Chapter 7 Configure Appliance

Table of Contents

7.1 Log into the Dashboard
7.2 Configure System Parameters

When the initialization of all hardware is complete, the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance must be configured according to the specific requirements of the operating environment. The following sections explain how to perform the configuration through the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard.

7.1 Log into the Dashboard

Location: part 2, page 4, pane 9

Pane 9 provides instructions to log into the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard.


  1. Using the browser on the workstation, connect to the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard at

  2. Log in to the Dashboard. The default user name is ovcaadmin; the password is Welcome1.

  3. Wait for the Hardware View tab to indicate that all components are up and running and all compute nodes have completed the provisioning process.

    A screenshot of the Dashboard shows the Hardware View tab. It contains a front view of a fully populated base rack. As the provisioning process progresses, components appear in "green" status when they become available.

7.2 Configure System Parameters

Location: part 2, page 4, pane 10

Pane 10 provides instructions for a basic initial system configuration.


  1. Using the Dashboard, configure the system environment parameters, including: input locale, domain name, time zone, NTP and DNS servers.

  2. For security reasons, always replace default system passwords.

    For detailed instructions, refer to the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Administrator's Guide.

  3. Go to the Network Setup tab and replace the default IP configuration of the management nodes with the reserved IP addresses in your data center network. Enter the default gateway of your data center network.

    A screenshot of the Dashboard shows the Network Setup tab. The administrator must enter four IP addresses: the default gateway of the data center network and the three reserved IP addresses described in the Network Requirements section on page one of theOracle Virtual Compute Appliance Quick Start Poster. These reserved IP addresses are used for Management Node 1, Management Node 2, and their shared Virtual IP.

  4. Click OK. During network reconfiguration, connectivity is lost temporarily.

  5. Reconnect to the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard at the new virtual IP address of the management node cluster: https://<virtual_ip>:7002/ovca.

  6. Download the latestOracle Virtual Compute Appliance software package from My Oracle Support (

  7. Complete the configuration process.

    For detailed instructions, refer to the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Administrator's Guide.