Managing Contract Line Item Assignments

This section describes how to link configuration items (CIs) to contracts using line items in Oracle Advanced Support Platform.


You must have the appropriate permissions to manage contracts for your organization(s).

To manage contact lists

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. From the Contacts and Contracts tab, select Contracts.

    The Contracts page appears.

  4. From the Customer list, select the customer name.

    The Contracts page, reappears, displaying all contracts associated with the selected customer.

  5. Click View in the contract line.

    The Contract Line Item page appears, displaying contract line details information and linked CIs.

    On this page, you can:

    • Add a CI /CI Group: Click Add CI/CI Group, then select one or more CIs/CI Groups from the list that appear. Click Save. The Contract Line Item page reappears, displaying the added items.

    • Delete a CI/CI Group: Click Remove beside CI/CI Group you want to remove, then click OK to confirm the deletion.