22 Scheduling and Processing Jobs in OAAM

The chapter describes how to define, schedule, and run Oracle Adaptive Access Manager batch jobs.

This chapter contains the following sections:

22.1 Access Control

Access permissions for the online scheduling system and offline environment are detailed in the following tables.

Table 22-1 Online Job Scheduling System

Role Access

CSR and CSR Managers

No access

Fraud investigators and Investigation Managers

No access

System Administrators

Full access

Security Administrator

No access

Table 22-2 Offline Environment

Role Access

CSR and CSR Managers

No access

Fraud investigators and Investigation Managers

Same access as online including security dashboard

System Administrators

Same access as online (Environment node) and full access to scheduler node

Security Administrator

Same access as online (everything except Environment Node) and full access to scheduler node

22.2 Introduction to OAAM Jobs

For security administration, it is often required to run evaluations to detect high risk situations. For system administration, running a job to consolidate data is key to maintaining optimal performance of a system. Oracle Adaptive Access Manager provides the ability to configure batch jobs and schedule them.

A job is a collection of tasks that can be run by OAAM. You can perform a variety of jobs such as load data, run risk evaluation, roll up monitor data, and other jobs.

Table 22-3 provides descriptions for these jobs.

Table 22-3 Jobs

Jobs Applicable Deployment Descriptions



A Load Job records from a remote data source, converts the data into OAAM login sessions, and stores the login sessions in the OAAM offline datastore.



A Run Job performs risk analysis on a set of OAAM sessions.

Load and Run


A Load and Run Job is a combination of a Load Job and a Run Job. After each record is processed by the Load Job, the result is fed directly into the Run Job.

Monitor Data Rollup

online and offline

A Monitor Data Rollup Job consolidates monitor data used in the dashboard and some risk evaluations on a regular basis. This job consolidates data to optimize the database when processed.

22.2.1 Job Interface

The Jobs search page enables you to search for jobs to view details. Actions that you can perform on jobs are listed in this table.

Table 22-4 Job Actions

Action Description


Search for jobs.


Create jobs.


Start running a job

View logs

View the log of a job

View execution queue

View the processing order of jobs

View progress of jobs

View the percentage complete and estimated time for completion

Pause and resume

Stop a job and start it again

Cancel jobs

Stop a job

The Job Creation wizard is invoked by clicking the New Job icon and provides a step-by-step guide through the job definition and scheduling process. The wizard prompts you for information as you continue. If you are using a standard loading process, you configure your database connection URL for the Data Loader to access the offline data in the remote database, the characteristics of the run session, a filter for the data to be loaded in the database, and schedule to run the job.

The Job Queue page displays the job currently processing and progress in terms of estimated completion time and percentage complete progress. You can cancel or pause and resume a job processing from the queue. If a job is not set to process via scheduling it will not appear in the Job Queue.

22.2.2 Job Queue

When a job is created and scheduled, a single instance of the job is added to the Job Queue. The Job Queue is the order of job execution. Processing order is based on scheduled start time, priority and date/time added to the queue. Jobs are displayed in the queue according to the order they will process.

For example, if Job A is configured with a High priority and set to process immediately, and then Job B is configured with a High priority and set to process immediately, an instance of A will appear in the queue above B. The jobs will process in that order.

22.2.3 Searching for Jobs

Using the Jobs search page, you can search for jobs and view their details.

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Jobs to open the Jobs search page.

  2. Specify criteria in the search filter to locate the job and click Search.

    Table 22-5 Search Filters

    Filter Definition

    Job Type

    The specific task that a job performs.

    Job Status

    Enabled or Disabled. A disabled job will not run.

    Job Priority

    Priority for the job: High, Low, Medium

    Create Date

    Date job was created.

    By default, the Create Date is set to last 1 month.

    Schedule Type

    Once or Recurring.

    Recurrence Interval

    Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

    Last Start Date

    The last start time of the job execution. When you set the "from" section of this field, the "to" section is automatically populated to the current time.

    Last End Date

    By default, the Last End Date is set to 24 hours after the Last Start Date.

    Clicking a job name opens the corresponding Job Details page in a new tab.


    The standard jobs packaged with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager support a number of languages. However, the job name, Default Monitor Data Rollup Task, is displayed in English, even if you are viewing non-English content.

    In the Jobs search page, you can perform the following tasks from the toolbar:

    Table 22-6 Results Table Toolbar Actions

    Action Description


    Open the job to see details.


    Delete the job.


    Enable the job.


    Disable the job.

    Process Now

    Process the job immediately.

    Launch the Job Creation wizard

    Launch the Job Creation wizard so that you can define and schedule a job.

22.3 Launching the Job Creation Wizard

Use the Job Creation wizard to create a job. Jobs are created by the Security Administrator in Online application or by the Security Administrator or System Administrator in Offline application. The Monitor Data Rollup Job is created by the System Administrator.

To open the Job Creation wizard, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Jobs to open the Jobs search page.

  2. Click the New Job button in the upper right of the Console or the New Job button on the toolbar or select New Job from the Actions menu.

    The New Job dialog appears with the available job types to select from.


    All jobs listed in the table are available in OAAM Offline. Only Monitor Data Rollup is available for OAAM Online.

    Table 22-7 OAAM Job Types

    Job Type Definitions


    Read data to create OAAM sessions.

    Load and Run

    Create and read OAAM sessions in one step.

    Monitor Data Rollup

    Monitor data consolidation


    Perform bulk risk analysis on OAAM sessions

  3. Select the job you want to create and click Continue.

    The General page opens by default as the first page of the Job Creation wizard.

    The following sections describe the pages of the Job Creation wizard. In these pages, required settings are identified by the asterisk (*).

22.3.1 Create Job: General

The General page displays general information about the job such as job type, job name, and job status. Use this page to name and describe the job. The Job Name field can take alphanumeric characters. The job is enabled by default.


The job type cannot be changed.

22.3.2 Create Job: Load Details (for Load and Load and Run Jobs)

The Load Details page enables you to control which records will be processed.

You can choose between the Custom Loader and the OAAM Loader.

Table 22-8 Custom and OAAM Loaders

Loaders Description

Custom Loader

A Custom Loader is a user-defined loader that defines how to accomplish complex and custom scenarios.

For the custom loader, you must provide the fully qualified class name for the custom loader class.

OAAM Loader

The OAAM Loader is the default loader that defines how the records are read from the remote data source and how they are converted into OAAM sessions.

The OAAM Data Loader loads login data from a relational database.

By default, the OAAM Loader is selected. It requires information on the data source and miscellaneous properties.

Table 22-9 OAAM Loader Details

Panels Description

Data Source

This panel contains the information about the data source and connection information.

Miscellaneous properties

This panel contains other information such as transaction size, memory buffer size, and write pool size and the values can be adjusted to improve performance.

22.3.3 Create Job: Run Details (for Run and Load and Run Jobs)

The Run Details page lets you choose the Custom Run Type or the OAAM Run Type. The Run type defines how and under what conditions the OAAM policies are applied to the sessions.

22.3.4 Create Job: Data Filters

The Data Filters page enables you to choose the filter that determine which set of data to load into the offline system or process. If the job type is Load and Run, then the same data filter applies for both load and run.

The Auto Increment filter defines the set of records as all records created after the date specified in the From Date field. The Date Range filter defines the set of records as all records that were created between the dates specified in the From Date and To Date fields.

22.3.5 Create Job: Schedule

The Schedule page enables you to specify the scheduling options for the job. You provide the following information:

Table 22-10 Schedule Page Options

Options Description

Job Priority

The job priority determines the importance of the job and the job will be added to the job execution queue based on the priority. For additional information, refer to Section, "Job Priority."

Schedule Type

You can choose to run the job immediately or you can schedule the job to run in the future. For information, refer to Section, "Schedule Type."

Start Date and Start Time (Once)

The job runs at the Start Date and Time.

Recurrence Interval (Recurring)

Daily Hourly, Weekly, Monthly

The job repeats execution based on your selection.

Execute Every (Recurring)

Recurrence frequency of the recurrence interval. For example if the Recurrence Interval is Weekly, you could enter 2 for Execute Every. The job will execute every 2 weeks

Start Time (Recurring)

The recurring job starts at the time you specified on the Start Date given in the Recurrence Range.

You can pick the day of the week by selecting a begin time that is on the day of the week that you want.

Start Date and End Date for Recurrence Range (Recurring)

This is the date range for job execution. The job will continue execution between the Start date and End Date at intervals specified by you. For a recurring job, the Start Date is the date and time at which the job will first executes. The End Date is the date and time after which there will be no more recurrences. If left blank, the job will recur indefinitely until it is manually removed from the Job Queue. End Date is not applicable for a nonrecurring job.

Cancel execution if job runs longer than

The job cancels if it runs longer than a certain time. For example: 60 seconds. The job cancels execution if runtime exceeds 60 seconds. For information, refer to Section, "Cancel Time." Job Priority

Job priority indicates the importance of the job. Job priority can be set to low, medium and high. If two jobs are in conflict the higher priority job will process first. If two jobs are in conflict and they have the same priority, OAAM will randomly select one of the jobs to process first.

Table 22-11 Job Priority Examples

Example Set to Process Priority Result when administrator clicks Submit at the same time


Job A: Immediately

Job B: Immediately

Job A: High

Job B: Medium

Instance of A will show up in the queue above Instance of B and will process in that order because Job A is higher priority


Same start time/date

Job A: Medium

Job B: Low

Instance of A will show up in the queue above Instance of B and will process in that order because Job A is higher priority.


Same start time/date

Both are Medium

Job queue logic will select either A or B randomly to process first and instances will display in the Job Queue in the randomly determined order Schedule Type

Schedule Type determines how often and when a particular job will be run. Schedule Type is either Once or Recurring.

Table 22-12 Scheduling Types

Type Definition Fields Required Fields that Do Not Apply


Run the job once and only once at the date and time specified in the future.

If the schedule type is set to Once, the execution time (Start Date and Start Time) is set to the current date and time by default and the job processes at once ("now").

Start Date and Start Time

Recurrence/Interval Type, Recurrence Frequency, or End Time


Run the job multiple times on a schedule


Frequency is how often the execution recurs.


Examples of scheduling types are shown in the following table.

Table 22-13 Scheduling Type Examples

If I want Values to set are Notes

A group of related and dependent jobs to run every two weeks

  • Recurrence/Interval Type: Weekly

  • Recurrence Frequency: 2


Job to run every two weeks on a Monday at 3:00PM, from August 30, 2010 until October 25, 2010

  • Schedule Type: Recurring

  • Begin Time: 08/30/2010 3:00 PM

  • End Time: 10/25/2010 3:00 PM

  • Interval: Weekly

  • Frequency: 2

  • Time: 3:00 PM

The user does not specify the day of week directly. For weekly recurrence, the user indirectly picks the day of week by selecting a begin time that is on the day of week that she wants. This example the job will run on Mondays because 08/30/2010 is a Monday. Cancel Time

As part of your job definition, you can specify an optional Cancel Time. The Cancel Time determines the maximum amount of time a job is allowed to run before the system automatically stops it. In this way, users can avoid the problem of having jobs run at times that may conflict with other activities. This option is not required, and if a job has no cancel time, it will run until it finishes or until a user manually stops it. If the job is currently executing, then changing the cancel time will only affect future recurrences. The currently executing job instance will use the original setting.

22.3.6 Create Job: Summary

The Summary page displays the choices made and information entered in the previous wizard pages.

22.4 Creating Jobs

Create new jobs by following the instructions in this section. Topics covered in this section are:

22.4.1 Creating Load Jobs

A Load Job reads records from a remote data source, converts the data into OAAM login sessions, and stores the login sessions in the OAAM offline datastore.


If you are loading from a non-OAAM schema, you must set up a database view. For instructions, refer to Section 21.8.2, "Creating a View of a Non-OAAM Database."

The process for creating a Load Job is:

  1. Select Job Type and provide job details. See Section, "Selecting Load Job Type and Providing Job Details."

  2. Enter Load Details.

    The Loader type defines how the records are read from the remote data source and how they are converted into OAAM sessions.

    If you want to load data from a database, choose the OAAM Loader Type that is shipped with OAAM. See Section, "Providing Load Details for OAAM Data Loader."

    If you want to perform any other type of task, choose a Custom Loader Type. See Section, "Providing Load Details for Custom Loader."

    If using the OAAM Loader Type, the following steps are needed:

  3. Set up the data filter.

    The data filter defines a criteria to define the set of records in the database to be loaded or run.

    If you want to define the set of records as all records created after a given date, choose Auto Increment as the data filter type. See Section, "Specifying to Load All Data Created After a Given Date."

    If you want to define the set of records as all records that were created between a From Date and a To Date, choose Date Range. See Section, "Specifying to Load Data Created within a Date Range."

  4. Set up the scheduling.

    If you want to schedule a Load Job that runs once, choose Once as the schedule type. See Section, "Scheduling a Load Job that Runs Once."

    If you want to schedule a Load Job that runs on a regular basis, choose Recurring as the schedule type. See Section, "Scheduling a Load Job that Runs on a Regular Basis (Recurring)."

  5. Confirm details. See Section, "Checking the Summary Details of Load Job." Selecting Load Job Type and Providing Job Details

To create a Load Job:

  1. In the Jobs search page, click the New Job button.

    The Choose Job Type dialog appears with the available job types to select from.

  2. Select Load and click the Continue button

    The Create Job page opens to the General page where you can specify the name and description for the Load Job.

    By default the status is Enabled and the Job Type field displays Load.

    The Job Type field is not editable.

  3. Decide on a name for the job you are defining and enter it in the Job Name field.

    The Job Name can only contain alphanumeric characters.

  4. Enter a description for the Load Job.

    The Next button is enabled after the job name and description have been entered.

  5. Click the Next button to create the Load Job.

    The job is created and you are directed to the Load Details page. Providing Load Details for Custom Loader

A Custom Loader is a user-defined loader that defines how to accomplish complex and custom scenarios. After creating the job, you are directed to the Load Details page where you can start defining the job.

If you want to use a custom loader to load the data source, follow these steps:

  1. In the Load Details page, select Custom Loader.

    This is the custom loader you developed to accomplish complex and custom scenarios specific to your deployment. You will have written a custom class to define this loader.

  2. To select a custom loader, click the Update Class Path... button.

    A dialog appears where you must enter the exact path of a Java class that implements the custom loader specification.

  3. Enter the exact path of a Java class that implements the custom loader specification and press OK.

    If the system cannot find the class, or if the class is not a properly defined custom loader, an error occurs. Providing Load Details for OAAM Data Loader

The loader type defines how the records are read from the remote data source and how they are converted into OAAM sessions. After creating the job, you are directed to the Load Details page where you can start defining the job.

The OAAM Data Loader loads login data from a relational database. If you want the OAAM Loader as the data loader type for your data source, follow these steps.

  1. In the Load Details page, ensure that the OAAM Loader type is selected.

  2. Under Data Source Details, enter the database connection parameters for the source database.

    The database connection parameters define how to connect to the remote database.

    Table 22-14 Database Connection Parameters

    Parameter Description

    Database Platform

    The type of database from which you will be loading.


    The connection string for the database.

    Database User Schema

    The user name for the database.

    Database Password

    The password for the database.

  3. Enter values for the miscellaneous properties.

    This panel contains information that can be adjusted to improve performance such as transaction size, memory buffer size, and write pool size.

    Table 22-15 Characteristics of the Load Job

    Property Description

    Write Pool Size

    Defines the number of threads dedicated to processing the incoming records. The optimal value will depend on the users' systems, so users may have to experiment to find the value that gives them the best performance on their system.

    Memory Buffer Size

    Defines the size of the buffer that holds yet-to-be processed records in memory. When pausing or suspending a job that is meant to restart, all records in this buffer must be processed before the job can stop. The higher this value is, the longer the shutdown procedure will take.

    Transaction Size

    Defines how records are processed as a batch, and also controls the logging frequency.

  4. Click the Next button.

    After providing the database connection details and adjusting various properties in the Load Details page, you are ready to apply data filters for the Load Job. Specifying to Load All Data Created After a Given Date

After entering the required database connection parameters and miscellaneous properties in the Load Details page, you are directed to the Data Filters page where you can specify which set of data to load. Data filters determine which set of records should be loaded into the offline system.

If you want to define the set of records as all records created after a given, follow these steps.

  1. Select Auto Increment as the filter type.

  2. Enter a From Date.

  3. Click the Next button.

    You are directed to the Schedule page where you can specify to run the job once or on a recurring basis.

    A recurring Load Job with an Auto Increment filter will suspend itself after it processes all records that meet its criteria, and the next recurrence will process any new records that have been added in the mean time. If you decide to apply the Auto Increment filter, then the best practice is to use a Recurring schedule for the Load Job. Specifying to Load Data Created within a Date Range

After entering the required database connection parameters and miscellaneous properties in the Load Details page, you are directed to the Data Filters page where you can specify the data filter to use to define the set of records to be loaded. A Date Range filter defines the set of records as all records that were created between a From Date and a To Date.

If you want data within a date range to be loaded from the data source, follow these steps.

  1. Select Date Range as the filter type.

  2. Enter a From Date and To Date.

    Only data that falls within that specific date range is loaded. You will need to enter the From and To Date for data collection. All data processed within these dates are loaded into the offline system.

  3. Click the Next button.

    You are directed to the Schedule page where you can specify to run the job once or on a recurring basis. Scheduling a Load Job that Runs Once

After specifying the data filter, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

If you want the job to run immediately, follow these steps:

  1. In the Schedule page, select a job priority: High, Medium or Low.

    Job priority determines the importance of the job.

  2. Select Once as the Schedule Type.

    The job runs at the start date and start time specified by you or the job can be run immediately. This job is run only once and there is no recurrence. If the schedule type is set to Once, the execution time (Start Date and Start Time) is set to the current date and time and the job at once ("now").

  3. Enter the Start Date and Start Time under Schedule Details.

  4. Choose the Cancel execution if runs longer than option.

    The job cancels if it runs longer than a certain time.

    For example: 60 seconds. The job cancels execution if runtime exceeds 60 seconds.

  5. Click Next. Scheduling a Load Job that Runs on a Regular Basis (Recurring)

After specifying the data filter, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

If you want the job to run on a regular basis, follow these steps:

  1. In the Schedule page, select the job priority.

    Job priority determines the importance of the job.

  2. Select Recurring as the schedule type.

    Although the schedule type can be set or modified later, you must specify a schedule type now; otherwise, you will not be able to execute the job.

    The job should run repeatedly based on the recurring interval specified.

    If a job is recurring, then only one job instance for a particular job may execute at once. If the previous recurrence is still running, paused, or waiting in the Job Queue to execute, then this job instance is skipped. The job instance is moved to the job log with a status of Skipped, and the next recurrence, if any, is placed into the Job Queue.

  3. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    Table 22-16 Schedule Details

    Parameters Description

    Recurrence Interval

    Daily Hourly, Weekly, Monthly,

    The job repeats execution based on your selection.

    Execute Every

    Recurrence frequency of the recurrence interval. For example if the Recurrence Interval is Weekly, you could enter 2 for Execute Every. The job will execute every 2 weeks

    Start Time

    The recurring job starts at the time you specified on the Start Date given in the Recurrence Range.

    Start Date and End Date for Recurrence Range

    This is the date range for job execution. The job will continue execution between the Start date and End Date at intervals specified by you. For a recurring job, the Start Date is the date and time at which the job will first executes. The End Date is the date and time after which there will be no more recurrences. If left blank, the job will recur indefinitely until it is manually removed from the Job Queue. End Date is not applicable for a nonrecurring job.

    Cancel execution if job runs longer than

    The job cancels if it runs longer than a certain time.

    For example: 60 seconds. The job cancels execution if runtime exceeds 60 seconds.

  4. Click Next if you want to see the Summary page or click Finish to process the job. Checking the Summary Details of Load Job

If you clicked Next in the Schedule page, you are directed to the Summary page. This page displays the choices made and information entered in the previous wizard pages.

If you are not satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, use the Back button to return to the wizard pages and make changes.

If you are satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, create the job by clicking the Finish button. A success confirmation message is presented and the Job Edit page is launched. The Job Edit page enables you to modify and reschedule a job.

22.4.2 Creating Run Jobs

A Run Job performs risk analysis on a set of OAAM sessions. A Run Job using the OAAM Load type reads the session records from the database, applies policies for Pre-Authentication and Post-Authentication checkpoints where the user is successfully authenticated.


You can change which checkpoint is Pre-Authentication or Post-Authentication by creating or editing the following properties using the Properties Editor:



A Custom Run Job may perform other tasks or resolve the checkpoints to be run in a different fashion.

The process for creating a Run Job is:

  1. Select Job Type and provide job details. See Section, "Selecting Run Job Type and Providing Job Details."

  2. Enter Run Details. See Section, "Choosing Default or Custom Run as Run Type."

    The Run Type defines how and under what conditions the OAAM policies are applied to the sessions.

    If using the OAAM Run Type, the following steps are needed:

  3. Set up the data filter.

    The data filter defines a criteria to define the set of records in the database to be loaded or run.

    If you want to define the set of records as all records created after a given date, choose Auto Increment as the data filter type. See Section, "Specifying to Run Analysis on All Data Created After a Given Date."

    If you want to define the set of records as all records that were created between given dates, choose Date Range. See Section, "Specifying to Run Analysis on Data Created Within a Date Range."

  4. Set up the scheduling.

    If you want to schedule analysis to run once, choose Once as the schedule type. See Section, "Scheduling Analysis to Run Once."

    If you want to schedule analysis to run on a regular basis, choose Recurring as the schedule type. See Section, "Scheduling Analysis to Run on a Regular Basis (Recurring)."

  5. Confirm details. See Section, "Checking the Summary Details of the Run Job." Selecting Run Job Type and Providing Job Details

To create a Run Job, follow these steps:

  1. In the Jobs search page, click the New Job button.

    The Choose Job Type dialog appears with the available job types to select from.

  2. Select Run and click the Continue button.

    The Create Job page is opened by default to the General page where you can specify the name and description for the Run Job.

  3. Enter a name and description for the Run Job.

    The Next button is enabled only after the job name and description are entered.

  4. Click the Next button.

    The Run Job is created and you are directed to the Run Details page. Choosing Default or Custom Run as Run Type

After creating the job, you are directed to the Run Details page where you can select the Run type. The Run type defines how and under what conditions the OAAM policies are applied to the sessions.

  1. In the Run details page, select the Run Type from the following two options:

    Table 22-17 Run Type

    Run Type Description


    By default the OAAM Run type is selected. The Pre-Authentication and Post-Authentication checkpoints which are enabled by default are run. If you select the default run type, you will need to specify the Transaction Size and Memory Buffer Size.

    Custom Run

    To select a Custom Run type, click the Update Class Path... button, then enter the fully qualified class name for the custom run class. If it is valid, you will be able to proceed to the next page; otherwise, an error message is displayed. The custom run class path is usually different from the Custom Load Class path.

  2. Click the Next button.

    You are directed to the Data Filters page. Specifying Which Set of Records to Analyze

After selecting the Run type, you are directed to the Data Filters page where you can:

  • Specify how much data to load and run by specifying a date range, or

  • Choose to load a selection and run checkpoints on only a sub-selection of that data Specifying to Run Analysis on Data Created Within a Date Range

If you want to define the set of records as all records that were created between given dates, follow these steps:

  1. Select Date Range as the filter type.

  2. Enter the From and To Date for data processing.

    All data loaded within these dates will be processed.

  3. Click Next.

    You are directed to the Schedule page. Specifying to Run Analysis on All Data Created After a Given Date

If you want to define the set of records as all records created after a given, follow these steps.

  1. Select Auto Increment as the filter type.

  2. Enter From Date.

    This is the date from when data should be run.

    All data from the given date will be processed with the current policies and rules.

  3. Click Next.

    You are directed to the Schedule page. Scheduling Analysis to Run

After specifying the data filter, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

You can choose to:

  • Configure a single date/time to load and run

  • Configure a recurring load and run

  • Click Start to start the load and run now Scheduling Analysis to Run Once

To configure a single date/time to load and run:

  1. In the Schedule page, select a job priority.

    Job priority determines the importance of the job.

  2. Select Once as the Schedule Type.

    The job runs at the start date and start time specified by you or the job can be run immediately. This job is run only once and there is no recurrence. If the Schedule Type is set to Once, the execution time (Start Date and Start Time) is set to the current date and time and the job at once ("now").

  3. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    Table 22-18 Schedule Details for a Run Job that Executes Once

    Property Description

    Start Date and Start Time

    The job will run at the Start Date and Time.

    Cancel Execution if job runs longer than

    The maximum amount of time a job is allowed to run before the system automatically stops it. This option is not required, and if a job has no cancel time, it will run until it finishes or until a user manually stops it.

  4. Click Next. Scheduling Analysis to Run on a Regular Basis (Recurring)

To configure a recurring load and run:

  1. In the Schedule page, select the job priority.

  2. Select the Schedule Type as Recurring.

    The job should run repeatedly based on the recurring interval specified. If a job is recurring, then only one job instance for a particular job may execute at once. If the previous recurrence is still running, paused, or waiting in the Job Queue to execute, then this job instance is skipped. The job instance is moved to the job log with a status of Skipped, and the next recurrence, if any, is placed into the Job Queue.

  3. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    The Run Job will execute as per the Schedule Details.

    Table 22-19 Schedule Details for Recurring Run Job

    Properties Description

    Recurrence Interval

    Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly

    Execute Every

    Frequency in the recurrence pattern

    Start Time

    The recurring job starts at the time you specified on the Start Date given in the Recurrence Range.

    Start Date and End Date

    This is the date range for job execution. The job will continue execution between the Start date and End Date at intervals specified by you. For a recurring job, the Start Date is the date and time at which the job will first executes. The End Date is the date and time after which there will be no more recurrences. If left blank, the job will recur indefinitely until it is manually removed from the Job Queue. End Date is not applicable for a nonrecurring job.

    Cancels execution if runtime exceeds

    The maximum amount of time a job is allowed to run before the system automatically stops it. This option is not required, and if a job has no cancel time, it will run until it finishes or until a user manually stops it.

  4. Click Next to proceed to the summary page or Finish to process the job. Checking the Summary Details of the Run Job

If you clicked Next in the Schedule page, you are directed to the Summary page.

This page displays the choices made and information entered in the previous wizard pages. If you are not satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, use the Back button to return to the wizard pages and make changes. If you are satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, create the job by clicking the Finish button. A success confirmation message is presented and the Job Edit page is launched. The Job Edit page enables you to modify and reschedule a job.

Data Clean Up

When a Run begins executing, it performs a clean up for the records in the job's data filter. This clean up involves deleting rule logs, alerts, and actions and resetting risk scores and authentication statuses. This ensures that this data created from a run will not affect other runs on the same data. Pattern and group updates will not be reset between runs so these features are not intended for use cases where the same data is run multiple times.

For example, if you create a Run Job named "R&D Run" and you process it three times, the results (actions, alerts and score) from "R&D Run_090820100429" will not effect "R&D Run_090820100715" and "R&D Run_090920100807" will ignore outcomes of the previous two.

22.4.3 Creating Load and Run Jobs

A Load and Run Job is a combination of a Load Job and a Run Job. After each record is processed by the Load Job, the result is fed directly into the Run Job. In a Load and Run Job, patterns will be processed for successful logins after the Post-Authentication rules are processed.


If you are loading from a non-OAAM schema, you must set up a database view. For instructions, refer toSection 21.8.2, "Creating a View of a Non-OAAM Database." Selecting Load and Run Job Type and Providing Details

  1. In the Jobs search page, click the Create Job button.

    The Choose Job Type dialog appears with the available job types to select from.

  2. Select Load and Run and click the Continue button.

    The Create Job page is opened by default to the General page where you must specify the name and description for the Load and Run Job.

    By default the Status should be Enabled.

  3. Select Load and Run as the job type.

  4. Enter a name and description for the Load and Run Job and select the status.

    The job type, name and description for the Load and Run Job and the status should be displayed in the General page. By default the status should be Enabled.

  5. Click the Next button.

    The Load and Run Job is created and you are directed to the Load Details page. Selecting Loader Type for Load and Run Job

After creating the job, you are directed to the Load Details page where you can start defining the job.

  1. In the Load Details page, select the Loader type from the following two options: OAAM and Custom Loader.

    By default the OAAM Loader type is selected. You can select the custom loader if you choose to write a custom class.

  2. Under Data Source Details, enter the database connection parameters for the source database. The following parameters must be entered:

    Table 22-20 Database Connection Parameters

    Parameter Description

    Database Platform

    The type of database from which you will be loading.


    The connection string for the database.

    Database User Schema

    The user name for the database.

    Database Password

    The password for the database.

  3. Verify miscellaneous properties.

    This panel contains information that can be modified to improve performance such as transaction size, memory buffer size, and so on.

  4. Click the Next button.

    You are directed to the Run Details page. Specifying Data Filters for Load and Run Job

After entering the required database connection parameters and miscellaneous properties in the Load Details page, you are directed to the Data Filters page where you can specify the data filter to be used for the data to be loaded.

  1. Select Auto Increment or Date Range as the filter type. If Auto Increment is selected, enter date from when data should be loaded and run.

    The data filter selected is applied for both the Load and Run Job. All data from the given date is loaded. All data from the given date is processed with the current policies and rules.

  2. If Date Range Filter type is selected, enter the From and To Date for data processing.

    All data loaded within these dates will be processed. Scheduling a Load and Run Job that Runs Once

After specifying the data filter, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

  1. In the Schedule page, select a job priority.

    Job priority determines the importance of the job.

  2. Select Once as the Schedule Type.

    The job runs at the start date and start time specified by you or the job can be run immediately. This job is run only once and there is no recurrence. If the schedule type is set to Once, the execution time (Start Date and Start Time) is set to the current date and time and the job at once ("now").

  3. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    Table 22-21 Schedule Details for a Run Job that Executes Once

    Property Description

    Start Date and Start Time

    The job will run at the Start Date and Time.

    Cancel Execution if job runs longer than

    The maximum amount of time a job is allowed to run before the system automatically stops it. This option is not required, and if a job has no cancel time, it will run until it finishes or until a user manually stops it.

  4. Click Next. Scheduling a Load and Run Job that Runs on a Regular Basis (Recurring)

After specifying the data filter, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

  1. In the Schedule page, select the job priority and select schedule type as Recurring.

    The job should run repeatedly based on the recurring interval specified.

    If a job is recurring, then only one job instance for a particular job may execute at once. If the previous recurrence is still running, paused, or waiting in the Job Queue to execute, then this job instance is skipped. The job instance is moved to the job log with a status of Skipped, and the next recurrence, if any, is placed into the Job Queue.

  2. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    The Load and Run Job executes as per the Schedule Details. The Load Job runs first and then the Run Job as per the schedule details.

    Table 22-22 Schedule Details

    Parameters Description

    Recurrence Interval

    Daily Hourly, Weekly, Monthly

    The job should repeat execution based on your selection.

    Execute Every

    Recurrence frequency of the recurrence interval. For example if the Recurrence Interval is Weekly, you could enter 2 for Execute Every. The job will execute every 2 weeks

    Start Time

    The recurring job starts at the time you specified on the Start Date given in the Recurrence Range.

    Recurrence Range: Start Date and End Date

    This is the date range for job execution. The job will continue execution between the Start date and End Date at intervals specified by you. For a recurring job, the Start Date is the date and time at which the job will first executes. The End Date is the date and time after which there will be no more recurrences. If left blank, the job will recur indefinitely until it is manually removed from the Job Queue. End Date is not applicable for a nonrecurring job.

    Cancel execution if job runs longer than

    The job cancels if it runs longer than a certain time.

    For example: 60 seconds. The job cancels execution if runtime exceeds 60 seconds.

  3. Click Next.

    You are directed to a summary details page. Checking the Summary Details of the Load and Run Job

If you clicked Next in the Schedule page, you are directed to the Summary page.

This page displays the choices made and information entered in the previous wizard pages. If you are not satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, use the Back button to return to the wizard pages and make changes.

If you are satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, create the job by clicking the Finish button. A success confirmation message is presented and the Job Edit page is launched. The Job Edit page enables you to modify and reschedule a job.

22.4.4 Creating Monitor Data Rollup Jobs

This section shows how Monitor Data Rollup Jobs can be created. The topics in this section are the following: About Monitor Data Rollup Jobs

The Monitor Data Rollup Job reclaims space in the database by merging redundant records in the V_MONITOR_DATA table. If Monitor Data records are of the same type, with the same data value and fingerprint, and fall within the same period on a trending graph for a particular scale, then those records are considered to be redundant for that scale.

A Monitor Data Rollup Job with a daily scale, for example, will merge all of the redundant records from each day into single records for each day.

Monitor Data records may be redundant on one scale, but not redundant on a more granular scale. For example, if there are two Monitor Data records of the same type and with the same data value and fingerprint, one created on a Monday and one created two days later, then those two records would be redundant on a weekly scale, but would not be redundant on a daily scale.

When Monitor Data records are merged, each set of redundant Monitor Data records is taken and a new record is created using the earliest begin date, the latest end date, the sum of the counts and running times, the smallest minimum running time, and the largest maximum running time of each set. Then the entire set of redundant Monitor Data records is deleted and the new merged Monitor Data record is inserted to take their place. Depending on the scale at which to roll up, there will be at most one Monitor Data record for each time period for each unique combination of Monitor Type, data value, and fingerprint. Selecting Monitor Data Rollup Type and Providing Details

To create a Monitor Data Rollup Job, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Jobs to open the Jobs search page.

  2. In the Jobs search page, click the Create Job button.

    The Choose Job Type dialog appears with the available job types to select from.

  3. Select Monitor Data Rollup and click the Continue button.

    The Create Job page is opened by default to the General page.

  4. Select Monitor Data Rollup as the job type.

  5. Enter a name and description for the Monitor Data Rollup Job.

  6. Select the status.

    By default the status should be Enabled.

  7. Click the Next button.

    The Monitor Data Rollup Job is created and you are directed to the Rollup Details page. Specifying Rollup Unit and Cutoff Time

After creating the Monitor Data Rollup Job, you are directed to the Rollup Details page where you can specify Rollup options for this job. All records within the specified unit size will be rolled up (compacted) into a single record.

  1. In the Rollup Details page, select the rollup unit.

    The rollup unit defines the scale at which the Monitor Data records will be rolled up.

    Choices are Hourly, Days, Weekly, and Monthly.

  2. Select the Cutoff Time.

    This value determines which records should be compacted. For example, if the 6 Months is specified for the Cutoff Time, all records older than 6 months will be compacted to a single record. The Cutoff Time property tells the job which records to leave alone and not roll up.

    It is recommended that the Cutoff Time remains at the default value because if the Cutoff Time value is below the default value, the dashboard graphs may not be accurate.

    Table 22-23 Default Value for Cutoff Time

    Rollup Cutoff Time


    1 hour


    2 days


    13 weeks


    6 months

  3. Click Next. Scheduling a Monitor Data Rollup Job that Runs Once

After specifying the Rollup options for the job, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

To specify for the Monitor Data Rollup Job to occur once, follow these steps:

  1. In the Schedule page, select a job priority.

    Job priority determines the importance of the job.

  2. Select Once as the schedule type.

    The job runs at the start date and start time specified by you or the job can be run immediately. This job is run only once and there is no recurrence. If the schedule type is set to Once, the execution time (Start Date and Start Time) is set to the current date and time and the job processes at once ("now") by default.

  3. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    Table 22-24 Schedule Details for a Run Job that Executes Once

    Property Description

    Start Date and Start Time

    The job will run at the Start Date and Time.

    Cancel Execution if job runs longer than

    The maximum amount of time a job is allowed to run before the system automatically stops it. This option is not required, and if a job has no cancel time, it will run until it finishes or until a user manually stops it.

  4. Click Next. Scheduling a Monitor Data Rollup that Runs on a Regular Basis (Recurring)

After specifying the Rollup options for the job, you are directed to the Schedule page where you can define the priority and schedule type for your job.

To specify for the Monitor Data Rollup Job to be recurring, follow these steps:

  1. In the Schedule page, select the job priority.

    The job priority for the rollup job is set which determines the order of execution when two jobs have same schedule date and time.

  2. Select Recurring as the schedule type.

    The job should run repeatedly based on the recurring interval specified. If a job is recurring, then only one job instance for a particular job may execute at once. If the previous recurrence is still running, paused, or waiting in the Job Queue to execute, then this job instance is skipped. The job instance is moved to the job log with a status of Skipped, and the next recurrence, if any, is placed into the Job Queue.

  3. Set the schedule details to the desired values.

    Table 22-25 Schedule Details

    Parameters Description

    Recurrence Interval

    Daily Hourly, Weekly, Monthly,

    The job should repeat execution based on your selection.

    Execute Every

    Recurrence frequency of the recurrence interval. For example if the Recurrence Interval is Weekly, you could enter 2 for Execute Every. The job will execute every 2 weeks

    Start Time

    The recurring job starts at the time you specified on the Start Date given in the Recurrence Range.

    Recurrence Range: Start Date and End Date

    This is the date range for job execution. The job will continue execution between the Start date and End Date at intervals specified by you. For a recurring job, the Start Date is the date and time at which the job will first executes. The End Date is the date and time after which there will be no more recurrences. If left blank, the job will recur indefinitely until it is manually removed from the Job Queue. End Date is not applicable for a nonrecurring job.

    Cancel execution if job runs longer than

    The job cancels if it runs longer than a certain time.

    For example: 60 seconds. The job cancels execution if runtime exceeds 60 seconds.

    The Monitor Data Rollup Job should execute as per the Schedule Details.

  4. Click Next.

    You are directed to the Monitor Data Rollup Job Summary Details page Checking the Summary Details of the Monitor Data Rollup

If you clicked Next in the Schedule page, you are directed to the Summary page. This page displays the choices made and information entered in the previous wizard pages.

If you are not satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, use the Back button to return to the wizard pages and make changes.

If you are satisfied with the choices and entries shown in the Summary page, create the job by clicking the Finish button. A success confirmation message is presented and the Job Edit page is launched.

22.5 Managing Jobs

This section shows how jobs can be managed in OAAM. The topics in this section are the following:

22.5.1 About Running Jobs

When the scheduled start time for a job instance arrives, the system checks to see if it is allowed to execute it. If a job is recurring, then only one job instance for a particular job may execute at once, so if the previous recurrence is still running, paused, or sitting in the Job Queue waiting to execute, then this job instance will be skipped. The job instance will be moved to the job log with a status of Skipped, and the next recurrence, if any, will be placed into the Job Queue.

If the server stops while a job instance is executing, that job instance will automatically restart at the point where it stopped when the server starts up. In a clustered environment, if the server where a job instance is running fails, another server in the cluster will automatically restart it.

If the job was scheduled with a Cancel Time, and the server starts some time later, the time during which the server was down will not count against the elapsed time for purposes of determining when the job should auto-suspend. For example, if a job is scheduled to start at 12:00 am and cancel after two hours, but the server stops at 1:30 am and is not restarted until 7:00 am, then the job will restart where it left off at 7:00 with 30 minutes remaining, and will auto cancel at 7:30. Bulk Risk Analytics Job Execution

The Load, Run, and Load and Run Job types are all mutually exclusive with each other. No Load, Run, or Load and Run Job may execute at the same time as another Job of either Job Type. Run Data Reset

Actions, alerts and rule log data will be deleted if the same selection of data has another run processed on it. This ensures that this data created from a run will not affect other runs on the same data. Pattern and group updates will not be reset between runs so these features are not intended for use cases where the same data is run multiple times.

For example, if an administration console user creates a Run Job named "R&D Run" and he processes it three times, the results (actions, alerts and score) from "R&D Run_090820100429" will not effect "R&D Run_090820100715" and "R&D Run_090920100807" will ignore outcomes of the previous two. Group Populations

If a configurable action adds or removes members to or from a group as a result of a run these changes will be available for use by subsequent runs.

For information on groups, refer to Chapter 13, "Managing Groups." Pattern Buckets and Memberships

Pattern buckets created and membership count updates that occur as a result of a run are available for use by subsequent runs.

For information on pattern buckets and membership, refer to Section 15.1.2, "Patterns." Actions, Alerts, Scores

Rule outcomes from a run will be deleted before subsequent runs on the same data.

For information on actions, alerts, and scores as outcomes, refer to Section 10.2, "Basic Concepts."

22.5.2 Notes About Rescheduling Jobs

OAAM does not reschedule a job unless the start time is changed. When changing the recurrence pattern for a job (recurrence interval and/or recurrence frequency), the best practice is to also change the start date and time to be explicit about when you want the next recurrence to occur. Otherwise, the next scheduled recurrence, if any, will proceed as scheduled, and the next recurrence after that will be calculated from that point. If the job does not have any future recurrences scheduled, then modifying the recurrence pattern without changing the start time will have no effect -- after the change is saved, the job will still not have any future recurrences scheduled.

22.5.3 Processing a Job Immediately

To process a job immediately:

  1. Search for the jobs that you want to enable by performing the procedure described in Section 22.2.3, "Searching for Jobs."

  2. Select the job from the Search Results table and click Process Now.

    Alternatively, you can select Process Now from the Actions menu.

    If there are no other jobs that are currently running, the job is placed as a job instance in the queue. The job status is "Running" and the Start time is set to the current time.

    If another job is currently running that prevents the selected job from executing, a message informs you that the job could not be started and the queue will be unchanged.

22.5.4 Pausing a Job

To pause a job, if it is running, or prevent execution of a job, but leave it in the queue, follow these steps:

  1. In the Job Queue page, select the job.

  2. Press the Pause icon in the Results toolbar.

    The job instance is suspended. The next job in the queue is run. Pausing the job does not affect the order of the job instances in the execution queue.

    If a recurring job instance that has not yet started is paused, the job instance is suspended and remains paused in the queue until it is resumed or canceled.

    If a recurring job instance is paused and then resumed when another job is scheduled to run, the job that is resumed has higher priority.

22.5.5 Resuming a Paused Job

To resume a paused job, follow these steps:

  1. In the Job Queue page, select the paused job.

    The Process button is enabled when a job instance is paused.

  2. Press the Process icon in the Results toolbar.

    The job instance resumes processing from where it was paused if no other job is currently running. The process start time shows the original process Start Time and not the Start Time when the job instance was resumed.

    If a job is resumed when another job is scheduled to run, the job that is scheduled is skipped.

    If another job is already running, resuming the paused job places the job in the Job Queue and it will be executed after the current job completes running.

22.5.6 Canceling a Job

To stop the job instance if it is running and remove the job instance from the Job Queue, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Job Queue page, select the job.

  2. Press the Cancel icon on the Results toolbar.

    The job instances that were selected are suspended and removed from the Job Queue.

    If the job is recurring, the next instance will be added to the Job Queue.

22.5.7 Enabling Jobs

In addition to creating and modifying jobs, you can enable jobs that are currently disabled. If the Enable button is enabled, it means that jobs are currently disabled and you can enable them by clicking Enable. If there are no disabled jobs listed in the search results table, then the Enable button is disabled.

To enable jobs:

  1. Search for the jobs that you want to enable by performing the procedure described in Section 22.2.3, "Searching for Jobs."

  2. In the search results table, select the jobs and click Enable.

    Alternatively, you can select Enable from the Actions menu.

    A message indicating that the jobs have been successfully enabled is displayed.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog.

22.5.8 Disabling Jobs

You can disable jobs that are currently enabled. If the Disable button is enabled, it means that jobs are currently enabled and you can disable them by clicking Disable. If all the jobs in the search results table are disabled then the Disable button will not be enabled.

Only jobs that are processed can be disabled. The jobs that are running or scheduled to run in the future cannot be disabled.

To disable jobs:

  1. Search for the jobs that you want to disable by performing the procedure described in Section 22.2.3, "Searching for Jobs."

  2. In the search results table, select the jobs and click Disable.

    Alternatively, you can select Disable from the Actions menu.

    A message indicating that the jobs have been successfully disabled is displayed.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog.

22.5.9 Deleting Jobs

To delete jobs, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the jobs that you want to delete by performing the procedure described in Section 22.2.3, "Searching for Jobs."

  2. Select the jobs from the Search Results table and click the Delete button.

    Alternatively, you can select Delete from the Actions menu.

    Only the jobs that are not processed can be deleted. The jobs that are processed (finished) contain logs and references to job instances and cannot be deleted. Error messages are displayed when you try to delete these jobs. Processed jobs can only be disabled. Jobs with the In Process status cannot be deleted. If multiple jobs are selected, and if any one of them cannot be deleted, none of the selected jobs will be deleted.

    Table 22-26 Deleting Jobs

    Status Can Be Deleted

    Not Processed



    No. They can only be disabled.

    In Process


22.5.10 Viewing Job Details

Clicking the job name in the Search Results table opens the corresponding Job Details page. The following information is displayed in the Job Details page:

  • The General page displays general information about the job such as job type, job name, and job status.

  • The Load Details page shows the loader that controls which records will be processed.

  • The Rollup Details page shows the monitor rollup details.

  • The Run Details page shows the run type details.

  • The Data filters tab shows which set of data to load into the offline system or process.

  • The Schedule page shows the scheduling options chosen for the job.

22.5.11 Viewing Instances of a Job

The Instances tab of the Job Details page shows all past and present job instances for a job. The panel at the top enables you to filter the job instances shown.

Table 22-27 Filter Job Instances

Filter Description


Show only those job instances that are in a particular state, such as Running, Skipped, Completed, or Canceled

Process Message

Show only those job instances that match on the process message.

Process Start Time

Show only job instances that started processing in the specified timestamp range

Process End Time

Show only job instances that stopped processing (whether successfully or unsuccessfully) in the specified timestamp range

The Process Now button enables you to start executing jobs that were skipped or not executed because of errors. If this job is already running and another job of the same job type is already running, you will be informed that this job cannot be started now.

22.5.12 Viewing the Job Log

To view the job log, open the Job Log page from the Job Queue page. This page shows past job instances. The top panel enables you to filter the results.

Table 22-28 Job Log Filters

Filters Description

Job Instance Name

Show only job instances that match on job instance name.

Job Type

Show only job instances of the specified job type


Show only those job instances that are in a particular state, such as Running, Skipped, Completed, or Canceled.

Process Message

Show only those job instances that match on the process message.

Process Start Time

Show only job instances that started processing in the specified timestamp range

Process End Time

Show only job instances that stopped processing (whether successfully or unsuccessfully) in the specified timestamp range.

22.5.13 Viewing and Sorting the Job Queue

You can view and sort jobs. Viewing the Job Queue

In the Navigation tree, double-click Job Queue to open the Job Queue page.

This page shows a listing of currently processing and future jobs. The job instances are displayed in the exact order of execution in the execution queue. There is only one job instance per job.

The recurring job instances have the job name followed by the date and time when the current instance started or the date and time when it will occur next.

The process start time is the exact time when the job started running for current jobs and an estimated start time for the future jobs. Process Duration is shown only for currently processing jobs.

You can filter based on job type, status, start/complete date, name and description. The queue displays which jobs are currently running and what their status is in terms of estimated completion time and percentage progress. Completed jobs will display as such.

The Job Instance Name in the table is a link to the Job Details page for the job. Sorting the Job Queue

To sort the Job Queue:

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Job Queue to open the Job Queue page.

  2. In the Job Queue page, click the Sort Ascending icon in the Priority column or the Start Time column to sort the list.

    Sorting is not allowed on other data points since the job records are placed in the order of execution and this cannot be edited.

    If two jobs have the same start date and time, but different job priority, the higher job priority would be listed first in the Job Queue

22.6 Editing Jobs

This section contains instructions to edit jobs.

22.6.1 Editing Jobs

The Job Edit page enables you to modify and reschedule a job.

Table 22-29 summarizes the Job Edit tabs.

Table 22-29 Edit Job

Edit Job Tabs Description


General information for the job: job type, name, and status. The Job Name field cannot be modified.

Job Type

The fields on this tab are specific to the job type.


Similar to Schedule page of the Job Creation wizard.


This tab shows all past and present job instances for a job.

You can make the following changes:

  1. Enable or disable a job from the General tab.

  2. Change the Transaction and Memory Buffer Size from the Run Details tab.

  3. Change the job schedule from the Schedule tab.

Only the job instance for next occurrence are affected by the edits. The ones that are currently processing are not affected.

22.6.2 Editing the Monitor Data Rollup

To edit a Monitor Data Rollup Job, follow these steps:

  1. Make the following changes:

    1. Enable or disable a job from the General tab.

    2. Change the Transaction and Memory Buffer Size from the Run Details tab.

    3. Change the job schedule from the Schedule tab.

  2. Click the Process Now button.

    The Monitor Data Rollup Job is processed on a one time basis. The regular schedule of this job is not affected by the one-time job execution. The job will be executed again at its regular scheduled date and time.

22.7 Migration

If you are loading from a non-OAAM schema, you must set up the required database view. Refer to Section 21.8.2, "Creating a View of a Non-OAAM Database."

22.8 Use Cases

Use cases are presented below.

22.8.1 Use Case: Load OAAM Login Data and Run Checkpoints on a Recurring Basis

  1. Security Administrator activates the option to create a job.

  2. Security Administrator selects the Load and Run Job from a dialog.

  3. Security Administrator fills in the general information and clicks Next.

  4. Security Administrator is presented with the Load Details page. Security Administrator selects OAAM Loader, fills in the Database Connection information and, if desired, modifies the miscellaneous properties. Security Administrator then clicks Next.

  5. Security Administrator is presented with the Run Details page. Security Administrator selects Default Run Type and, if desired, modifies the Run Properties. Security Administrator then clicks Next.

  6. Security Administrator is presented with the Data Filters page. Security Administrator selects Auto Increment and selects the desired From Date.

  7. Security Administrator is presented with the Schedule page of the wizard. The default Schedule Type should be Once, and the Start Date and Start Time should be set to the current date and time by default.

  8. Security Administrator selects the Recurring Schedule Type and sets the schedule details to the desired values. Security Administrator may also change the job priority and set the Cancel Time, if desired.

  9. Security Administrator clicks Next, confirms the information in the Summary, and clicks Finish.

Alternate Courses of Action 1: If the remote database is not an OAAM schema, the Security Administrator is required to create a view in the schema that conforms to the specification provided in Section 21.8.2, "Creating a View of a Non-OAAM Database.".

Alternate Courses of Action 2: If the data to be loaded is in a file rather than a database, then the Security Administrator may write a custom loader to load the data from the file, but a better practice would be to import the file data into a database table and follow Alternate Courses of Action 1.

Alternate Courses of Action 3: The job instance is placed into the Job Queue and is scheduled to start at the desired time. When complete, the next job instance is placed into the Job Queue. The loaded data will be available in the sessions list.

22.8.2 Use Case: Load Transaction Data and Run Checkpoints on a Recurring Basis

Pre-conditions: Security Administrator is logged in the OAAM Administration Console and has the appropriate permissions. A custom loader has been written and the resulting classes have been specified in the OAAM Offline application's classpath. Any needed properties have been set in the OAAM Environment Manager.

  1. Security Administrator activates the option to create a job.

  2. Security Administrator selects the Load and Run Job Type from a dialog.

  3. Security Administrator fills in the general information and clicks Next.

  4. Security Administrator is presented with the Load Details page. Security Administrator selects Custom Loader Type and clicks Update Class Path.

  5. Security Administrator types in the fully qualified Java class name for the Custom Loader Type and clicks OK.

  6. Security Administrator modifies the miscellaneous properties if desired and clicks Next.

  7. Security Administrator is presented with the Run Details page. Security Administrator selects Default Run Type and, if desired, modifies the Run Properties. Security Administrator then clicks Next.

  8. Security Administrator is presented with the Data Filters page. Security Administrator selects Auto Increment and selects the desired From Date.

  9. Security Administrator is presented with the Schedule page of the wizard. The default Schedule Type should be Once, and the Start Date and Start Time should be set to the current date and time by default.

  10. Security Administrator selects the Recurring Schedule Type and sets the schedule details to the desired values. Security Administrator may also change the Job Priority and set the Cancel Time, if desired.

  11. Security Administrator clicks Next, confirms the information in the Summary, and clicks Finish.

    The job instance is placed into the Job Queue and is scheduled to start at the desired time. When complete, the next job instance is placed into the Job Queue. The loaded data will be available in the sessions list.

Alternate Courses of Action: An error will occur at step 5 if there is a problem instantiating the Custom Loader. One possible problem is that the system cannot find the class. Another possible problem is that the class exists, but an error occurred when instantiating the class. The final possible problem is that the system was able to instantiate the class, but it does not properly implement the custom loader specification. The user will receive a different error message depending on the problem.

22.8.3 Use Case: Create a Job for Immediate Execution

Preconditions: Security Administrator is logged in the OAAM Administration Console and has the appropriate permissions.

Actors: Security Administrator


  1. The Security Administrator activates the option to create a Job.

  2. The Security Administrator selects the desired Job Type from a dialog.

  3. The Security Administrator fills in the general information and clicks Next.

  4. The Security Administrator fills in the Job Type specific information and clicks Next (this may be multiple screens, depending on the Job Type).

  5. The Security Administrator is presented with the Schedule screen of the wizard. The default Schedule Type should be Once, and the Start Date and Start Time should be set to the current date and time by default.

  6. The Security Administrator ensures that the Schedule Type is set to Once and that the Start Date and Start Time are set to the current date and time. The Security Administrator may also change the Job Priority and set the Suspend Time, if desired.

  7. The Security Administrator clicks Next, confirms the information in the Summary, and clicks Finish.

Alternate Courses of Action:

Alternate Courses of Action 1: If the selected Job Type is mutually exclusive, and another Job of the same Job Type is currently executing, this new job will be placed into the Job Queue, but will not begin executing until the currently executing Job is completed.

Post-conditions: The Job begins executing, and the Job Instance is visible in the Job Queue.

22.8.4 Use Case: Create a Job for Future Execution

Preconditions: The Security Administrator is logged in the OAAM Administration Console and has the appropriate permissions.

Actors: Security Administrator


  1. The Security Administrator activates the option to create a Job.

  2. The Security Administrator selects the desired Job Type from a dialog.

  3. The Security Administrator fills in the general information and clicks Next.

  4. The Security Administrator fills in the Job Type specific information and clicks Next (this may be multiple screens, depending on the Job Type).

  5. The Security Administrator is presented with the Schedule screen of the wizard. The default Schedule Type should be Once, and the Start Date and Start Time should be set to the current date and time by default.

  6. The Security Administrator ensures that the Schedule Type is set to Once. The Security Administrator sets the Start Date and Start Time to the desired date and time. The Security Administrator may also change the Job Priority and set the Suspend Time, if desired.

  7. The Security Administrator clicks Next, confirms the information in the Summary, and clicks Finish.

Alternate Courses of Action: None.

Post-conditions: The Job Instance is placed into the Job Queue and is scheduled to start at the desired time.

22.8.5 Use Case: Create a Job With Recurring Execution

Preconditions: Security Administrator is logged in the OAAM Administration Console and has the appropriate permissions.

Actors: Security Administrator


  1. The Security Administrator activates the option to create a Job.

  2. The Security Administrator selects the desired Job Type from a dialog.

  3. The Security Administrator fills in the general information and clicks Next.

  4. The Security Administrator fills in the Job Type specific information and clicks Next (this may be multiple screens, depending on the Job Type).

  5. The Security Administrator is presented with the Schedule screen of the wizard.

  6. The Security Administrator sets the Schedule Type to Recurring and sets the Start Date and Start Time to the desired date and time. The Security Administrator may also change the Job Priority and set the End Time and Suspend Time, if desired.

  7. The Security Administrator clicks Next, confirms the information in the Summary, and clicks Finish.

Alternate Courses of Action: None.

Post-conditions: The Job Instance is placed into the Job Queue and is scheduled to start at the desired time. When complete, the next Job Instance is placed into the Job Queue.

22.8.6 Use Case: View the Job Queue

Preconditions: Security Administrator is logged in the OAAM Administration Console and has the appropriate permissions.

Actors: Security Administrator

Security Administrator activates the option to display the Job Queue, and clicks the Current Queue tab, if necessary.

Alternate Courses of Action:

Alternate Courses of Action 1: If the Security Administrator wants to pause a Job Instance, then she will click the desired Job Instance (or multi-select the Job Instances) and click the Pause button. The Job Instance will remain in the Job Queue, but the State will be changed to Paused. If the Job Instance was executing, it will stop, and if another Job Instance was blocked on this one, it will begin executing.

Alternate Courses of Action 2: If the Security Administrator wants to resume a paused Job Instance, then she will click the desired Job Instance (or multi-select the Job Instances) and click the Resume button. If the scheduled start time for this Job Instance has passed and there are no other conflicting Jobs already running, this Job Instance changes to the Running state and begin executing. Otherwise this Job Instance changes to the Scheduled state. If multiple Job Instances are resumed at the same time, then the one with the earliest scheduled start time changes first.

Alternate Courses of Action 3: If the Security Administrator wants to cancel a Job Instance, then she will click the desired Job Instance (or multi-select the Job Instances) and click the Cancel button. The selected Job Instance(s) will be removed from the Job Queue. If the Job is recurring, then the next Job Instance will be placed into the Job Queue.

Post-conditions: The system displays all currently executing and upcoming Job Instances. If a Job is recurring, only the next instance is displayed.

22.8.7 Use Case: View the Logs from a Job Execution

Preconditions: Security Administrator is logged in the OAAM Administration Console and has the appropriate permissions.

Actors: Security Administrator

To view the logs from a job execution:

  1. Double click Job Queue in the Navigation tree.

  2. Click the Job Log tab.

    This page tab past job instances. The top panel enables you to filter the results.

  3. Search for the Job Instance.

This page shows past job instances. The top panel enables you to filter the results.

Table 22-30 Job Log Filters

Filters Description

Job Instance Name

Show only job instances that match on job instance name.

Job Type

Show only job instances of the specified job type

Job State

Show only those job instances that are in a particular state, such as Running, Skipped, Completed, or Canceled.

Process Message

Show only those job instances that match on the process message.

Process Start Time

Show only job instances that started processing in the specified timestamp range

Process End Time

Show only job instances that stopped processing (whether successfully or unsuccessfully) in the specified timestamp range.

Completed %

The percentage of the job that completed.

Process Duration

The time in seconds for completion

Alternate Courses of Action: None.

Post-conditions: The system displays the filtered list of past Job Instances.

22.8.8 Use Case: Check If the Job Ran Successfully

To check if the job ran successfully:

  1. Open the Job Details page of the newly created job.

  2. Click the Instances tab to check for job completion.

    If the Run Job schedule time has elapsed, search for the job instance. Its State should be Completed with a Process Start Time and a Process End Time. The Process Message should show the number of records processed and the Completed % should show the percentage completed. The Process Duration should show the time in seconds for completion.

  3. Verify job completion by opening to the Sessions page and searching by the same time period as the job.

    For a Run Job, the Count of Sessions should be the same as that of after the load completion. For a Load Job, the Count of Sessions should have increased by the number shown in the job instances page. For a Load and Run Job, the Count of Sessions should have increased by the number of records processed as shown in the job instance.

  4. Open a Session Details page.

    For a Run Job and a Load and Run Job, the Sessions details page should show that policies and rules have been processed on the records. For a Load Job, you should see that the record is loaded but no policies and rules have been processed on the session record.

22.8.9 Use Case: View the Order of Execution of Jobs

In the Navigation tree, double-click Job Queue to open the Job Queue page. This page shows a listing of currently processing and future jobs. The job instances are displayed in the exact order of execution in the execution queue. There is only one job instance per job.

The recurring job instances have the job name followed by the date and time when the current instance started or the date and time when it will occur next.

The process start time is the exact time when the job started running for current jobs and an estimated start time for the future jobs. Process Duration is shown only for currently processing jobs.

You can filter based on job type, status, start/complete date, name and description. The queue displays which jobs are currently running and what their status is in terms of estimated completion time and percentage progress. Completed jobs will display as such.

The Job Instance Name in the table is a link to the Job Details page for the job.