Approving Change Management Tickets


You must have the appropriate privileges to approve a CM ticket.

Use this procedure to review and approve a CM ticket that will be implemented by the service delivery engineer. An approval process helps to ensure that your proposed actions are in tune with company or department strategy, and entitled based on contract with the customer. The Change Management service application provides a structured, process-oriented workflow for approving a CM ticket.

A CM ticket must be approved if the party responsible for a CM ticket's individual implementation steps, including building and testing the change, is the service delivery engineer. For example, if you select Advanced Monitoring Team in the CM ticket's Implemented By field, then the CM ticket must be approved before it can be scheduled. In addition, a CM ticket must be in the Pending Approval status before it can be Approved. Once approval occurs, the CM ticket is then an Approved CM ticket and can be scheduled.


After you approve a CM ticket, you cannot edit some of the ticket information such as Description, Reason For Change, and Filter.


A Multiple Approval CM Ticket is a ticket which chooses an Approval Matrix for the approval process.

To approve a Multiple Approval CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Change tab.

    The Change Management page appears.

  4. On the Change Management page, find the CM ticket you want to approve (look for CM tickets with the status set to Pending Approval); then click Update.

    The Update CM Ticket page appears.

  5. On the Update CM Ticket page, review the details for the CM ticket and then do one of the following:

    1. Select APPROVE to approve the CM ticket. The action of approving a CM ticket causes Oracle Advanced Support Platform to do the following:

      • Check that all mandatory fields are populated with valid data.

      • Save the CM ticket in the database.

      • Update the CM ticket Approval log with the approval action and name of the user who approved the CM ticket.

      • Notify only the required level approvers, in ascending order of seniority. For example, first, level 5 approvers are notified. Once they have approved (or otherwise), level 4 approvers are notified, and so on. Finally, the most senior approvers (level 1) are notified.

      • Advance the CM ticket to the Pending Scheduling status. When you click Approve, the Change Management service application starts the Approve work flow. Correct any error conditions indicated by the workflow, and then approve the CM ticket again, if needed. After you successfully approve the CM ticket, it status will be PENDING SCHEDULING.

    2. Select REJECT. The action of rejecting a CM ticket causes the system to:

      • Save the CM ticket in the database

      • Update the CM ticket Approval log with the reject action, reason, and name of the user who rejected the ticket

      • Notify only the required level approvers, in order of seniority. For example, first level 5 approvers are notified. Once they have approved (or otherwise), level 4 approvers are notified, and so on. Finally, the most senior approvers (level 1) are notified.

      • Reverts the CM ticket back to the Draft status

    The ticket proceeds to a new status when one of the following conditions is true:

    • All approvers have completed approval or rejection the ticket:

      • If all levels approved the ticket, the ticket moves to the Pending Scheduling status.

      • If at least one level rejected the ticket, the ticket reverts to Draft status.

    • One of the most senior approvers has approved or rejected the ticket with the Expedite CM checkbox checked:

      • If this approver approved the ticket, it moves to Pending Scheduling status.

      • If this approver rejected the ticket, it reverts to Draft status.

    • A user with Manage Approval permission and who is not in the associated approval matrix has approved or rejected the ticket:

      • If the user approved the ticket, it moves to Pending Scheduling status.

      • If the user rejected the ticket, it reverts to Draft status.