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Class AccountData

  extended by oracle.iam.provisioning.vo.AccountData

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AccountData
extends java.lang.Object

This class represents the entire account data. It incorporates the parent form data, and child form data for one or more child tables.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static long serialVersionUID


Constructor Summary
AccountData(java.lang.String formKey, java.lang.String udTablePrimaryKey, java.util.Map parentData)
          This constructor is used to populate AccountData value object for an already provisioned account.


Method Summary
 java.util.Map getChildData()
          This method returns the Map containing the child table records.
 java.util.Map getData()
          This method returns the account attributes in key-value format.
 java.util.Map getEntitlements()
          This method returns the list of provisioned EntitlementInstance for each child form associated to parent form.
 java.lang.String getFormKey()
          This method returns process form key (SDK_KEY) of an account.
 java.lang.String getUdTablePrimaryKey()
          This method returns primary key of an entry in UD_PARENT_KEY of an account.
 void setChildData(java.util.Map childData)
          This method sets the Map containing the child table records.
 void setEntitlements(java.util.Map entitlements)
          This method sets the Map containing EntitlementInstances for each child table associated with parent form.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final long serialVersionUID
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public AccountData(java.lang.String formKey,
                   java.lang.String udTablePrimaryKey,
                   java.util.Map parentData)
This constructor is used to populate AccountData value object for an already provisioned account.
formKey - - This is a form key (SDK_KEY)
udTablePrimaryKey - - This is a unique key for an entry in UD_PARENT table.
parentData - - This is UD_PARENT data for account attributes. Key in this map is UD_PARENT_FIELD and value if the value of the field.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFormKey()
This method returns process form key (SDK_KEY) of an account.
Process form key (SDK_KEY)


public java.lang.String getUdTablePrimaryKey()
This method returns primary key of an entry in UD_PARENT_KEY of an account.
primary key of an entry in UD_PARENT_KEY of an account.


public java.util.Map getData()
This method returns the account attributes in key-value format.
Map containing UD_PARENT_FIELD_NAME and its value.


public java.util.Map getEntitlements()
This method returns the list of provisioned EntitlementInstance for each child form associated to parent form. The key in the map holds the SDK_KEY of the UD_CHILD table and value is the the list of EntitlementInstance value object.
The map containing the UD_CHILD_KEY and EntitlementInstance for each child key.


public void setEntitlements(java.util.Map entitlements)
This method sets the Map containing EntitlementInstances for each child table associated with parent form.
entitlements - Map containing EntitlementInstnces for each child table associated with parent form. The key of the map is the child form key (SDK_KEY of the child form).


public java.util.Map getChildData()
This method returns the Map containing the child table records. The key of the map is the child form name. The vale in the map is the List of ChildTableRecord. ChildTableRecord represents a row in a UD_CHILD table.
Map with key as child table name and value a list of ChildTableRecord
See Also:


public void setChildData(java.util.Map childData)
This method sets the Map containing the child table records. The key of the map is the child form name. The vale in the map is the List of ChildTableRecord. ChildTableRecord represents a row in a UD_CHILD table.
See Also:

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