Global options for SSL

These global options are used to support SSL-enabled communications with an Oracle Endeca Server running over SSL.

You are required to use these options if you have enabled the Oracle Endeca Server to run only over SSL. Before using these options, you must run the generate_ssl_keys utility to generate the required keystore and truststore certificates:

These files are placed in the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/ssl directory. For details on this utility, see the Oracle Endeca Server Installation Guide.

Note: This topic assumes that you are using the non-SSL version of the endeca-cmd utility. The SSL version references a configuration file that provides the certificate locations, so you do not have to use these options. For details on the SSL version of the endeca-cmd utility, see SSL version of endeca-cmd.
The following global options in endeca-cmd are provided to enable SSL support:
Option Description
--keystore Specifies the location of a keystore file needed for authentication to the Oracle Endeca Server. For example, the endecaServerClientCert.ks keystore can be used.

If you use this option, it implies that SSL should be used for communication between endeca-cmd and the Oracle Endeca Server. This means that you don't need to use the --ssl option.

Note: If you specify a keystore, this causes endeca-cmd to prompt for a password. Therefore, if you use the --keystore option, you cannot run endeca-cmd as part of a script.
--truststore Specifies the location of a truststore file needed for verifying the authenticated connection to the Oracle Endeca Server. For example, the endecaServerTrustStore.ks truststore can be used.

If you use this option, it implies that SSL should be used for communication between endeca-cmd and the Oracle Endeca Server. This means that you don't need to use the --ssl option.

Note: If you specify a truststore, this causes endeca-cmd to prompt for a password. Therefore, if you use the --truststore option, you cannot run endeca-cmd as part of a script.
--ssl Specifies whether to use an authenticated SSL connection to the Oracle Endeca Server.

If you use either the --keystore or --truststore option, then you don't need to use the --ssl option, as the authenticated SSL connection is implied by specifying the keystore or the truststore file.

If you use --ssl without either a --keystore or --truststore option, you can use an empty keystore and the cacerts file as your truststore. Alternatively, you can use the standard approaches for creating keystore and truststore files in the WebLogic Server.

--password Specifies a password for accessing the keystore and its key, and the truststore. The keystore and truststore are both assumed to use this password.

The password used for the key in the keystore will be this password with "clientkey" appended (and in the case of failure, this password will also be tried for the key).

This option is intended for use in scripts.

--keystore-password Specifies a password for accessing the keystore (overrides the --password option).

This option is intended for use in scripts.

--truststore-password Specifies a password for accessing the truststore (overrides the --password option).

This option is intended for use in scripts.

--key-password Specifies a password for accessing the key within the keystore (overrides the --password option)

This option is intended for use in scripts.