket in the database.

    • Add the Submitter Name and Date to the CM ticket.

    • Assign an ID to the CM ticket.

    • Notify the following: Change Implementer(s), Change Owner, Change Requester and E-mail Subscriber List. The e-mail notification has an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket making it easy for the recipients to access it.

    • Advance the CM ticket to the next step in the work flow.