23 Monitoring OAAM Administrative Functions and Performance

There are several methods to view performance metrics.

This chapter contains the following sections:

23.1 Monitoring Performance Data and Administrative Functions Using the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Dashboard

This section introduces you to the dashboard and how it is used.

23.1.1 What is a Dashboard?

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Dashboard is an application that provides a high-level view of real monitor data. Monitor data is a representative sample of data.

It presents a real-time view of activity via aggregates and trending.

The Dashboard is comprised of three sections that enable you to focus your review on relevant data, such as the following:

  • Performance statistics

  • Expanded summary data

  • Statistics based on location, scoring, device, security, and performance

Dashboard reports that are presented help you visualize and track trends. With a dashboard report you could check the frauds/alerts in your system. The dashboard also helps you make decisions based on user/location/devices profile allowing easy identification of risks taking place in the system.

The level of access to the dashboard (user interface views and controls) is based according to roles and company requirements.

23.1.2 Common Terms and Definitions

This section contains common dashboard terms and definitions.

Table 23-1 Common Dashboard Terms and Definition

Term Definition


Rate to update Dashboard with new data. The choices are 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 10 minutes.

Performance Panel

Section 1 of the Dashboard shows real-time data.

Summary Panel

Section 2 of the Dashboard shows aggregate data.

Dashboard Panel

Section 3 of the Dashboard shows historical data.

Data type

Type of information in the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager system.


Time frame. The choices are Today, Last 1 day, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and Last 90 days.

Average Process Time

Average number of milliseconds for execution.

Blocked Transactions

Transactions that were blocked during the transaction checkpoint.

High Alert (Logins)

High level alerts triggered during the login checkpoint.

High Alert (Transactions)

High level alerts triggered during the transaction checkpoint.

KBA Challenges

Challenge question responses.

OTP Challenges

OTP challenge responses

23.1.3 Navigation

In the Navigation tree, double-click Dashboard. The Dashboard will appear in the OAAM Administration Console's right side.

The dashboard is divided into three sections:

  • The performance panel (Section 1) presents real-time data. It shows the performance of the traffic that is entering the system. A trending graph is shown of the different types of data based on performance.

  • The summary panel (Section 2) presents aggregate data based on time range and different data types.

  • The dashboard panel (Section 3) presents historical data. The detailed dashboards are used for trending data over time ranges.

23.1.4 Using the Dashboard in Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Dashboard uses real-time data to provide a quick, overview of users and devices that have generated alerts and of all alerts by geographic location. It displays different levels of security to help you analyze online traffic, identify suspicious behavior, and design rules for fraud prevention. The dashboard also offers both total time views and trending views of performance levels. Performance

This section provides information on viewing the total view and trending views. Viewing Statistics in Total View and Trending View

The Performance panel (Section 1) displays a total view on the left and a trending view on the right.

  • The total view shows the statistics on the current volume or rate of logins at the present time versus the maximum.

    Max - the maximum number of logins per minute

    Current - the current number of logins per minute

  • The trending view provides statistics on the selected data (how the data progresses) during the past hour. Viewing Performance Data

To view the performance data:

  1. Select the data type you want from the Data list.

    The data types provided are:

    Table 23-2 Performance Data Types

    Data Type Definition

    Logins per minute

    Number of successful login per minute

    KBA challenges per minute

    Number of challenge question responses per minute

    OTP challenges per minute

    Number of OTP challenge responses per minute

    Blocked logins per minute

    Number of blocked logins per minute

    Blocked transactions per minute

    Number of blocked transactions per minute

    Transactions per minute

    Number of successful transactions per minute

    High Alerts (Logins) per minute

    Number of high alerts triggered during the login checkpoint per minute

    High Alert (Transactions) per minute

    Number of high alerts triggered during the transaction checkpoint per minute

  2. To select more than one data type, control-click the types you want.

    Note: The Performance panel is intended for viewing between 1 and 3 data points at a time.

  3. To change the refresh rate, select the refresh rate from the Refresh list.

Figure 23-1 Performance Panel

Description of Figure 23-1 follows
Description of "Figure 23-1 Performance Panel"

Graphs are shown in different colors, which are generated on the fly, to distinguish the data schemes that are represented.

The performance panel also provides tooltips so that you can view more detailed information about the data points you are interested in. To view information using tooltips, move the mouse to the desired data point. Difference Between Performance Panel and Performance Dashboard

The Performance panel (Section 1) displays real-time interpolations that are updated at the selected rate. The numbers displayed are not totals even though they may correspond numerically to totals in many instances.

The Performance dashboard is one of the five detailed dashboards in Section 3. Section 3 provides accurate totals and trends them over time.

A good analogy to the difference between these two views is a speedometer. Section 1 is like a speedometer. While driving, a speedometer may display 60 m.p.h. This does not mean that during the hour you have traveled 60 miles. In reality you, would have traveled 25 miles if the speed fluctuated or you stopped for gas. If Section 1 shows the rate at which you are traveling, Section 3 shows your actual distance traveled. Summary

The Summary panel displays an overview or aggregate of the selected data type for the specified range or time fame.

Data Types

Table 23-3 presents the data types in the Summary panel.

Table 23-3 Summary Data Types

Data Type Definition

Login Sessions

Login sessions

Success Logins

Successful logins

Temporary Allow Logins

Logins that occurred while a temporary allow was active

Blocked Logins

Logins that were blocked during the login checkpoint

High Alert (Logins)

High level alerts triggered during the login checkpoint

KBA Challenges

Challenge question responses

OTP Challenges

OTP challenge responses

Transaction Sessions

Transaction ID

Success Transactions

Successful transactions

Blocked Transactions

Transactions that were blocked during the transaction checkpoint.

High Alert (Transactions)

High level alerts triggered during the transaction checkpoint

Average Rule Process Time

Average number of milliseconds for rule execution

Average Policy Process Time

Average number of milliseconds for policy execution

Average Checkpoint Process Time

Average number of milliseconds for checkpoint execution

To select a data type, click the one you want from the Data list.

To select more than one data type, control-click the types you want.

Figure 23-2 Summary panel

Description of Figure 23-2 follows
Description of "Figure 23-2 Summary panel"


To change the refresh rate, click the Refresh list and then click the refresh rate you want.


To change the range or timeframe, click the Range list and then click the range you want. Dashboards

Section 3 provides access to five different dashboard types:

Figure 23-3 Five Dashboards

Description of Figure 23-3 follows
Description of "Figure 23-3 Five Dashboards"

For each dashboard type you can select the type of data you want to see from a menu of data types. For example, if you select the Location dashboard, a Country list appears that enables you to select the country you want.

Figure 23-4 Choices After Data Type Selection

Description of Figure 23-4 follows
Description of "Figure 23-4 Choices After Data Type Selection" Viewing Data Type by Location

You can view data type by location.

  1. In Section 3, in the Dashboard drop-down menu, select Location.

    The section becomes a Location dashboard.

  2. In the Data drop-down menu, select the data type you want to view by location.

    The data types you can select to view by country are the following:

    Table 23-4 Data Types by Location

    Data Types by Location Definition


    Alert that have been triggered by country


    Actions that have been taken by country

    KBA Challenges

    KBA challenges that have been triggered by challenge result and country

    OTP Challenges

    OTP challenges that have been triggered by challenge result and country

    Routing Type

    Routing types by country


    Sessions by country

    Temporary Allow

    Temporary allows that have been made by country

  3. To narrow the list to a specific Organization ID, select an application from the Organization ID drop-down menu

  4. To narrow the list to a specific timeframe, select a ranges from the Range drop-down menu.

  5. To narrow the list to a specific checkpoint, select a checkpoint from the Checkpoint drop-down menu.

  6. To narrow the list to a specific country, select a country from the Country list, click the country you want.

  7. If you selected the alerts data type, you can narrow the list further by selecting the alert level you want from the Alert Level box.

  8. If you selected the alerts or temporary allow data type, you can narrow the list further by selecting the checkpoint you want from the Checkpoint list.


For KBA challenges from phone challenges, the country will be listed as "Data Not Available". For these records, the trending graph will not be displayed. Viewing a List of Scoring Breakdowns

To view a list of scoring breakdowns:

  1. In the Dashboard list, click Scoring.

    The Scoring dashboard appears and defaults to risk score.

  2. To narrow the list to a specific checkpoint, in the Checkpoint list, click the Checkpoint you want.

  3. To narrow the list to a specific timeframe, in the Ranges list, click the range you want.

  4. Click Refresh. Security Dashboard

Items in the Dashboard list are accessible based on your role. Only fraud investigators can access the Security dashboard. Viewing a List of Rules or Alerts by Security

To view a list of rules or alerts by security:

  1. In the Dashboard list, click Security.

    The Security dashboard appears and defaults to rules.

  2. To specify a different data type, on the Data list, click the data type you want.

    The data types provided.

    • Rules

    • Alerts

  3. To narrow the list to a specific Organization ID, on the Organization ID list, click the Organization ID you want.

  4. To narrow the list to a specific checkpoint, in the Checkpoint list, click the range you want.

  5. To narrow the list to a specific timeframe, in the Ranges list, click the range you want.

  6. Click Refresh. Viewing Browser and Operating System Data by Device

To view browser and operating system data by device:

  1. In the Dashboard list, click Device.

    The Device dashboard appears and defaults to browser/operating system.

  2. To narrow the list to a specific Organization ID, in the Organization ID list, click the Organization ID you want.

  3. To narrow the list to a specific timeframe, in the Ranges list, click the range you want.

  4. Click Refresh. Viewing a Data Type by Performance

To view a data type by performance:

  1. In the Dashboard list, click Performance.

    The Performance dashboard appears and defaults to rules.

  2. To specify a different data type, in the Data list, click the data type you want.

    The data types provided are:

    Table 23-5 Data Type by Performance

    Data Type by Performance Definition


    Rules currently in the system


    Policies currently in the system


    Points in a session when rule is run


    Calls into the system through the soap interface

    Tracker APIs

    Calls into the tracker subsystem

    Authorization APIs

    Calls into the authorization subsystem

    Common APIs

    Miscellaneous calls

    CC APIs

    Calls into the Cases subsystem

    Rules APIs

    Calls to the rules processor

    Figure 23-5 Viewing Data Type by Performance

    Description of Figure 23-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 23-5 Viewing Data Type by Performance"

  3. If you selected the rules or policies data type, you can narrow the list further by selecting the checkpoint you want from the Checkpoint list.

  4. To view data trended over a specific timeframe, in the Ranges list, click the range you want.

  5. To trend data for a specific data type item, select the row from the Performance table.

  6. Click Refresh. Using the Total and Trending Views

The left side of the dashboard panel displays a total view and the right side displays a trending view of the selected data type.

The total and trending view sections are placed side by side, and you can toggle between the views to look at the details of one more clearly. For example, you can expand the trending view section to see the entire legend instead of a portion of it.

You must select a row from the table in the total view to see data in the trending view. After selecting a row or more, the trending view will show you the corresponding graph(s) of the data. Graphs are shown in different colors to distinguish the data schemes that are represented. The colors are generated on the fly; they are not predefined.

Figure 23-6 Total and trending views

Description of Figure 23-6 follows
Description of "Figure 23-6 Total and trending views" Viewing the Trending View Graph

The graph in the trending view adjusts accordingly based on the information being shown. The Y-coordinate will adjust depending on the highest data point. The sample will adjust based on the range. Also, whether you can choose to see data by hours, days, weeks, or months will depend on what is selected for the range. View by Range

To narrow the data gathered to a specific time frame, from the Range list, select Today, Last 1 day, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or Last 90 days. View by Sample

To view data by a periodic interval, from the Samples list, select hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The choices available will depend on the range selected.

An example would be that if you have collected data over a period of six months, and you want to show how much data was collected every day using last month's data, you would choose to show daily samples trended over a month. Last Updated

The "Last Updated" field, which also appears in the performance panel (Section 1), is updated when you select a different data type. Using Tooltips

Tooltips are particularly useful if the data points are shown closely together (packed); you can use the tooltip to gather information. For example, you may want to view data for every 1-hour sample.

23.2 Monitoring Performance Using the Dynamic Monitoring System

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager uses the Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Systems (DMS) to measure application-specific performance information for logins and rule and API execution. DMS is notified when events occur, when important intervals begin and end, or when pre-computed values change their state. At run time, DMS stores metrics in memory and enables you to save or view the metrics in Fusion Middleware Control. DMS can display statistics of your system using the Oracle DMS Spy application to aid in troubleshooting and diagnostics.

The Oracle DMS Spy application is launched by entering http://machine_name:port/dms/ into your browser URL address field. The following metric tables are available:

The metric tables are described in this section.

23.2.1 Login Information (Counts Only)

Login Information (Counts only) that is sent are listed in Table 23-6.

Table 23-6 Login Information

Description DMS Noun Path DMS Noun Type/Group

Login Count - Total



Login Count - Success



Login Count - Failed



Login Count - Blocked



Login Count - Challenged



23.2.2 Rules Engine Execution Information (Count and Time Taken to Execute)

The rules engine execution information (count and time taken to execute) is shown in Table 23-7.

Table 23-7 Rules Engine Executions

Description DMS Noun Path DMS Noun Type/Group

Rules Execution



Policies Execution



Checkpoints Execution



23.2.3 APIs Execution Information (Count and Time Taken to Execute)

The APIs execution information (count and time taken to execute) is shown in Table 23-8

Table 23-8 API Execution

Description DMS Noun Path DMS Noun Type/Group

API Call updateLog



API Call updateAuthStatus



API Call processRules



23.3 Monitoring Performance Data and Administrative Functions Using Fusion Middleware Control

Fusion Middleware Control organizes a wide variety of performance data and administrative functions into distinct, Web-based home pages. The Fusion Middleware Control home pages make it easy to locate the most important monitoring data functions from a Web browser.

23.3.1 Displaying the Fusion Middleware Control

To display Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Enter the Fusion Middleware Control URL, which includes the name of the host and the administration port number assigned during the installation. The following shows the format of the URL:

  2. Enter the Oracle Fusion Middleware administrator user name and password and click Login.

    The default user name for the administrator user is weblogic. This is the account you can use to log in to Fusion Middleware Control for the first time. The password is the one you supplied during the installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

The Fusion Middleware Control Login is shown in Figure 23-8.

Figure 23-8 Fusion Middleware Control Login

Description of Figure 23-8 follows
Description of "Figure 23-8 Fusion Middleware Control Login"

23.3.2 Displaying Base Domain 11g Farm Page

When you first log in to Fusion Middleware Control, the Base Domain home page is displayed.

Fusion Middleware Control displays the target navigation panel on the left and the content panel on the right.

The farm home page is shown in Figure 23-9

Figure 23-9 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Farm Home Page

Description of Figure 23-9 follows
Description of "Figure 23-9 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Farm Home Page"

Content Panel

The content panel displays the overall status of the Oracle Fusion Middleware environment and links to reference information.

From here, you can view

  • The status and target of the internal applications in the deployment.

  • The status, host, and CPU usage of the repository and server instances.

  • Resource information on concepts and tasks

Target Navigation Panel

The target navigation panel lists all of the targets in the farm in a navigation tree.

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager details in Fusion Middleware Control are divided into the following nodes within the navigation panel:

  • Application Deployments

  • WebLogic Domain

  • Identity and Access

  • Metadata Repositories

When you select a target, such as a Managed Server or a component, the target's home page is displayed in the content panel and that target's menu is displayed at the top of the page, in the context panel. For example, if you select a Managed Server, the WebLogic Server menu is displayed. You can also view the menu for a target by right-clicking the target in the navigation panel.

Farm Menu

Farm Menu in the upper left corner of the target navigation panel provides a list of operations that you can perform on the farm.

Dynamic Menu

Dynamic Target Menu provides a list of operations that you can perform on the currently selected target. The menu that is displayed depends on the target you select. The menu for a specific target contains the same operations as those in the Right-Click Target Menu.

Figure 23-11 Dynamic Menu

Description of Figure 23-11 follows
Description of "Figure 23-11 Dynamic Menu"

23.3.3 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home Page

To access the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Expand the Identity and Access node.

  3. Click the OAAM (cluster) node.

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page appears. Use this page to monitor the OAAM cluster.

In the Oracle Access Management Access Manager Cluster Home page, you can:

  • Monitor the OAAM cluster

  • View the status of the OAAM servers that are part of the OAAM cluster

  • View details of the database used by Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

  • Access general information about the OAAM cluster such as the name, version, Oracle Home, and domain home

  • Access the performance summary of the server instances in the cluster

Monitor the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager cluster

The Performance Overview section of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page shows a graphical representation and a table view of the login statistics.

The data shown are for:

  • Number of successful logins during the last 5 minute collection interval

  • Number of logins failed during the last 5 minute collection interval

In the graphical representation, the x axis shows the time and the y axis shows the number of logins.

The performance overview is also available in tabular format when you click the Table View link at the bottom of the graph.

View the status of the servers that are part of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager cluster

The Deployment section of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page provides information on the statuses of the OAAM server instances.

You can view the following information:

Fields Description
Instance Name The name of the OAAM server instance. For example: oaam_server.
Status The status of the OAAM server instance:
  • Green Up Arrow indicates that the instance is running

  • Red Down Arrow indicates that the instance is not running

  • Clock indicates that the status information is currently unavailable.

Host The name of the machine where the server is running.
Port The address on that machine where the server is listening.
Server Name The name of the container in which the applications are running
Total Logins The total number of logins attempted since startup.
Logins Successful The total number of successful logins since startup
Logins Failed The total number of failed logins since startup.

View details of the data repositories used by Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

To view hostname, port, and Service ID of the data repository, refer to the Data Store section. Oracle Adaptive Access Manager uses the RDBMS database as its data store.

Fields Description
Hostname The name of the server where the data store is located.
Port The port on which the Listener is listening for Oracle connections
Service ID The name of the database that Oracle Adaptive Access Manager is using

Access general information about the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

In the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster Home page, you can access general information about the cluster and the datasource.

To view the target name, version, Oracle Home, and Domain home:

  1. Click Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster at the top of the home page to expand the dynamic menu.

  2. Select General Information.

Access the Performance Summary for the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster

To see a performance summary for insight into the current performance of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager cluster:

  1. Click Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Cluster at the top of the home page to expand the dynamic menu.

  2. Click Performance Summary.

23.3.4 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home Page

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home page displays a performance overview of the instance.

To access an Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home page:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Expand the Identity and Access node.

  3. Expand the OAAM (cluster) node.

  4. Click an OAAM server node.

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Server Home page appears. From this page, you can:

  • View statistic summary for the OAAM server instance

  • View performance overview (graphical representation and table)

  • Access a List of Operations to perform

View statistic summary for the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager server instance

The OAAM Server Home Page displays a Performance Overview with key metrics.

From this page, you can view a statistic summary for the OAAM Server instance that was selected.

Metric Description
Logins - Logins Successful Total number of successful logins since startup.
Logins - Logins Failed Total number of login attempts that failed since startup.
Checkpoint - Average Processing Time Average time (in ms) for all the policies in a checkpoint to process since startup.
Checkpoint - Number of Checkpoints Processed Total number of checkpoints processed since startup.
Policies - Average Policy Processing Time Average time (in ms) to process a policy
Policies - Number of Polices Processed Total number of policies processed since startup

View performance overview of the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager server instance

The Performance Overview section of the OAAM Server Home page provides a graphic representations of logins to the OAAM server instance. You can also open a table view of logins from this section.

  • Graphical

    The x axis shows the time.

    The y axis shows the number of logins, checkpoints, or policies processed.

  • Table

    Click Table View to show the Performance Overview in tabular format.

Access the list of operations to perform on the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager server instance

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager menu, which is available when you click Oracle Adaptive Access Manager at the top of the page, provides a list of server instance-related operations. This menu contains the same operations as those in the context menu.

Menu Item Operation
Home Enables you to view the instance home page
Control Enables you to start up and shut down the server instance

From the menu, click Control and select Startup or Shutdown.

Logs Enables you to view server logs and configure logging

From the menu, click Logs and select View Log Messages or Log Configurations.

Performance Summary Enables you to view a performance summary

From the menu, click Performance Summary.

The categories for the summary metrics are:

  • CheckPoint Execution Summary

  • Login Metrics Summary

  • Policy Execution Summary

  • Rule Execution Summary

  • Rule Processing Summary

  • Update Authorization Status Summary

  • Update Log Summary

  • Web Module Metrics

Web Services Enables you to view web services

From the menu, click Web Services.

Security Enables you to view OAAM Server application policies and roles

From the menu, click Security and select Application Policies or Application Roles.

System MBean Browser Enables you to access the System MBean Browser

From the menu, click System MBean Browser.

WebLogic Server Administration Console Enables you to access the WebLogic Server Administration Console

From the menu, click WebLogic Server Administration Console.

General Information Enables you to view general information about the server instance

From the menu, click General Information.

23.4 Use Cases

This section provides a scenario of how Oracle Adaptive Access Manager's dashboards are used.

23.4.1 Use Case: Trend Rules Performance on Dashboard

Through using the dashboard, Security Administrators--who plan, configure and deploy policies--can monitor the performance of rules and modify if necessary.

Rules and policies can potentially have a performance impact. For example, if the Security Administrator defines a new policy to check for a user, who is not using an e-mail address that had been used before (ever). If the bank has more than 1 billion records in the database, performing that check against all the records for every transaction has great impact on performance.

To trend rule performance on the dashboard (find the average rule processing times for the past week with daily samples):

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. In the Navigation tree, select Dashboard. The dashboard is displayed.

    The dashboard is divided into three sections:

    • The performance panel on the top presents real-time data. It shows the performance of the traffic that is entering the system. A trending graph is shown of the different types of data based on performance.

    • The summary panel in the middle presents aggregate data based on time range and different data types.

    • The dashboard at the bottom presents historical data. The detailed dashboards are used for trending data over time ranges.

  3. In the performance dashboard in Section 3, select Performance from the Dashboard list.

  4. Select Rules from the Data list.

    You have selected Rules to view rule performance.

    The rules appear in the Performance - Rules table.

  5. Narrow the data to view by a specific time frame. To view average rule processing times for the past week, in the Range list, select Last 7 Days.

    The average processing time for each rule is shown in the Average Processing Time column of the Performance-Rules table.

  6. Select the sample to use to trend the data. To specify that you want to use daily samples to trend the performance data, select Daily from the Sample list.

  7. View the specific trend graph. Click a specific rule in the Performance - Rules table to see the performance trend graph.

23.4.2 Use Case: View Current Activity

Business Analyst, Security Administrators, and Fraud Investigators are interested in actions that affect the user.

The Dashboard panel (Section 3) displays a total view and a trending view of the selected data type.

To monitor actions:

  1. View the number of blocks

  2. View the number of KBA challenges

  3. View the number of OTP challenges

  4. Trend the information over time, taking note of spikes and number of customers affected.

23.4.3 Use Case: View Aggregate Data

Business Analyst, Security Administrators, and Fraud Investigators are interested in actions that affect the user.

To obtain up-to-date numbers for user access and actions, view the Summary panel (Section 2), which provide an aggregate of the data.

23.4.4 Use Cases: Additional Security Administrator and Fraud Investigator Use Cases

Security Administrators and Fraud Investigators are interested in viewing:

  • Current activity and trended activity over time

  • Average performance numbers and trended performance averages over time

  • Distribution of events trended by geography

  • Security events trended over time

Viewing Current Activity and Trended Over Time

Security Administrators and Fraud Investigators are interested in viewing current activity and trended over a short period of time.

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Open the Dashboard.

  3. In the Performance Panel (Section 1) select a data type from the Data list.

  4. View statistics in total view and trending view.

    • Total view - current activity over short period of time

    • Trending view - current activity trended over a short period of time

  5. In the Summary Panel (Section 2), view a summary of the current activity for a range.

    • Sessions

    • Actions

    • Alerts

    • and others

Average Performance Numbers and Trended Performance Averages Over Time

Security Administrators and Fraud Investigators are interested in viewing average performance numbers and trended performance averages over time

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Open the Dashboard.

  3. In the Performance dashboard (in Section 3), view the following by performance.

    • Rules

    • APIs

    • and others

Distribution of Events Trended by Geography

Security Administrators and Fraud Investigators are interested in viewing a distribution of events trended by geography.

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Open the Dashboard.

  3. In the Performance dashboard (in Section 3), view events by location.

    • Sessions

    • Actions

    • Alerts

    • and others

Security Events Trended Over Time

Security Administrators and Fraud Investigators are interested in viewing security events trended over time.

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Open the Dashboard.

  3. In the Performance dashboard (in Section 3), view security events.

    • Rules

    • Alerts

    • and others

23.4.5 Use Cases Additional Business Analyst Use Cases

Business Analyst are interested in viewing:

  • Customer behavior trend

    • Operating system browser combinations

    • KBA challenges

    • Blocks

  • Distribution of events trended by geography

    • sessions

    • actions

    • alerts

    • and so on

23.4.6 Use Case: Viewing OTP Performance Data

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Dashboard.

  2. Check Section I of the Dashboard for OTP Challenges per minute.

    The graph displays the OTP Challenges per minute statistics

  3. Check Section II of the Dashboard

    The summary table of the Dashboard displays the Count of OTP Challenges for the specified time period.

  4. Check Section III of the Dashboard under Locations.

    The Location Dashboard displays performance statistics, such as count, percentage, and others.