Endeca Server node operations

These commands operate on Endeca Server nodes, by allowing you to specify the node profile that will be used by each Endeca Server node in the cluster, obtain the node profile that is currently configured, delete an Endeca Server node, list nodes, and obtain the status of the cluster and its nodes.


The set-node-profile command sets the hardware profile for the Endeca Server nodes.

The syntax for this command is:
endeca-cmd set-node-profile [global-options] [set-options]
The command has these options:
Set Option Meaning
--num-cpu-cores <int> The number of CPU cores on each Endeca Server machine.

If not specified, defaults to the number of cores allocated to this Endeca Server when it is deployed in WebLogic Server.

--ram-size-mb <int> The amount of virtual memory on the Endeca Server node to allocate to the Endeca Server application.

If not specified, defaults to 1024 MB.

This example:
endeca-cmd set-node-profile --num-cpu-cores 8 --ram-size-mb 2048
sets the number of CPU cores to 8 and the size of the main cache to 2048.


The get-node-profile command lists the hardware profile used for all of the Endeca Server nodes that are currently running. The profile information is the number of CPU cores and the size of RAM (MB).

The syntax for this command is:
endeca-cmd get-node-profile [global-options]
The command has no options.


The get-node-health command lists the health information for the specified Endeca Server node. The command returns the Endeca Server node's host name and port, the protocol, and the status of the node. Additionally, it lists the status of the Dgraph nodes hosted on this Endeca Server node (these Dgraph nodes belong to different data domain clusters).

The syntax for this command is:
endeca-cmd get-node-health <node-hostname> [global-options]
where node-hostname is the name of an Endeca Server node (it should be one of the names returned by the list-nodes command).

This command has no options.


The get-cluster-health command reports an overall status of the Endeca Server cluster. The command lists the host names and ports of the nodes running the Cluster Coordinator and their status, the Endeca Server nodes and their status, and the data domains, indicating whether they are enabled.

The syntax for this command is:
endeca-cmd get-cluster-health [global-options]
The command has no options.


The delete-node command deletes an Endeca Server node after checking that no data domains are allocated on this node. If the Endeca Server node that you would like to delete is hosting any Dgraph nodes serving any data domains, the Endeca Server attempts to migrate them to other Endeca Server cluster nodes, before removing this node. If the Endeca Server cluster has no sufficient resources for moving data domains to other nodes, it prevents you from deleting this node.

If you use this command to delete a node and the node is deleted successfully, make sure you also shut down the WebLogic Server hosting this Endeca Server instance.

The syntax for this command is:
endeca-cmd delete-node <node-hostname> [global-options]
where node-hostname is the name of an Endeca Server node (it should be one of the names returned by the list-nodes command).

This command has no options.


The list-nodes command lists the host names of the active Endeca Server nodes, without providing any additional information.

The syntax for this command is:
endeca-cmd list-nodes [global-options]
The command has no options.