Managing Contact Lists

This section describes how to manage contact lists in Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

Contact lists are used by specific processes (such as Incident Management and Change Management) to send notifications, task messages for approval, or informational messages to the designated contacts.


Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to manage contact lists for their customer organizations.

To manage contact lists:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. FFrom the Contacts and Contracts tab, select Contact Lists.

    The Contact Lists page appears. This page lists all the Contact Lists created for your service delivery organization.

  4. From the Contact Lists page, you can perform the following actions:

Add a Contact List

To add a contact list:

  1. From the Contact Lists page, click Add Contact List.

    The Create Contact List page appears.

  2. In the Name box, enter the Contact List name.

  3. In the Description box, enter any useful information about the Contact List.

  4. Select Ranking to provide users with the ability to prioritize the contact list.

  5. Click Save.

Edit a Contact List

To edit a contact list:

  1. On the Contact Lists page, click Edit beside the contact list to be modified. The Edit Contact List page appears.

  2. Modify the contact list as required then click Save:

    • In the Name box, enter the Contact List name.

    • In the Description box, enter any useful information about the Contact List.

    • Select Ranking to provide users with the ability to prioritize the contact list.

Delete a Contact List

To delete a contact list:

  1. On the Contact Lists page, click Remove beside the contact list to be modified.

  2. Click OK in the Delete Confirmation window to confirm the deletion.


    You cannot remove a contact list if it is used by a contact assignment. Before you delete the contact list, you must remove any contact assignments.

    For more information about contact list assignments, see Managing Contact List Assignments.