2.5 Update

The mandatory initial software update from Release 1.0.1 to Release 1.0.2, and any further update of Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2, is performed from the command line of the master management node. Software updates are a three-tier process. First, a zipped ISO containing the updated software must be downloaded from MOS and made available on an HTTP or FTP server. From there, the ISO is downloaded to the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320. When the download is complete and the software is unpacked in the appropriate directories, the update is activated and applied to each affected component.


If direct public access is not available within your data center and you make use of proxy servers to facilitate HTTP, HTTPS and FTP traffic, it may be necessary to edit /etc/ovca.conf, on each management node, to ensure that the correct proxy settings are specified for a download to succeed from the Internet. This depends on the network location from where the download is served. See Section 5.1, “Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Updates” for more information.


Updates are controlled with ovca-updater commands. To display usage options, enter ovca-updater --help at the shell prompt of the management node.

Updating the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Software

  1. Log into My Oracle Support and download the required Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance software update.

    You can find the update by searching for the product name Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance, or for the Patch or Bug Number associated with the update you need.

  2. Make the update, a zipped ISO, available on an HTTP or FTP server that is reachable from your Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance.

  3. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the management node.


    The default root password is Welcome1.

    Choose the option that applies to your environment:

    • If you are performing the mandatory initial update from Release 1.0.1 to Release 1.0.2 on an unconfigured and unprovisioned system, use a workstation connected to the provided cable attached to port 24 of the Oracle Switch ES1-24 and statically assign IP address to it. In this internal appliance management network, the first management node IP address is .


      Port 24 of the Oracle Switch ES1-24 has a minimum transfer rate of 1000 Mbit/s (GbE). If your workstation requires a lower speed (Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbit/s), you may use port 19 of the second Oracle Switch ES1-24, which is the one on the right hand side if you look from the rear of the rack. A Cat5 Ethernet cable is plugged in and coiled up on the side.


      Before the mandatory initial update, you also need to power on the second management node. You must log in to both management nodes using SSH to create the file /tmp/install.log.

      # ssh root@
      root@'s password:
      root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# touch /tmp/install.log
      root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh root@
      root@'s password:
      root@ovcamn06r1 ~]# touch /tmp/install.log
      root@ovcamn06r1 ~]# exit
      Connection to closed.
      root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#

    • If you are updating a configured and provisioned system, connect to the management node using its IP address in the data center network, as you configured it in the Network Setup tab of the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard. For details, see Section 2.4, “Network Setup”.


      The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

      # ssh root@
      root@'s password:
      root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#

  4. Download the ISO to your Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance.

    # ovca-updater -m download -s -u http://download-url.example.com/ovca-version-build.iso.zip
    Download of http://download-url.example.com/ovca-version-build.iso.zip started successfully. \
    Task id is 5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67
  5. Check the progress of the ISO download. When the download is finished, proceed with the next step.

    # ovca-updater -m download -l -i 5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67
    Task ID                           Pct   Elapsed time Status
    5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67  60%   155.305 sec    RUNNING 
    # ovca-updater -m download -l -i 5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67
    Task ID                           Pct   Elapsed time Status
    5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67  70%   285.904 sec    RUNNING 
    # ovca-updater -m download -l -i 5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67
    Task ID                           Pct   Elapsed time Status
    5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67 100%   338.102 sec    SUCCESS 

    To list all downloads and their status, enter this command:

    # ovca-updater -m download -l
    Task ID                           Pct   Elapsed time Status
    5ba4f1a09c9546b29a560e3d6682ce67 100%   338.102 sec    SUCCESS 
  6. When the download has completed successfully, activate it by launching the update process.

    # ovca-updater -m update -s
    WARNING:root:Activating update process. Starting with nonmaster node

    Once you issue this command, the update process is initiated as described in Section 1.7, “Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2 Software Update”.

  7. Check the progress of the software update.

    # ovca-updater -m update -l
    Mgmt Node IP    Update Started      Update Ended        Elapsed     2013-10-02 16:52:14 ------------------- 0:02:18 

    At a certain point during the update process, the active management node is rebooted. As a result, the SSH connection is lost. In addition, this may cause the Dashboard to become unresponsive temporarily, and you may be required to log back in.

    When the master management node reboots, the secondary (updated) management node assumes the master role. The original master management node is then also updated and becomes the backup management node.