7 The Activation API

The Activation API supports auto-activation for networks and connections. You must activate these networks or connections after designing, ordering, and provisioning them. Technologies include:

  • ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

  • DSL with POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)

  • Ethernet

  • Frame Relay

  • MPLS (Multiple Protocol Label Switching)

  • Traditional POTS

  • VLAN

  • VoATM

  • VoDSL (Voice over DSL)

The export design provides the raw data that a third party's system needs to automatically activate a previously provisioned network or connection. The data includes information about system activation, activation of physical and virtual connections, and the elements which the connections link.


The export presents connection information by grouping connection and port address information under Network Elements. Connections represent the elements tied together because connections cannot exist without elements or ports. For the VLAN type of network, no connections exist like other systems, except for PortAddress assignments on the NetworkElements that make up the system. For this case, the port address assignments are shown on the NetworkElements separate from the individual and group connections on the element.

Network System Information

The NetworkSystem structure is returned in the NetworkSystems sequence on the Activation structure when a system is part of an order or the non-order specifies a network system. In the case of an order, if no elements or connections are ordered with the system, only the system information, including custom attributes, are returned. If elements or connections are ordered with it, they are returned with the system. In the non-order scenario, all elements and connections related to the system are retrieved to show a complete view of the entire system.

Order Processing

Auto-activation provides the export of data necessary for activation and provides data for the Activation Report presented to a user online. The processing for the Network System Connection Export is predicated on gateway event processing. As part of the provisioning plan, an activation gateway event fires. This event includes information identifying activated networks or connections. In the case of processing by an order, the gateway event includes the WDIEvent, which has the order number as part of its data.

If this is a non-order activation, then the gateway event uses WDIEvent2 with the first key specifying the type of item and the second key specifying the item. The third key is used for the issue number where necessary.

The first key values are:

  • 1 = virtual connections

  • 2 = physical connections

  • 3 = service items

The second key contains:

  • For virtual connections, the design ID

  • For physical connections, the circuit design ID

  • For service items, the service item ID

The third key holds the issue number for the design in the case of virtuals and for the circuit design ID for physicals. When the first key indicates the request is for a physical connection, the third key representing the issue number is ignored because issue numbers are not applicable to such connections in this release.

Single Connection

Processing outside the context of an order can occur. A typical scenario involves a network already provisioned, active, and is reproduced within the MetaSolv Solution as inventory. If the calling application knows the network system ID or the connection in question, then export of the data for activation can occur. The calling application sends the WDIEvent2 structure passed to it by the gateway event and echoes it back to the API if:

  • The type (first key on WDIEvent2) is virtual, the second key on the WDIEvent2 is the design ID of the virtual connection and the third key is the issue number.

  • The type is physical, the second key on the WDIEvent2 is the circuit design ID of the physical connection and the third key is the issue number (ignored in this release).

  • The type is service item, the second key is the service item ID and the third key is ignored.


In an order activation scenario, the order number passed in through the WDIEvent object drives the process. The document number is used to retrieve all level one service items for the order and the types are evaluated. If the type is System, the child service items for that level one are retrieved and those types are evaluated. If the type is Connector or Element, the information for those items is retrieved. Connectors are represented by the elements which the connections bring together. All elements and any connectors grouped with those elements, associated with the network system, are returned. If the level one item is Element or Connector type, those Element structures are grouped on the Activation structure in the NonSystemSpecificElementsAndConnections sequence because connections are grouped under the elements they tie together. Switch Translation information is retrieved, if any exists for the order, and returned in the SwitchTranslations sequence on the Activation structure. Internet translation information, which appears on the Activation Report, is not included on the export.

MetaSolv Solution Key Concepts

In order to understand the information made available through the Activation API, you must understand certain key concepts. These concepts include:

  • MetaSolv Solution Work Management subsystem

  • MetaSolv Solution Gateway Event Server

  • Gateway events and the Activation API

  • Exporting data using the Activation API

  • Reference architecture

  • Design considerations

Activation API IDL files

The Activation API consists of the following IDL files:





Activation API Interface Relationships

Figure 7-1 illustrates the relationship of the Activation API interfaces.

Figure 7-1 Activation API Interface Relationships

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of "Figure 7-1 Activation API Interface Relationships"

Activation API Operation Descriptions

The following IDL operations support the exporting of an activation assignment using the Activation API.

Only physical connections that have been completely designed are included in the Activation Report. Additionally, if the equipment used by a designed physical connection does not have an element association, the physical connection information for that element is not included on the Activation Report. The same is true for virtual connections with port addresses.

  • getActivationInformationForOrder

    This operation drives the processing for the retrieval of the activation information using the data sent into the constructor. The operation performs the following tasks:

    • Retrieves the level one service item information for the document number. Evaluates the type for each of the service items. Processes items that have the type:

      • SYSTEM


    • Retrieves SwitchTranslation information for the document number if any is available.

    • Retrieves InternetTranslation information for the document number.

    • Retrieves all of the notes for the document number.

    • Retrieves the order information for the document number and populates the OrderInformationData using the information retrieved.

    • If the type is System, the operation retrieves the activation information for the network by performing the following tasks:

      • Obtains the Network System ID using the servItemId.

      • Retrieves the NetworkSystemData.

      • Retrieves the child service items for the system service item ID.

      • If child type is Connector, uses the circuit design ID from the service item record to retrieve a vector of NetworkElementData containers representing the connection.

      • If the child type is Element, retrieves the ID for the element. Retrieves the Network ElementData container for that element.

    • If the type is Product Bundle, the operation retrieves the activation information for the bundle by performing the following tasks:

      • Retrieves the child service items for the product bundle's service item ID and processes each one.

      • If the child type is Connector, uses the circuit design ID from the service item record to retrieve a vector of NetworkElementData containers representing the connection.

      • If the child type is Element, retrieves the ID for the element. Retrieves the NetworkElementData container for that element.

  • getActivationInformationForVirtualConnection

    • Retrieves the NetworkElementData containers representing the virtual connection that includes allocated physical connections and allocated port addresses.

    • Adds NetworkElementData containers obtained to the NonSystemSpecificElementsAndConnections vector on the ActivationData container, which is translated before being sent back to the calling application.

  • getActivationInformationForPhysicalConnection

    • Retrieves the NetworkElementData containers representing the physical connection.

    • Adds NetworkElementData containers obtained to the NonSystemSpecificElementsAndConnections vector on the ActivationData container, which will be translated before being sent back to the calling application.

  • getActivationInformationForServItem

  • Retrieves the service item record for the service item ID passed.

  • If the service item is a physical connection, data retrieved is the same as calling getActivationInformationForPhysicalConnection.

  • If the service item is a virtual connection, data retrieved is the same as calling getActivationInformationForVirtualConnection. The issue number used for the virtual connection is the most recent pending issue, or if no pending issue exists, the most recent current issue.

  • If the type is SYSTEM, obtain the network system ID using the service item ID.

    • Retrieves the NetworkSystemData for the network system ID.

    • Obtains the related virtual connection IDs and obtains the NetworkElementData containers representing those connections.

    • Obtains the physical connection IDs for any physical connections that do not have virtual allocations made to them. For each of these connections, obtains the NetworkElementData containers representing the appropriate element.

    • Obtains any remaining network element IDs. For each element ID, obtains the NetworkElement information by invoking the getNetworkElementInformation.

    • Adds the NetworkElementData containers for the elements and the connections. Adds them to the NetworkElements vector on the NetworkSystemData container.

    • Adds the NetworkSystemData container to the ActivationData container.

  • If the type is Product Bundle, obtains the product bundle components by performing the following tasks:

    • Retrieves the child service items for the product bundle's service item ID and processes each one.

    • If the child type is Connector, uses the circuit design ID from the service item record to retrieve a vector of NetworkElementData containers representing the connection.

    • If the child type is Element, retrieves the ID for the element. Retrieves the NetworkElementData container for that element.

  • If the type is ELEMENT, obtains the element ID.

    • Obtains the NetworkElementData container.

    • Adds the NetworkElementData container to the NonSystemSpecificElementsAndConnections on the ActivationData container.

    • Returns the ActivationData container to be translated and returned to the calling application.

  • getActivationInformationForServItemWithOrderHeader

    Retrieves all of the data under the getActivationInformationForServItem heading. In addition:

    • Retrieves SwitchTranslation information for the document number if any is available.

    • Retrieves InternetTranslation information for the document number.

    • Retrieves all of the notes for the document number.

    • Retrieves the order information for the document number and populates the OrderInformationData using the information retrieved.

  • getNetworkSystemInformation

    • Obtains the service item ID for the Network System ID.

    • Using the service item, invokes the getActivationInformationForServItem operation.

    • Returns the NetworkSystemData container from the ActivationData container.