8 The Plant API

The telecommunications industry uses the term plant to describe two different environments within the context of network inventory management and network provisioning. These environments are outside plant (OSP) and inside plant (ISP). A company's inside plant investment is sometimes referred to as central office equipment (COE) or simply equipment.

The purpose of the Plant API is to enable the integration between an OSP system and Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution. The primary intent is for the OSP to maintain plant inventory while the MetaSolv database retains assignment information.

The integration is achieved via gateway events, which are associated with tasks in a provisioning plan.

Plant implementation Concepts

This section describes issues you must be familiar with when building an application that interfaces with the Plant API.

Order Management

The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module assists MetaSolv Solution users in managing the flow of work and information from service requests to provisioning ordered services. Tasks are generated in the Order Management subsystem when the MetaSolv Solution user selects a provisioning plan upon completion of the order entry activities. A provisioning plan is a list of tasks required for each order type to be considered complete. Each task has a time interval and an assigned work group, responsible for completing the task.

The MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure module provides the MetaSolv Solution user with the ability to build and customize provisioning plans specific to their needs. The samples are primarily meant to reflect the sequential relationships between the PA, RID/DLRD, DD, and PAC tasks.

Associating the plant assignment gateway event with the PA task instead of the RID/DLRD task provides several advantages. The DLR/CLR lines do not show the correct plant assignments until the gateway event is complete. If the gateway event is associated with the RID/DLRD task, a MetaSolv Solution user opening the DLR/CLR prior to the completion of the plant assignment gateway event is presented with incomplete plant assignments. The user can avoid confusion if the gateway event is separated from the RID/DLRD task. Keeping the gateway event task (the PA task) separate from the RID/DLRD task enables smoother problem resolution if gateway event errors exist.

A provisioning plan sample for a new or change PSR order can include the following tasks:

  • APP: to process the order application from customer

  • CKTID: to identify circuit assignments and locations

  • PA: to send gateway event for auto-assignment of plant

  • RID: to complete the circuit design

  • PTD: to perform plant test activities

  • DD: to indicate the circuit is in service

  • PAC: to send gateway event to indicate the plant is in service

  • BILLING: to perform billing activities

A provisioning plan sample for an ASR or PSR disconnect order can include the following tasks:

  • PA: to send gateway event for plant disassociation

  • RID/DLRD: to disassociate plant from circuit and to complete other circuit disconnect activities

  • DD: to indicate the circuit is disconnected

  • PAC: to send gateway event to indicate plant is disconnected

  • BILLING: to perform billing activities

A provisioning plan sample for an ISR may include the following tasks:

  • PA: to send gateway event for auto-assignment of plant

  • RID: to complete the circuit design

  • PTD: to perform plant test activities

  • DD: to indicate the circuit is in service

  • PAC: to send gateway event to indicate the plant is in service

Recommendations for Assigning Gateway Events to Provisioning Plan Tasks

Before you can associate gateway events with a provisioning plan task, the MetaSolv Solution user must first define the gateway and gateway event in the MetaSolv Solution Work Management Gateway module. While developing a provisioning plan, the MetaSolv Solution user can associate gateway events to specific provisioning plan tasks.


When creating a gateway event, the MetaSolv Solution user must negotiate with the mediation server vendor to define appropriate gateway event names and platform-related information.

You cannot associate gateway events with orders that already have provisioning plans applied. Therefore, you should add gateway events to any task that might be used for an electronic interface in the future. After task generation, a MetaSolv Solution user can bypass a gateway event or reactivate a bypassed gateway event for a task that has not completed. The MetaSolv Solution user can also reopen a task, and then reactivate the gateway event for completed tasks.

You can assign multiple gateway events to a single task. You can also assign a gateway event to multiple tasks. When you assign a gateway event to a task, the task cannot be completed until the gateway event is complete.

Provisioning plan tasks can be defined as system tasks. System tasks do not require any action by the MetaSolv Solution user.

The plant assignment and inventory interface can be accomplished with only two different gateway events: Plant assignment and plant assignment complete. According to the provisioning plan samples illustrated above, the plant assignment gateway event is associated with the PA task, and the plant assignment complete gateway event is associated with the PAC task.

When defining these events, the following parameters are recommended. You should check the Force Reopen check box so that the gateway event can be resubmitted in the event that a task is reopened due to a supplement to the order prior to completing the order. For the event level, select Order Level so that a single gateway event signal is sent for all of the circuits requiring plant assignment. Specify the Direction as outbound. You should associate the gateway events with all three of the activity groups: new, change and disconnect. Check the Provisioning check box for the event type.

Options for Modify Cable Pair Assignment Preference

The Plant API requires you to set the value for the system preference Options for Modify Cable Pair Assignment to Create Pending Assignment. The four options presented in this preference dictate how MetaSolv Solution is to manage the assignment if the requested plant element is already assigned to another circuit. The Plant API assumes a tight integration with the OSP system. It assumes that assignment statuses are synchronized between the OSP system and MetaSolv Solution. Therefore, the Plant API always attempts to create pending assignments when plant elements are reassigned for future-use circuits. Plant API and Plant Administration software options are mutually exclusive.

Transaction Management and the Plant API

The Plant API manages transaction processing on behalf of your application. That is, the Plant API handles all commits and rollbacks to the MetaSolv Solution database instead of requiring your application to explicitly commit or rollback transactions. When you request an operation that succeeds, the Plant API immediately commits the results of the operation, then notifies you of its success. When a requested operation fails, the Plant API immediately rolls back the results of the operation, then notifies you of the failure. The Plant API's importPlantAssignment operation, which allows processing of multiple circuits, performs the commit or rollback separately for each circuit as the import succeeds or fails, prior to notifying you of the result. If it fails, the importPlantAssignmentFailed notification returns the list of circuits that were successfully updated prior to the failure.

Associating Separations Route to Plant Transport

Plant API does not allow for the association of a separations route to the plant transport (cable complement). In MetaSolv Solution, you can specify a separations route for a given complement. The application uses the mileage in the separations route to validate the length of the plant element properties.

Consequential Equipment Assignments

The Plant API does not offer the ability to import equipment to assign along with the plant element assignments. Typically, a plant element terminates at the CO by a piece of line equipment or a fiber distribution panel. When the OSP sends the plant assignment information, it might know the line equipment on which the plant element terminates. The Plant API does not offer the capability to import, assign, and build DLR blocks for line terminating equipment. You can create the hard-wired cross-connect between the equipment you want to use for the assignment and the line-terminating equipment and manually assign the line equipment. Otherwise, the process of selecting and assigning the line-terminating equipment is manual.

Key MetaSolv Solution Concepts

In order to understand the information made available through the Plant API, you must understand certain key concepts. These concepts include:

  • MetaSolv Solution Work Management subsystem

  • MetaSolv Solution Gateway Event Server

  • MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure API Server

  • Gateway events and the Plant API

  • Exporting data via the Plant API

  • Importing data via the Plant API

  • Reference architecture

  • Design considerations

  • Transaction management

  • Structured formats

Plant API IDL Files

The Plant API consists of the following IDL files:

  • WDIPlant.idl

  • WDIPlantTypes.idl

  • WDI.idl

  • WDIUtil.idl

Plant API Interface Relationships

Figure 8-1 illustrates the relationship of the Plant API interfaces.

Figure 8-1 Plant API Interface Relationships

Description of Figure 8-1 follows
Description of "Figure 8-1 Plant API Interface Relationships"

PlantSession Interface

Table 8-1 lists the operations that comprise the PlantSession interface.

Table 8-1 Plant API Interface Operations

Operation WDINotification Operations




























Plant API Operation Descriptions

The following IDL operations support the importing of a plant assignment using the Plant API.

  • getFunctionCodes

    Retrieves a list of valid function codes for use with a plant assignment. The referenceNumber argument is generated by the operation's client, allowing it to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The notification argument is the callback reference necessary for the API to complete the request in an asynchronous environment.

    Function codes represent the uses for a plant element assigned to a circuit. You get the list of valid function codes from a static list. The list is as follows:

    • T = Transmit

    • R = Receive

    • S1 = Side One

    • S2 = Side Two

    • X2 = Two Wire

    • X4 = Four Wire

  • getLoadingTypes

    Obtains a list of valid loading types to use to query for a plant transport physical composition spec. The referenceNumber argument is the number that generates by the client of the operation, allowing the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The notification argument is the callback reference necessary for the API to complete the request in an asynchronous environment.

    Loading types represent the possible ways in which a plant element amplifies to counteract signal loss. This list is user-definable and dynamic. The data provided as base data to a new customer is as follows:

    • D66: D indicates 4500 feet between load points with 66mh (millihenry).

    • H88: H indicates 6000 feet between load points with 88mh (millihenry).

    • NL: Non-loaded refers to cable pairs without load coils attached to them.

    • L: Loaded refers to cable pairs with load coils attached to them.

  • getPlantTransportClasses

    Obtains a list of valid classes to use to query for a plant transport physical composition specification. The referenceNumber argument is the number that generates by the client of the operation, allowing the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The notification argument is the callback reference necessary for the API to complete the request in an asynchronous environment.

    Plant transport classes represent the medium of the plant transport. This static list has the following values:

    • COPPER

    • FIBER



    • COAX

  • queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpec

    A success notification operation that corresponds to the queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpec operation. The referenceNumber argument is the number that generates by the client of the operation which allows the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The plantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpecList is the list of plant transport physical composition specs returned based on the query criteria you provide to the queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpec operation.

    The plant transport physical composition specifications describe the possible gauge, loading type, medium, and frequency combinations you can use to describe the physical aspects of a plant transport. This query equates to the Cable Pair Properties Query you can find in the Infrastructure module. A new generic query name now exists so that you can represent all mediums of plant transports (cables) without a bias toward one specific medium.

  • getPlantElementAssignmentStatuses

    A success notification operation that corresponds to the PlantSession::getPlantElementAssignmentStatuses operation. The referenceNumber argument is the number that generates by the client of the operation, allowing the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The assignmentStatusList argument is the list of valid plant element assignment statuses.

    Plant element statuses represent the possible list of statuses that a plant element (pair) can have. The possible values from this static list are:

    • 1 = Unassigned

    • 2 = Pending

    • 3 = InService

    • 4 = Pending Discount

    • 6 = Reserved

    • 7 = Reserved Capacity

  • exportServiceRequestDetail

    Obtains a service request detail to determine how to process the gateway event signal. The third-party server receives a generic notification from the gateway event server and needs to determine the service request activity in order to decide whether to obtain new connection information from the OSP system to pass to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API or to disconnect the existing connection on the OSP system. Additionally, this operation obtains the absolute originating and terminating locations for a circuit on an order, not only the end point but also the local serving offices, if appropriate. Given these two endpoints, the client must use the Infrastructure API to gather the location details for the location identifiers supplied.

    Using these location details, the client must match the location with the same location in the integrated third-party database. Once this work is complete, the client must find the associated plant and location details to pass to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API. If the client requires additional locations to complete the connection, the client must once again use the MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure API to find query for the internal MetaSolv Solution location identifier which passes to the Plant API along with the other plant assignment information. The referenceNumber argument is the number that generates by the client of the operation which allows the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The notification argument is the callback reference necessary for the API to complete the request in an asynchronous environment. The documentNumber argument is the key to the service request.

    You can obtain the document number from the MetaSolv::WDI::WDIEvent.documentNumber member. The WDIEvent is sent as a data payload from the gateway event server to the third-party server. If you are using this operation to obtain the list of circuits associated with an order, and the request to do so did not generate by the gateway event server, you must find the document number in the MetaSolv Solution database by matching service request details from the OSP to service request details in the MetaSolv Solution database, with the query yielding a MetaSolv Solution document number for the service request. You can either query using an existing API, such as PSR orders, or via a direct database SQL call.

  • exportPlantAssignment

    Obtains the plant element assignment information and plant transports used for designing a given circuit. The referenceNumber argument is the number that generates by the client of the operation, allowing the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The notification argument is the callback reference necessary for the API to complete the request in an asynchronous environment. The circuitDesignIdentifiers argument references the internal circuit design ID for MetaSolv Solution. You must retain this information on the OSP system for reconciliation purposes. The third-party server can pass more than one circuit design identifier in order to retrieve the plant transport assignment data for multiple circuits.

  • importPlantAssignment

    Imports the plant assignment data that passes from the client (the third-party mediation server). The concept is that an OSP system, other than MetaSolv Solution, maintains plant inventory. The OSP decides the appropriate plant data to use to complete the physical connection between the originating and terminating locations for the circuit, and provides that information to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API by means of the importPlantAssignment operation. The referenceNumber argument is the number that is generated by the client of the operation, allowing the client to match the asynchronous request to the corresponding result. The notification argument is the callback reference necessary for the API to complete the request in an asynchronous environment. The documentNumber argument is the key to the service request. You can obtain the document number from the MetaSolv::WDI::WDIEvent.documentNumber member or as output from the exportServiceRequestDetail IDL operation.

    The circuitDesignID argument represents one of the provisionable circuits that appear on the service request represented by the document number argument. The list of provisionable circuits can be determined using the exportServiceRequestDetail operation. The circuitPlantTransportList argument is the list of plant transport details necessary to complete the physical connection between the two endpoints of the circuit. The list can contain the connection details for an unlimited number of circuits.


    The Plant API commits each circuit individually to avoid any problems with filling rollback segments on the MetaSolv Solution database.

    In the event of an error (importPlantAssignmentFailed is called), the Plant API notifies the third-party server with the failed circuit design identifier.

    Using that information, the third-party server can determine the success and failure of all of the circuits. Also, the importPlantAssignmentFailed notification returns a list of all the circuits designed successfully. This information can be useful for resetting statuses on the OSP system. If the third-party server does not want to handle the difficulties inherent in working with large sets of data, the server can choose to call the IDL operation, once for each circuit found on the service request.


    The Plant API does not offer the ability to restart processing where it failed when the gateway event restarts. Because Plant API does not have a way of knowing if the OSP wants to change its allocation, the mediation server can resend all the circuits with the original assignment information or send only those that had not processed at the point of failure.

MetaSolv Solution API Software and Mediation Server Processes

An essential advantage of the MetaSolv Solution API architecture is the integration between the OSS Gateways and the MetaSolv Solution Work Management subsystem. This integration is enabled by gateway events. Gateway events are inbound or outbound signals between the Work Management subsystem and a third-party gateway vendor. As tasks are started or completed, gateway event signals are initiated to notify the third party vendor. Once notified, the third party software application can take appropriate action based on the event.

The mediation server is responsible for implementing the MetaSolv Solution API operations. Upon receipt of a gateway event signal, the mediation server takes appropriate action. To support the MetaSolv Solution Plant API interface, the mediation server is responsible for responding to two different gateway events: plant assignment and plant assignment complete.

The following process flows illustrate sample interactions between the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server, the Plant API server, the Infrastructure API server, the third-party mediation server, and to some extent, the external Plant inventory application. The integrator is ultimately responsible for designing, developing and implementing the interface. The process flows are intended to present important concepts, which should be considered by the integrator when developing the interface. The flows are not intended to dictate how to implement the interface.

Request for Plant Assignment

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed an order for a new circuit. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into a Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

  5. The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to New when a new circuit is ordered and plant facilities must be assigned to fulfill the order.

  6. The third-party mediation server performs a process to obtain network location details, if necessary. See "Obtain Network Location Details" for more information. The exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation provides the internal MetaSolv Solution location IDs for the absolute endpoints of a circuit. The third-party mediation server might need to obtain the physical address attributes of each endpoint location to synchronize the network locations between the integrated systems.

  7. The third-party mediation server presents the request for new plant assignment to the external plant inventory application.

  8. The external plant inventory user assigns the appropriate plant inventory and network locations required for each transmission circuit.

  9. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application associates the assigned plant inventory with the MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for future reference and data synchronization processing. It places the plant inventory into a pending assignment status.

  10. The third-party mediation server performs a query for the network location ID, if necessary. See "Query for Network Location ID" for more information. The exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation provides the absolute endpoints of a circuit; however, the plant engineer can select a path, which requires additional locations to complete the assignment. The internal MetaSolv Solution location IDs are required for the importPlantAssignment operation.

  11. The third-party mediation server performs a query to obtain physical plant specifications, if necessary. See "Query for Plant Specification ID" for more information. The internal MetaSolv Solution plant specification IDs are required for the importPlantAssignment operation.

  12. The third-party mediation server performs a query to obtain valid values for plant assignment, if necessary. See "Obtain Valid Values for Plant Import and Export" for more information. The valid values for specific fields are dynamic, depending on table entries maintained by the MetaSolv Solution user. You can obtain these values by executing the operations described in this process.

  13. The third-party mediation server sends the importPlantAssignment operation for each circuit on the order that requires plant assignments. Plant assignments are required for base circuits; however, they are not required for transmission circuits that ride base circuits. The import operation includes the physical details about the plant transport medium and the network and terminal locations involved in each circuit assignment.


    The plant assignment change process might not require a change in cable pair assignments. The third-party plan inventory system must determine whether to assign the same or different cable pair to the circuit based on the status of the cable pair. If plant assignment changes are not required for a circuit, the importPlantAssignment operation is not required for the circuit.
  14. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server assigns the plant inventory to the ordered circuits.

  15. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  16. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and plant assignment gateway event.

Request for Plant Assignment Change

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed a change order for an in-service circuit. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order, even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API Server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

  5. The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to change when modifying an existing circuit. The change order within MetaSolv Solution may not require a change to plant facilities. If problems exist with the assigned plant (bad cable pair), the plant inventory assigned to the circuit should be returned to inventory and new plant should be obtained from available inventory.

  6. The third-party mediation server performs a query for network location details, if necessary. See "Obtain Network Location Details" for more information. The exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation provides the internal MetaSolv Solution location IDs for the absolute endpoints of a circuit. The third-party mediation server might require the physical address attributes of each endpoint location to synchronize the network locations between the integrated systems.

  7. The third-party mediation server presents the currently assigned plant for each of the circuits on the change order to the external plant inventory application.

  8. The external plant inventory user determines if a change in plant inventory and network locations is required.

  9. If a change in plant inventory is not required, the third-party mediation server skips to step 14.

  10. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application associates the assigned plant inventory with the MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for future reference and data synchronization processing. It places the plant inventory into a pending assignment status.

  11. The third-party mediation server performs a query for the network location ID, if necessary. See "Query for Network Location ID" for more information. The exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation provides the absolute end points of a circuit; however, the plant engineer might select a path, which requires additional locations to complete the assignment. The internal MetaSolv Solution location IDs are required for the importPlantAssignment operation.

  12. The third-party mediation server performs a query for physical plant specifications, if necessary. See "Query for Plant Specification ID" for more information. The internal MetaSolv Solution plant specification IDs are required for the importPlantAssignment operation.

  13. The third-party mediation server performs a query for valid values, if necessary. See "Obtain Valid Values for Plant Import and Export" for more information. The valid values for specific fields are dynamic, depending on table entries maintained by the MetaSolv Solution user. You can obtain these values by executing the operations described in this process.

  14. The third-party mediation server sends the importPlantAssignment operation for each circuit on the order that requires plant assignments. Plant assignments are required for base circuits; however, they are not required for transmission circuits that ride base circuits. The import operation includes the physical details about the plant transport medium and the network and terminal locations involved in each circuit assignment.


    For the plant assignment change process, a change in cable pair assignments might be required. The third-party plant inventory system must determine if the same or different cable pair should be assigned to the circuit based on the status of the cable pair. If plant assignment changes are not required for a circuit, the importPlantAssignment operation is not required for the circuit.
  15. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server assigns the plant inventory to the ordered circuits.

  16. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  17. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and plant assignment gateway event.

Request to Cancel Plant Assignment

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed an order for a new circuit, has completed the initial plant assignment task on the provisioning plan, and has canceled the order. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

  5. The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to Cancel when a new or changed order has been placed, plant assignment activity has started, and the MetaSolv Solution user has cancelled the order. This process occurs after the new or change process is complete and before the confirmation process is started.

  6. The third-party mediation server identifies all of the outside plant elements related to the circuit or circuits provided in the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation. The third-party mediation server uses the internal MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for each circuit on the order to synchronize the plant elements between the integrated systems.

  7. The third-party mediation server presents the currently assigned plant for each of the circuits on the cancel order to the external plant inventory application.

  8. The external plant inventory user restores the plant assignments to their previous state prior to the new plant order or change plant order.

  9. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application disassociates the assigned plant inventory with the MetaSolv Solution circuit ID and updates the plant inventory status.

  10. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  11. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and plant assignment gateway event.

Request to Disconnect Plant Assignment

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed an order to disconnect service on a circuit. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

    The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to disconnect when the MetaSolv Solution user places an order to disconnect a circuit.

  5. The third-party mediation server identifies all of the outside plant elements related to the circuit or circuits provided in the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation. The third-party mediation server uses the internal MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for each circuit on the order to synchronize the plant elements between the integrated systems.

  6. The third-party mediation server presents the currently assigned plant for each of the circuits on the cancel order to the external plant inventory application.

  7. The external plant inventory user removes the plant assignments and returns them to available inventory.

  8. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application places the plant inventory into a pending disconnect status.

  9. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  10. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and Plant assignment gateway event.

Request to Cancel Plant Disconnect

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed an order to disconnect service on a circuit, has completed the plant assignment task on the provisioning plan, and has canceled the disconnect order. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into a Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

    The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to Cancel when a disconnect order is placed, plant assignment activity has started, and the MetaSolv Solution user has cancelled the disconnect order. This process occurs after the disconnect process is complete and before the confirmation process is started.

  5. The third-party mediation server identifies all of the outside plant elements related to the circuit or circuits provided in the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation. The third-party mediation server uses the internal MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for each circuit on the order to synchronize the plant elements between the integrated systems.

  6. The third-party mediation server presents the currently assigned plant for each of the circuits on the cancel disconnect order to the external plant inventory application.

  7. The external plant inventory user restores the plant assignments to their previous state prior to the disconnect plant order.

  8. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application restores the assigned plant inventory with the MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for future reference and data synchronization processing. It places the plant inventory into the previous state prior to the disconnect order.

  9. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  10. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and plant assignment gateway event.

Request for Change to Due Date

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate Work Management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The Work Management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the Work Management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed an order, has completed the plant assignment task on the provisioning plan, and has changed the due date on the order. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into a Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

    The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to Due Date Change when the MetaSolv Solution user places a new, change, or disconnect order, plant assignment activity has started, and the MetaSolv Solution user has modified the due date for the order. This process occurs after the new, change, or disconnect process is complete and before the confirmation process is started.

  5. The third-party mediation server identifies all of the outside plant elements related to the circuit or circuits provided in the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation. The third-party mediation server uses the internal MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for each circuit on the order to synchronize the plant elements between the integrated systems.

  6. The third-party mediation server presents the currently assigned plant for each of the circuits on the due date change order to the external plant inventory application.

  7. The external plant inventory user updates the planned due date for the pending plant assignments or plant disconnect.

  8. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application updates the planned due date.

  9. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  10. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and plant assignment gateway event.

Request for Plant Assignment Exception

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal a plant assignment request, and the user has associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the circuit identification task or activity and before the circuit design task or activity. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the PA task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PA task into Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

    The activity code returned from the exportServiceRequestDetail operation is equal to No Activity when the MetaSolv Solution user has placed a new, change, or disconnect order; however, analysis of the requested circuit or circuits indicates no plant inventory is required to fulfill the order.

    This order activity code should not occur in normal situations; however, the third-party mediation server should prepare for it. If this order activity is received for a circuit, no action is required for the specific circuit item.

  5. The third-party mediation server determines that no plant assignment activity is required.

  6. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server after plant assignments are complete for all of the ordered circuit items.

  7. The Work Management module changes the PA task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PA task and plant assignment gateway event.

Request to Complete Plant Assignment

Setup prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has created a gateway event to signal the due date task is complete. The user has also associated the gateway event with the appropriate work management task. The gateway event name must be coordinated between the system integrator and the MetaSolv Solution user. The work management task must be placed after the due date task. The name of the work management task is user defined; however, the example process flow refers to it as the plant assignment complete task.

Processing prerequisite: The MetaSolv Solution user has placed an order and has completed all work management tasks through the due date task. The MetaSolv Solution Work Management module places the PAC task into Ready status, determines if the gateway event rules are satisfied, and sends the signal to the gateway event server.

This gateway event is sent to the mediation server when the plant assignments are complete, all other equipment and facility assignments are complete, and the circuit items are either in service or disconnect as requested by the order.

This gateway event should not be sent when the MetaSolv Solution user cancels the original order. However, gateway event signals are largely user-controlled, so the third-party mediation server should be prepared for such an event.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API Server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

  5. The third-party mediation server identifies all of the outside plant elements related to the circuit or circuits provided in the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation. The third-party mediation server uses the internal MetaSolv Solution circuit ID for each circuit on the order to synchronize the plant elements between the integrated systems.

  6. The third-party mediation server sends the exportPlantAssignment operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for each circuit to confirm the plant assignments on the external plant inventory application are consistent with the plant assignment in the MetaSolv Solution application. This is an important step because MetaSolv Solution users have the option to reject the plant assignments made with the importPlantAssignment operation.

  7. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the exportPlantAssignmentSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits and the actual plant assignments.

  8. The third-party mediation server presents the pending plant assignments or pending plant disconnects for each of the circuits on the order to the external plant inventory application.

  9. The external plant inventory user completes the assignment or disconnect actions.

  10. The third-party mediation server or the external plant inventory application updates the plant inventory status.

  11. The third-party mediation server sends an eventCompleted2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  12. The Work Management module changes the PAC task to complete. This automatic activity relies on the user to correctly define the PAC task and plant assignment complete gateway event.

Import Plant Assignment Failed

Depending on the activities required by the external plant inventory application or the interaction between the third-party mediation server and the external plant inventory application, it might not be possible for the third-party mediation server to successfully import plant assignment information for all of the circuits requested. If this situation occurs, the third-party mediation server can implement the following process.

  1. The MetaSolv Solution gateway event server sends the eventOccurred operation to notify the third-party mediation server that plant assignment activity is required for a specific service order. One gateway event signal is sent for the entire service order even if it includes multiple circuit items.

  2. The third-party mediation server sends an eventInProgress2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

  3. The third-party mediation server sends a exportServiceRequestDetail operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server for the order.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API Server returns the exportServiceRequestDetailSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the list of transmission circuits, which require plant assignment action, and the activity code, which indicates the plant assignment action to take.

  5. The third-party mediation server sends the importPlantAssignment operation for each circuit on the order that requires plant assignments.

  6. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the importPlantAssignmentFailed operation with an error operation and a list of circuits, for which the import was successful.

  7. The third-party mediation server, the external plant inventory application, and/or the external plant inventory application user are unable to resolve the import error.

  8. The third-party mediation server sends the eventFailed2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution gateway event server.

Obtain Network Location Details

The process provides the ability to obtain details about a specific network location based on the internal MetaSolv Solution location ID.

  1. The third-party mediation server sends a getLocation operation to the MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure API server to obtain the physical address related to the specific internal MetaSolv Solution location ID.

  2. The MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure API server returns getLocationSucceeded operation with the physical addresses and other network location data.

Query for Network Location ID

This process provides the ability to query for and derive the internal MetaSolv Solution location ID for a specific network location based on the physical address or other defining attributes.

  1. The third-party mediation server prepares to send the queryNetworkLocations_v2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server to obtain the internal MetaSolv Solution network location ID based on one or more physical address components.

    A data structure is provided with this operation to specify search criteria. Knowledge of The MetaSolv Solution structure formats is critical to specifying physical address search criteria. Name and value pairs for physical address components are user-defined. The names of the physical address components must be coordinated between the MetaSolv Solution user and the systems integrator.

  2. The third-party mediation server, optionally, sends the getNetworkLocationTypes operation to the MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server to obtain the list of network location types, which can be used as search criteria for the queryNetworkLocations_v2 operation.

  3. The MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server returns the getNetworkLocationTypesSucceeded operation with the list of internal MetaSolv Solution network location type IDs along with their descriptions.

  4. The third-party mediation server, optionally, sends the getNetworkLocationCategories operation to the MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server to obtain the list of network location categories, which can be used as search criteria for the queryNetworkLocations_v2 operation.

  5. The MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server returns the getNetworkLocationTypesSucceeded operation with the list of internal MetaSolv Solution network location category IDs along with their descriptions.

  6. The third-party mediation server sends the queryNetworkLocations_v2 operation to the MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server to obtain the internal MetaSolv Solution network location ID based on one or more physical address components provided in the search criteria.

  7. The MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure server sends the queryNetworkLocationsSucceeded operation to the third-party mediation server with the internal MetaSolv Solution network location ID.

Query for Plant Specification ID

This process provides the ability to query for and derive the internal MetaSolv Solution plant specification ID for a specific type of outside plant transport facilities.

  1. The third-party mediation server sends queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpec operation to obtain the internal MetaSolv Solution plant transport physical composition specification code. In the query operation, one or more query values can be specific to limit the size of the result set.

  2. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpecSucceeded operation with all of the plant transport specifications, which meet the query criteria. The plant element specifications identify the physical properties of a plant transport medium such as cable, fiber, or air.

Obtain Valid Values for Plant Import and Export

For specific fields used in the plant import process, the valid values are dynamic. The operations included in this process provide the ability to export the valid values. There are many different ways to implement these operations. An integrator can choose to export the valid values each time he prepares the data for the import operation. An integrator may also choose to export the valid values at fixed intervals or during the server start-up routine and store the values for later reference.

  1. The third-party mediation server sends the getFunctionCodes operation to the MetaSolv Solution Plant API server to obtain a list of valid function codes. Examples of function codes include transmit and receive.

  2. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the getFunctionCodesSucceeded operation with the valid function codes.

  3. The getLoadingTypes operation can be used to obtain a list of valid loading types. One of these loading types (NL for non-loading) can be passed in the queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpec operation to limit the list of plant transport physical composition specifications to a specific loading type.

  4. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API Server returns the getLoadingTypesSucceeded operation with the valid loading types.

  5. You can use the getPlantTransportClasses operation to obtain a list of valid classes. One of these classes (copper, fiber, microwave, or satellite) can be passed in the queryPlantTransportPhysicalCompositionSpec operation to limit the list of plant transport physical composition specifications to a specific class.

  6. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API Server returns the getPlantTransportClassesSucceeded operation with the valid transport classes.

  7. The getPlantElementAssignmentStatuses operation can be used to obtain a list of cable pair or fiber status codes.

  8. The MetaSolv Solution Plant API server returns the getPlantElementAssignmentStatusesSucceeded operation with the status codes and definitions.