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Class InputData

  extended by oracle.iam.reconciliation.api.InputData

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InputData
extends java.lang.Object
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
InputData(java.util.Map reconData, ChangeType changeType, java.util.Date actionDate)
          The target system data which needs to be populated in OIM.
InputData(java.util.Map reconData, java.util.Map multiValueData, java.lang.Boolean hasAllMultiValueData, ChangeType changeType, java.util.Date actionDate)
          The target system data which needs to be populated in OIM.


Method Summary
 java.util.Date getActionDate()
 ChangeType getChangeType()
 java.util.Map getMultiValueData()
 java.util.Map getReconData()
 java.lang.Boolean hasAllMultiValueData()
 java.lang.String toString()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public InputData(java.util.Map reconData,
                 ChangeType changeType,
                 java.util.Date actionDate)
The target system data which needs to be populated in OIM. The reconData contains the combination of reconciliation field name and its corresponding value. The reconData supports both singlevalues and multivalued attributes so that in single call it can process all the parent and child relationships.
reconData - Data that will be stored in OIM
changeType - Type of event that has to be created
actionDate - Provide the date, if event has to be created/processed in future else null.


public InputData(java.util.Map reconData,
                 java.util.Map multiValueData,
                 java.lang.Boolean hasAllMultiValueData,
                 ChangeType changeType,
                 java.util.Date actionDate)
The target system data which needs to be populated in OIM. The reconData contains the combination of reconciliation field name and its corresponding value. The reconData supports both singlevalues and multivalued attributes so that in single call it can process all the parent and child relationships.
reconData - Data that will be stored in OIM
multiValueData - Multi Value Data that will be stored in OIM
hasAllMultiValueData - If it contains all the multivalue data or just a part of it which has changed.
changeType - Type of event that has to be created
actionDate - Provide the date, if event has to be created/processed in future else null.

Method Detail


public java.util.Map getReconData()


public java.util.Map getMultiValueData()


public ChangeType getChangeType()


public java.util.Date getActionDate()


public java.lang.Boolean hasAllMultiValueData()


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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