Creating and Managing an Approval Matrix

Reviewing and approving a change request is very sensitive and sometimes need multilevel approval. Oracle Advanced Support Platform provides the ability to define your own multi-level approval matrix.

Once an approval matrix has been defined, all newly created CM tickets and all existing pending approval CM tickets follow the approval matrix. Approvers are also notified when a CM ticket is newly created or pending their approval. A CM ticket is approved when all approvers have approved. A CM ticket is rejected when all approvers have decided and any one has rejected the ticket.

Top level approvers, (that is, level 1 approvers) can bypass all others' approval decisions regardless of whether others approve or reject the CM ticket.

Additionally, you can add multiple approval matrices, then select the relevant matrix from a list on the Oracle Advanced Support Platform home page.

To create an approval matrix:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. From the Change tab, select Approval Matrix.

    The Approval Matrix page appears, displaying one of the following:

    • An existing draft matrix, where one has been defined.

    • A blank draft matrix, where no matrix has been defined previously.

  4. Update the following information:

    • Name - Enter the matrix name. This is unique for the customer.

    • Model - Select one of the following matrix model options:

      Customer Wide - Applies to all CMS for that customer.

      Implemented by Oracle - Applies to tickets implemented by the Advanced Monitoring team.

      Implemented by Customer - Applies to tickets implemented by the customer.

    • Environmental Type for CI Group - Select the environmental type for the CI group from the list.

  5. Update the draft approval matrix as follows:

    • Add a New Level - to add a new approval level, click this link.

    • Remove This Level - to remove an approval level, select the level then click this level.

    • Add Selected Users to this Level - to add users to an approval level, select the users then click this link.

    • Remove Selected Users - to remove users, click the red 'X' beside each user.

    Note that each level provides the following Strategy options:

    • Consensus - Select this option to require that all approvers listed at this level approve the CM.

    • Representative - Select this option to require that a single approver at this level.

  6. When you have completed all changes, check the red check box at the top of the page.

    All newly created CM tickets and all existing pending approval CM tickets now follow this approval matrix.