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Interface PasswordMgmtService

public interface PasswordMgmtService

Provides common password management functionalities like

Method Summary
 PasswordPolicyInfo create(PasswordPolicyInfo passwordPolicyInfo)
          Create a new Password Policy
 void delete(java.lang.String plPasswordPolicyName)
          Delete the Password Policy
 PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID)
          Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the user
 PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the user.
 PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String appInstance)
          Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the specific account
 PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String appInstance, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the specific account
 PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(User user)
          Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the user
 PasswordPolicyInfo getDetails(java.lang.String passwordPolicyName)
          Get the details of specified Password Policy by Name
 PasswordPolicyDescription getSystemDefaultPolicyDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
          Gets the system default policy description
 void resetPassword(java.lang.String userID)
          Deprecated. This method is not longer supported. The preferred way to do this is via UserManager.resetPassword(String,boolean)
 void resetPassword(java.lang.String userID, java.util.Map controls)
          Deprecated. This method is not longer supported. The preferred way to do this is via UserManager.resetPassword(String,boolean,Map)
 java.util.List search(SearchCriteria criteria)
          Search for the list of policies having a specified search criteria
 void update(PasswordPolicyInfo passwordPolicyInfo)
          Update the attributes of the Password Policy specified.
 ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstDefaultPolicy(char[] password, User user, java.util.Locale locale)
          Validates the password of a new user against the default policy
Used in following scenarios Self Registration Creation of user by Delegated Admin
 ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password, java.lang.String userID, java.util.Locale locale)
          Validates the given password against the applicable Password Policy
Used in following scenarios Validating the password entered by the user while changing his/her password Validating the password entered by a delegated admin while changing the password of the user
 ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password, java.lang.String userID, java.util.Locale locale, boolean isUserLogin)
          Validates the given password against the applicable Password Policy
Used in the following scenarios Validating the password entered by the user while changing his/her password Validating the password entered by a delegated admin while changing the password of the user
 ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password, User user, java.util.Locale locale)
          Validates the password of a new user against the default policy, if user.getEntityId() is null Validates the password of a existing user against the applicable policy, if user.getEntityId() is not null
 ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password, User user, java.lang.String appInstance, java.util.Locale locale)
          Validates the password of a new account against the applicable policy


Method Detail


void resetPassword(java.lang.String userID)
Deprecated. This method is not longer supported. The preferred way to do this is via UserManager.resetPassword(String,boolean)
Resets the password of an user to a randomly generated password. As part of the password reset, a notification is sent to the user regarding the new password
NOTE: The email attribute of the user must be set for reset password to work
userID - the userID of the user whose password is to be reset.
See Also:


void resetPassword(java.lang.String userID,
                              java.util.Map controls)
Deprecated. This method is not longer supported. The preferred way to do this is via UserManager.resetPassword(String,boolean,Map)
Resets the password of an user to a randomly generated password. As part of the password reset, a notification is sent to the user regarding the new password. It takes a Map of control parameters to perform additional operation along with reset pasword.
NOTE: The email attribute of the user must be set for reset password to work
userID - the userID of the user whose password is to be reset.
controls - This Map contains control parameters used for performing additional opreration along with reset password.
Supported Control Parameters:
  • SentNotification - Boolean flag whether to send notification or not.
  • SendNotificationTo - Comma separated email address.
See Also:


ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password,
                                               java.lang.String userID,
                                               java.util.Locale locale)
Validates the given password against the applicable Password Policy
Used in following scenarios
password - the password to be validated, should not be null
userID - the User Login of the user, should not be null
locale - the locale in which validation errors will be translated in case of password validation failure
a ValidationResult containing the result of the validation
java.lang.NullPointerException - if null userID or password is passed This object contains the validation status (success/failure) and the validation errors, if any


ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password,
                                               java.lang.String userID,
                                               java.util.Locale locale,
                                               boolean isUserLogin)
Validates the given password against the applicable Password Policy
Used in the following scenarios
password - the password to be validated, should not be null
userID - The id of the user whose password is to be changed. The isUserLogin flag will decide where userID contains the user login or the entity ID.
locale - the locale in which validation errors will be translated in case of password validation failure
isUserLogin - Set to true if the userID contains user login and false if the userID contains entity ID.
a ValidationResult containing the result of the validation
java.lang.NullPointerException - if null userID or password is passed This object contains the validation status (success/failure) and the validation errors, if any


ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password,
                                               User user,
                                               java.util.Locale locale)
Validates the password of a new user against the default policy, if user.getEntityId() is null Validates the password of a existing user against the applicable policy, if user.getEntityId() is not null
password - the password to be validated
user - the user's attributes information. Password validation typically requires firstName, lastName and user login. User ID to be set for existing users.
locale - the locale in which validation errors will be translated in case of password validation failure
a ValidationResult object containing the result of the validation.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if null password is passed


ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstDefaultPolicy(char[] password,
                                                      User user,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
Validates the password of a new user against the default policy
Used in following scenarios
password - the password to be validated
user - the user's attributes information. Password validation typically requires firstName, lastName and user login
locale - the locale in which validation errors will be translated in case of password validation failure
a ValidationResult object containing the result of the validation.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if null password is passed


PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(User user)
Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the user
userInfo, - UserInfo object
the description of the PasswordPolicy


PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID)
Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the user
userID - the user login of the existing user
the description of the PasswordPolicy


PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID,
                                                                 java.util.Locale locale)
Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the user.
userID - the user login of the user
locale - the locale in which password policy description is required.
the description of the PasswordPolicy


PasswordPolicyDescription getSystemDefaultPolicyDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
Gets the system default policy description
locale - locale


PasswordPolicyInfo create(PasswordPolicyInfo passwordPolicyInfo)
Create a new Password Policy
passwordPolicyInfo - This VO contains the details of the Password Policy to be created
PasswordPolicyInfo The information of the password policy created


PasswordPolicyInfo getDetails(java.lang.String passwordPolicyName)
Get the details of specified Password Policy by Name
passwordPolicyName - The unique Name of the required password policy
PasswordPolicyInfo The VO containing the details of the recieved policy


void update(PasswordPolicyInfo passwordPolicyInfo)
Update the attributes of the Password Policy specified. Ensure to set either name or id of the password policy.
passwordPolicyInfo - This VO contains the details to be updated for the Password Policy


void delete(java.lang.String plPasswordPolicyName)
Delete the Password Policy
plPasswordPolicyName - The unique Name of the password policy to be deleted


java.util.List search(SearchCriteria criteria)
Search for the list of policies having a specified search criteria
criteria - This VO contains the search criteria
List<PasswordPolicyInfo> A list of the password policies matching the search criteria


PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID,
                                                                 java.lang.String appInstance)
                                                                 throws NoSuchPasswordPolicyException
Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the specific account
userID - the userID of the user
appInstance - name the application instance name to be provisioned
the description of the PasswordPolicy


PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID,
                                                                 java.lang.String appInstance,
                                                                 java.util.Locale locale)
                                                                 throws NoSuchPasswordPolicyException
Returns the description of the password policy applicable to the specific account
userID - the userID of the user
appInstance - name the application instance name to be provisioned
locale - the locale in which password policy description is required.
the description of the PasswordPolicy


ValidationResult validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(char[] password,
                                               User user,
                                               java.lang.String appInstance,
                                               java.util.Locale locale)
Validates the password of a new account against the applicable policy
password - the password to be validated
userInfo - the user's attributes information. Password validation
appInstance - name the application instance name to be provisioned
locale - the locale in which validation errors will be translated in case of password validation failure
a ValidationResult object containing the result of the validation.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if null password is passed

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