What's New in this Guide?

This chapter describes new features and changes and updates to this book. See the following sections for details:

Updates in August 2015 Documentation Refresh for 11g Release 2 (

The Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager contains these updates in the documentation refreshes:

Updates in February 2014 - January 2015 Documentation Refreshes for 11g Release 2 (

The Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager contains these updates in the documentation refreshes:

New Features and Enhancements for 11g Release 2 (

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 ( includes these new features and enhancements:

New Features and Enhancements for 11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) includes many important features and enhancements that were not available with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) includes these new features and enhancements:

Enhanced Mobile Security

Enhanced mobile security includes:

  • Better mobile browser user experience

  • Mobile tuned security policies

  • REST services and SDK for mobile application developers

  • Lost and stolen mobile device security

Transactional Autolearning

New transactional autolearning includes:

  • Customizable patterning

  • Transaction rule conditions

Investigation Tools

New investigation tools have been added to make investigations quicker and easier:

  • Improved case management

  • Utility panel quick search

  • Utility panel notes pane

  • Search transactions

  • Additional search filters for transaction and entity data, alert messages, geographic location, and IP addresses range

  • Transaction details

  • Compare transactions

  • Streamlined white/black listing

  • Multitenant access controls for customer service representative interface to allow protection of multiple application tenants with a single instance of OAAM

  • "Add to Group" feature in search sessions and details pages that enables entities to be added to groups easily

Entity Enhancement

Enhanced entities includes:

  • Linked entities

  • Entity CRUD operations

  • Targeted purging

Access Monitoring Toolkit

The Access monitoring toolkit includes:

  • JMSQ interface

  • Database view generation

New Section/Chapters

The Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager contains these updates:

New Features and Enhancements for 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 (11.1.1) includes many important features and enhancements that were not available with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 10g. Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 (11.1.1) includes these new features:


The new rich Oracle Adaptive Access Manager user interface provides

  • Navigation and Policy trees, which allow quick and visible access to features

  • Tabs and accordion panels that reduce real estate usage for multitasking

  • Streamlined flows that capture use case flows of execution. For example, the flow for rules is search, create, edit, and copy rules

  • Improved search and filtering, where you can save searches and filter directly on columns

  • New and improved screens in Oracle Adaptive Access Manager. Oracle Adaptive Access Manager provides enhanced usability for fraud analysis and forensic operations

  • Advanced table display controls to add and remove columns, reposition and resize columns, and detach columns

  • Additional search filters for alert messages, geographic location, and IP range

  • Export feature that enables search results to be exported to an Excel file format

  • New "Add to Group" feature in search sessions and details pages that enables entities to be added to groups easily

  • Direct access to documentation from Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

Security Policies

Newly updated security policies that incorporate:

  • Patterns and other techniques to improve the accuracy and risk analysis

  • Oracle Data Miner along with new rule conditions and improved learning patterns to create a unique and optimized real-time risk analytics solution more capable of profiling behaviors than previous versions

Policy Creation

New features in policy creation enables you to:

  • Copy policies to checkpoints

    Policies can be copied to other checkpoints. When policies are copied, all the details are copied including the nested policies, trigger combinations, preconditions, group linking, and others

  • Configure trigger combinations more easily

    The new design enables you to more easily define and manage trigger combinations and allows the appending or overriding of actions and alerts

  • Execute nested conditions

    New conditions support the execution of nested policies

  • View indicators

    Indicators are available to show the number of policies linked to a policy, rules, trigger combinations, group linking, conditions in policies, and so on

Rule Creation

Rules are now much easier to create.

  • Rule creation has been simplified with the removal of rule templates from the product.

  • Rules can be copied to different policies under any checkpoint

OTP Anywhere

OTP Anywhere can create universal delivery options for auto-generated one-time-passwords used for secondary, risk-based user challenges to add sophisticated security to basic authentication flows.


New investigation tools have been added to make investigations quicker and easier

  • Details screen that allow investigators, security administrators, and other power users to cross-reference on data points to find related data in a quick and easy way

  • The new agent cases that make forensic investigations quicker, easier and more successful. You can configure events to create a case automatically. An investigator can quickly view the data involved in an incident and quickly locate related situations by easily harnessing the complex data relationships captured by OAAM

Encryption Keys

Encryption keys required by Oracle Adaptive Access Manager can be securely managed using Fusion Middleware Control without having to create Keystore files

Universal Risk Snapshot

Snapshots can be created allowing security administrators to simply and easily migrate security data across environments or restore security configuration to a known state


Multitenant access controls for customer service representative interface to allow protection of multiple application tenants with a single instance of OAAM

OAAM Batch Risk Analysis

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager batch risk analysis tool to be used as:

  • A standalone security tool to analyze, detect and alert high risk transactions

  • A research and development tool to create and verify new policies and rules using offline customer data without impacting customers in real-time environment

  • A supplemental batch analysis tool in the tuning of rules and verification of rules behavior against real customer and transaction data without impacting customers in real-time environment

OAAM Batch Risk Analysis

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager batch risk analysis tool to be used as:

  • A standalone security tool to analyze, detect and alert high risk transactions

  • A research and development tool to create and verify new policies and rules using offline customer data without impacting customers in real-time environment

  • A supplemental batch analysis tool in the tuning of rules and verification of rules behavior against real customer and transaction data without impacting customers in real-time environment


Most of the administrative operations are now audited using Oracle Audit Service. Audit events can be viewed using the standard audit reports.

Web Services

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Web services are implemented using Oracle Web Services.

Application Logging

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g uses Java logging instead of log4j. You can configure logging using Fusion Middleware Control.

Integration with the Dynamic Monitoring System

Some performance metrics are now integrated with Dynamic Monitoring System. These metrics and related reports can be viewed using Fusion Middleware Control

Significant Changes in this Document for 11g Release from 10g to 11g

Customers migrating from Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 10g to 11g will notice key changes. These changes are intended to align terminology used across the Identity Management suite products and simplify administration.

General Term Changes

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g terminology changes are as follows:

  • runtime

    The new term is checkpoint.

    A checkpoint is a specified point in a session when Adaptive Access Manager collects and evaluates security data using the rules engine.

  • model

    The new term is policy.

    Policies contain security rules and configurations used to evaluate the level of risk at each checkpoint.

  • manual override

    The new term is trigger combination.

    Trigger combinations are additional results and policy evaluation that are generated if a specific sequence of rules trigger.

  • Application ID

    The new term is Organization ID.

    From the administration perspective, each application or primary user group is translated into an "Organization ID." The term, "Application ID" has been renamed as "Organization ID," which represents the primary user group of a particular user.

    For the OAAM Server side, the term "Application ID" remains the same as before. When communicating with proxies, OAAM Server passes the Applications ID, which uniquely identifies an application.

Concept Changes

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g conceptual changes are as follows:

  • Old 10g concept: OAAM Adaptive Risk Manager

    New 11g concept: The rules engine is now part of OAAM Server. The Administration Console is now a separate application named OAAM Admin.

  • Old 10g concept: OAAM Adaptive Strong Authenticator

    New 11g concept: The end-user flows including the virtual authentication devices, knowledge-based authentication (KBA) and One-Time Password authentication are now contained in OAAM Server.

  • Old 10g concept: rule template

    The concept has been removed from product

  • Old 10g concept: policy type

    The concept has been removed from the product

For information on Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g concepts, see the following chapters:

Web Application Deployment Changes

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager application deployment changes in 11g are as follows:

  • OAAM Server: Runtime component that includes Adaptive Risk Manager (rules engine), Adaptive Strong Authenticator (end user interface flows), Web services, LDAP integration, and user Web application used in all deployment types except native integration

  • OAAM Admin: Administration Console for all environment, Adaptive Strong Authenticator, and Adaptive Risk Manager features. It contains customer service and fraud investigation case management functionality

For information on the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g web applications, see Section 1.3, "Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Component Architecture."

Architecture and Deployment Changes

Architecture and deployment changes in 11g are listed as follows:

  • Administration User Interface is a separate Web application called OAAM Admin.

  • Adaptive Strong Authenticator is now deployed as part of the OAAM Server Web application.

  • OAAM Web applications are now packaged as EAR files. Exploding them is neither recommended nor supported.

For information on architectural and deployment of Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g, see Section 1.3, "Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Component Architecture."